期刊文献 > J Microbiol期刊 选择月份
2023 Sep (6)
2023 Aug (1)
20 2 (38)
1. Crystal Structures of Plk1 Polo-Box Domain Bound to the Human Papillomavirus Minor Capsid Protein L2-Derived Peptide.
J Microbiol
2023 Sep 8
Jung S, Lee HS, Shin HC
2. Prions in Microbes: The Least in the Most.
J Microbiol
2023 Sep 5
Son M, Han S, Lee S.
3. The Fatal Role of Enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli Shiga Toxin-associated Extracellular Vesicles in Host Cells.
J Microbiol
2023 Sep 4
Lee KS(#), Park JY(#), Jeong YJ
4. Mycorrhizal Fungal Diversity Associated with Six Understudied Ectomycorrhizal Trees in the Republic of Korea.
J Microbiol
2023 Sep 4
Park KH(#), Oh SY(#), Cho Y
5. Fresh Washed Microbiota Transplantation Alters Gut Microbiota Metabolites to Ameliorate Sleeping Disorder Symptom of Autistic Children.
J Microbiol
2023 Sep 4
Liu NH(#), Liu HQ(#), Zheng JY(#)
6. The Regulation of Phosphorus Release by Penicillium chrysogenum in Different Phosphate via the TCA Cycle and Mycelial Morphology.
J Microbiol
2023 Sep 4
Wang L(#), Tian D(#), Zhang X
7. Denitrifying Woodchip Bioreactors: A Microbial Solution for Nitrate in Agricultural Wastewater-A Review.
J Microbiol
2023 Aug 18
Lee S, Cho M, Sadowsky MJ
8. Temperature Matters: Bacterial Response to Temperature Change.
J Microbiol
20 2 3
Moon S(#), Ham S(#), Jeong J(#)
9. Assembly of Bacterial Surface Glycopolymers as an Antibiotic Target.
J Microbiol
20 2 3
Cho H.
10. Manganese Transporter Proteins in Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium.
J Microbiol
20 2 3
Ha N, Lee EJ.
11. Bacterial Sialic Acid Catabolism at the Host-Microbe Interface.
J Microbiol
20 2 3
Kim J, Kim BS.
12. Membrane Proteins as a Regulator for Antibiotic Persistence in Gram-Negative Bacteria.
J Microbiol
20 2 3
Yee JX, Kim J, Yeom J.
13. cAMP Activation of the cAMP Receptor Protein, a Model Bacterial Transcription Factor.
J Microbiol
20 2 3
Youn H, Carranza M.
14. Microbial Interaction is Among the Key Factors for Isolation of Previous Uncultured Microbes.
J Microbiol
20 2 3
Yan C, Owen JS, Seo EY
15. Influence of Microbiota on Vaccine Effectiveness: "Is the Microbiota the Key to Vaccine-induced Responses?".
J Microbiol
20 2 3
Hong SH.
16. Mycobacterial Regulatory Systems Involved in the Regulation of Gene Expression Under Respiration-Inhibitory Conditions.
J Microbiol
20 2 3
Oh Y, Lee HN, Ko EM
17. Searching for a Reliable Viral Indicator of Faecal Pollution in Aquatic Environments.
J Microbiol
20 2 3
Andrianjakarivony FH, Bettarel Y, Desnues C.
18. Envelope-Stress Sensing Mechanism of Rcs and Cpx Signaling Pathways in Gram-Negative Bacteria.
J Microbiol
20 2 3
Cho SH, Dekoninck K, Collet JF.
19. Tubulysins are Essential for the Preying of Ciliates by Myxobacteria.
J Microbiol
20 2 3
Yu U, Kim J, Park S
20. Ultrasonic Treatment Enhanced Astaxanthin Production of Haematococcus pluvialis.
J Microbiol
20 2 3
Park YH(#), Park J(#), Choi JS
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