期刊文献 > J Mol Evol期刊 选择月份
2023 Sep (1)
2023 Aug (5)
2023 Jul (1)
2023 Jun (3)
20 2 (32)
1. A Law of Redundancy Compounds the Problem of Cancer and Precision Medicine.
J Mol Evol
2023 Sep 4
Singh RS.
2. Evolutionary Consequences of Functional and Regulatory Divergence of HD-Zip I Transcription Factors as a Source of Diversity in Protein Interaction Networks in Plants.
J Mol Evol
2023 Jun 23
Żyła N, Babula-Skowrońska D.
3. A Micro-evolutionary Change in Target Binding Sites as a Key Determinant of Ultrabithorax Function in Drosophila.
J Mol Evol
2023 Jun 21
Khan S, Pradhan SJ, Giraud G
4. Alternative Reading Frames are an Underappreciated Source of Protein Sequence Novelty.
J Mol Evol
2023 Jun 16
Ardern Z.
5. Molecular Evolution of Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Signaling Pathway Genes.
J Mol Evol
2023 Jul 1
Bhalla D, van Noort V.
6. Domain Architecture Based Methods for Comparative Functional Genomics Toward Therapeutic Drug Target Discovery.
J Mol Evol
2023 Aug 25
Gollapalli P, Rudrappa S, Kumar V
7. Phenotype Design Space Provides a Mechanistic Framework Relating Molecular Parameters to Phenotype Diversity Available for Selection.
J Mol Evol
2023 Aug 25
Savageau MA.
8. Systematic Analysis of Diverse Polynucleotide Kinase Clp1 Family Proteins in Eukaryotes: Three Unique Clp1 Proteins of Trypanosoma brucei.
J Mol Evol
2023 Aug 22
Saito M, Inose R, Sato A
9. Informatic Capabilities of Translation and Its Implications for the Origins of Life.
J Mol Evol
2023 Aug 1
Cuevas-Zuviría B, Adam ZR, Goldman AD
10. Pangenomic Analysis of Nucleo-Cytoplasmic Large DNA Viruses. I: The Phylogenetic Distribution of Conserved Oxygen-Dependent Enzymes Reveals a Capture-Gene Process.
J Mol Evol
2023 Aug 1
Campillo-Balderas JA, Lazcano A, Cottom-Salas W
11. A Genomic Conceptualization of Species.
J Mol Evol
20 2 3
Liberles DA.
12. Loss of Heterozygosity and Its Importance in Evolution.
J Mol Evol
20 2 3
Smukowski Heil C.
13. Main Factors Shaping Amino Acid Usage Across Evolution.
J Mol Evol
20 2 3
Lamolle G(#), Simón D(#), Iriarte A
14. Identifying Targets of Selection in Laboratory Evolution Experiments.
J Mol Evol
20 2 3
Martínez AA, Lang GI.
15. Barcoding Populations of Pseudomonas fluorescens SBW25.
J Mol Evol
20 2 3
Theodosiou L(#), Farr AD(#), Rainey PB.
16. The Mystery of Cancer Resistance: A Revelation Within Nature.
J Mol Evol
20 2 3
Trivedi DD, Dalai SK, Bakshi SR.
17. On the Unknown Proteins of Eukaryotic Proteomes.
J Mol Evol
20 2 3
Sanejouand YH.
18. Best Practices in Designing, Sequencing, and Identifying Random DNA Barcodes.
J Mol Evol
20 2 3
Johnson MS(#), Venkataram S(#), Kryazhimskiy S.
19. Revisiting the Design of the Long-Term Evolution Experiment with Escherichia coli.
J Mol Evol
20 2 3
Lenski RE.
20. Next Generation Sequencing Revolutionizes Organismal Biology Research in Bats.
J Mol Evol
20 2 3
Garg KM, Lamba V, Sanyal A
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