期刊文献 > J Microbiol期刊 选择月份
2023 Sep (6)
2023 Aug (1)
20 2 (38)
1. Temperature Matters: Bacterial Response to Temperature Change.
J Microbiol
20 2 3
Moon S(#), Ham S(#), Jeong J(#)
2. Assembly of Bacterial Surface Glycopolymers as an Antibiotic Target.
J Microbiol
20 2 3
Cho H.
3. Manganese Transporter Proteins in Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium.
J Microbiol
20 2 3
Ha N, Lee EJ.
4. Bacterial Sialic Acid Catabolism at the Host-Microbe Interface.
J Microbiol
20 2 3
Kim J, Kim BS.
5. Membrane Proteins as a Regulator for Antibiotic Persistence in Gram-Negative Bacteria.
J Microbiol
20 2 3
Yee JX, Kim J, Yeom J.
6. cAMP Activation of the cAMP Receptor Protein, a Model Bacterial Transcription Factor.
J Microbiol
20 2 3
Youn H, Carranza M.
7. Microbial Interaction is Among the Key Factors for Isolation of Previous Uncultured Microbes.
J Microbiol
20 2 3
Yan C, Owen JS, Seo EY
8. Influence of Microbiota on Vaccine Effectiveness: "Is the Microbiota the Key to Vaccine-induced Responses?".
J Microbiol
20 2 3
Hong SH.
9. Mycobacterial Regulatory Systems Involved in the Regulation of Gene Expression Under Respiration-Inhibitory Conditions.
J Microbiol
20 2 3
Oh Y, Lee HN, Ko EM
10. Searching for a Reliable Viral Indicator of Faecal Pollution in Aquatic Environments.
J Microbiol
20 2 3
Andrianjakarivony FH, Bettarel Y, Desnues C.
11. Envelope-Stress Sensing Mechanism of Rcs and Cpx Signaling Pathways in Gram-Negative Bacteria.
J Microbiol
20 2 3
Cho SH, Dekoninck K, Collet JF.
12. Tubulysins are Essential for the Preying of Ciliates by Myxobacteria.
J Microbiol
20 2 3
Yu U, Kim J, Park S
13. Ultrasonic Treatment Enhanced Astaxanthin Production of Haematococcus pluvialis.
J Microbiol
20 2 3
Park YH(#), Park J(#), Choi JS
14. Apoptotic Factors, CaNma111 and CaYbh3, Function in Candida albicans Filamentation by Regulating the Hyphal Suppressors, Nrg1 and Tup1.
J Microbiol
20 2 3
Kim S, Kim SH, Kweon E
15. UACG: Up-to-Date Archaeal Core Genes and Software for Phylogenomic Tree Reconstruction.
J Microbiol
20 2 3
Na SI, Bailey MJ, Chalita M
16. Tn5 Transposon-based Mutagenesis for Engineering Phage-resistant Strains of Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3).
J Microbiol
20 2 3
Wang Y, Xuan G, Ning H
17. Those Nematode-Trapping Fungi That are not Everywhere: Hints Towards Soil Microbial Biogeography.
J Microbiol
20 2 3
Deng W, Zhang F, Fornacca D
18. Antiviral Activity Against SARS-CoV-2 Variants Using in Silico and in Vitro Approaches.
J Microbiol
20 2 3
Lee HJ, Choi H, Nowakowska A
19. Identification and Characterization of HEPN-MNT Type II TA System from Methanothermobacter thermautotrophicus ΔH.
J Microbiol
20 2 3
Choi W, Maharjan A, Im HG
20. Fibroblast Growth Factor 11 Inhibits Hepatitis B Virus Gene Expression Through FXRα Suppression.
J Microbiol
20 2 3
Seong MS, Jang JA, Jeong YR
21. Epidemiological Characteristics of Norovirus Outbreaks in Shenyang from 2017 to 2021.
J Microbiol
20 2 3
Qi Y(#), Dong X(#), Cheng X
22. Comparison of Conjunctival Sac Microbiome between Low and High Myopic Eyes.
J Microbiol
20 2 3
Xiao K, Chen Z, Long Q.
23. Comparison of Ganoderma boninense Isolate's Aggressiveness Using Infected Oil Palm Seedlings.
J Microbiol
20 2 3
Lo ML, Thanh TAV, Midot F
24. Vaginal Microbiome Dysbiosis is Associated with the Different Cervical Disease Status.
J Microbiol
20 2 3
Ma Y(#), Li Y(#), Liu Y
25. Silver Nanoparticles Modified with Polygonatum sibiricum Polysaccharide Improve Biocompatibility and Infected Wound Bacteriostasis.
J Microbiol
20 2 3
Wang R(#), Li R(#), Zheng P
26. Rhizosphere Microbial Community and Metabolites of Susceptible and Resistant Tobacco Cultivars to Bacterial Wilt.
J Microbiol
20 2 3
Zhao W(#), Li Y(#), Yang C
27. Heterologous Production and Structure Determination of a New Lanthipeptide Sinosporapeptin Using a Cryptic Gene Cluster in an Actinobacterium Sinosporangium siamense.
J Microbiol
20 2 3
Saito K, Mukai K, Kaweewan I
28. Proposal of Flavihumibacter fluvii sp. nov. as a replacement name for the effectively published but invalidated epithet Flavihumibacter fluminis Park et al. 2022.
J Microbiol
20 2 3
Park MS, Sa H, Kang I
29. Chemokine CCL6 Plays Key Role in the Inhibitory Effect of Vitamin A on Norovirus Infection.
J Microbiol
20 2 3
Lee H(#), Lee G(#), Cho YH
30. Lactobacillus rhamnosus KBL2290 Ameliorates Gut Inflammation in a Mouse Model of Dextran Sulfate Sodium-Induced Colitis.
J Microbiol
20 2 3
Kim WK(#), Min SG(#), Kwon H
31. Relationship Between Mycotoxin Production and Gene Expression in Fusarium graminearum Species Complex Strains Under Various Environmental Conditions.
J Microbiol
20 2 3
Huang W, Zhou P, Shen G
32. Ship Hull-Fouling Diatoms on Korean Research Vessels Revealed by Morphological and Molecular Methods, and Their Environmental Implications.
J Microbiol
20 2 3
Park J, Kim T, Muhammad BL
33. Description of Ornithinimicrobium cryptoxanthini sp. nov., a Novel Actinomycete Producing β-cryptoxanthin Isolated from the Tongtian River Sediments.
J Microbiol
20 2 3
Huang Y, Jiao Y, Zhang S
34. CXCL12/CXCR4 Axis is Involved in the Recruitment of NK Cells by HMGB1 Contributing to Persistent Airway Inflammation and AHR During the Late Stage of RSV Infection.
J Microbiol
20 2 3
Chen S, Tang W, Yu G
35. Thioredoxin A of Streptococcus suis Serotype 2 Contributes to Virulence by Inhibiting the Expression of Pentraxin 3 to Promote Survival Within Macrophages.
J Microbiol
20 2 3
Zhao C, Jia X, Pan Y
36. Description of Luteibacter aegosomatis sp. nov., Luteibacter aegosomaticola sp. nov., and Luteibacter aegosomatissinici sp. nov. isolated from the Intestines of Aegosoma sinicum Larvae.
J Microbiol
20 2 3
Joe HI(#), Choi JW(#), Lee JY
37. Ten Novel Species Belonging to the Genus Flavobacterium, Isolated from Freshwater Environments: F. praedii sp. nov., F. marginilacus sp. nov., F. aestivum sp. nov., F. flavigenum sp. nov., F. luteolum sp. nov., F. gelatinilyticum sp. nov., F. aquiphilum sp. nov., F. limnophilum sp. nov., F. lacustre sp. nov., and F. eburneipallidum sp. nov.
J Microbiol
20 2 3
Jo H(#), Park MS(#), Lim Y
38. Environmental Adaptation of Psychrophilic Bacteria Subtercola spp. Isolated from Various Cryospheric Habitats.
J Microbiol
20 2 3
Lee H(#), Cho YJ(#), Cho A
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