期刊文献 > PeerJ期刊 选择月份
2023 Sep (65)
2023 Aug (173)
2023 Jul (159)
2023 Jun (156)
2023 May (170)
2023 Apr (136)
2023 Mar (185)
2023 Feb (101)
1. Reliability and validity of the Körperkoordinationstest Für Kinder in Chinese children.
2023 Jun 9
Li K(#), Bao R(#), Kim H
2. Systemic effect of calcium silicate-based cements with different radiopacifiers-histopathological analysis in rats.
2023 Jun 9
Ataş O(#), Bılge K(#), Yıldız S
3. Allopatric speciation is more prevalent than parapatric ecological divergence in a recent high-Andean diversification (Linochilus: Asteraceae).
2023 Jun 9
Vargas OM, Madriñán S, Simpson B.
4. Triptoquinone A and B exercise a therapeutic effect in systemic lupus erythematosus by regulating NLRC3.
2023 Jun 9
Xu Q(#), Zhang X(#), Ge S
5. Follow-up focused on psychological intervention initiated after intensive care unit in adult patients and informal caregivers: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
2023 Jun 9
Yoshihiro S, Taito S, Yamauchi K
6. Characterization of prophages in bacterial genomes from the honey bee (Apis mellifera) gut microbiome.
2023 Jun 9
Bueren EK, Weinheimer AR, Aylward FO
7. Honey bees and bumble bees occupying the same landscape have distinct gut microbiomes and amplicon sequence variant-level responses to infections.
2023 Jun 9
Amiri N(#), M Keady M(#), Lim HC.
8. Phenotypic and genetic diversity of doubled haploid bread wheat population and molecular validation for spike characteristics, end-use quality, and biofortification capacity.
2023 Jun 9
Kutlu I, Çelik S, Karaduman Y
9. Mineral nutrient variability of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tubers with different colors grown in Niksar, Kazova and Artova locations of Tokat Province, Turkey.
2023 Jun 9
Karan YB.
10. Inflammatory auxo-action in the stem cell division theory of cancer.
2023 Jun 8
Luo Y, Xiao JH.
11. Phylogeography and population genetic structure of the cardinal tetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi) in the Orinoco basin and Negro River (Amazon basin): evaluating connectivity and historical patterns of diversification.
2023 Jun 8
Sanchez-Bernal D(#), Martinez JG(#), Farias IP
12. Research progress on the bulb expansion and starch enrichment in taro (Colocasia esculenta (L). Schott).
2023 Jun 8
Zhang E, Shen W, Jiang W
13. In vitro and in silico evaluation of the design of nano-phyto-drug candidate for oral use against Staphylococcus aureus.
2023 Jun 8
Budama-Kilinc Y, Gok B, Cetin Aluc C
14. Endophytic fungus Biscogniauxia petrensis produces antibacterial substances.
2023 Jun 7
Han L, Zheng W, He Z
15. A miRNome analysis at the early postmortem interval.
2023 Jun 7
Guardado-Estrada M, Cárdenas-Monroy CA, Martínez-Rivera V
16. Diagnostic value and characteristic analysis of serum nucleocapsid antigen in COVID-19 patients.
2023 Jun 7
Zhang X(#), Qian C(#), Yang L
17. Raptor couples mTORC1 and ERK1/2 inhibition by cardamonin with oxidative stress induction in ovarian cancer cells.
2023 Jun 7
Zhu Y, Wang S, Niu P
18. Improving taxonomic classification of marine zooplankton by molecular approach: registration of taxonomically verified 18S and 28S rRNA gene sequences.
2023 Jun 7
Watanabe T, Hirai J, Sildever S
19. Alterations in gene expressions of Caco-2 cell responses to LPS and ploy(I:C) stimulation.
2023 Jun 7
Qin G(#), Zhao Y(#), Gan Y
20. MFAP2 enhances cisplatin resistance in gastric cancer cells by regulating autophagy.
2023 Jun 7
Li M, Zhang HY, Zhang RG.
21. The introduction of an invasive weed was not followed by the introduction of ethnobotanical knowledge: a review on the ethnobotany of Centaurea solstitialis L. (Asteraceae).
2023 Jun 7
Branco S, Irimia RE, Montesinos D.
22. Ecodatacube.eu: analysis-ready open environmental data cube for Europe.
2023 Jun 6
Witjes M, Parente L, Križan J
23. Fasudil may alleviate alcohol-induced astrocyte damage by modifying lipid metabolism, as determined by metabonomics analysis.
2023 Jun 6
Zhao H(#), Li X(#), Zheng Y
24. Influence of geographic origin and tissue type on the medicinal chemical compounds of Semiliquidambar cathayensis.
2023 Jun 6
Tian X, Lv H, Xiang G
25. Reliability of sonographic measurements of the ulnar collateral ligament: a multi-rater prospective study.
2023 Jun 6
Felton SD, Van Duijn AJ, Cordova ML.
26. Isoscapes of remnant and restored Hawaiian montane forests reveal differences in biological nitrogen fixation and carbon inputs.
2023 Jun 6
Wall CB, Swift SOI, D'Antonio CM
27. Temporal and inter-individual changes in the integrated biochemical condition of the gonads of female swordfish (Xiphias gladius) from the Southeastern Pacific Ocean.
2023 Jun 6
Guzmán-Rivas F, Ortega J, Mora S
28. A new species of Pristimantis (Anura: Strabomantidae) from white-sand forests of central Amazonia, Brazil.
2023 Jun 6
Mônico AT, Ferrão M, Moravec J
29. Neutrophil extracellular trap burden correlates with the stenosis of coronary atherosclerosis.
2023 Jun 6
Wang Y(#), Yang M(#), Xu Y
30. Bombardiers and assassins: mimetic interactions between unequally defended insects.
2023 Jun 6
Sugiura S, Hayashi M.
31. Assessment of aquatic food web and trophic niche as a measurement of recovery function in restored mangroves in the Southern Gulf of Mexico.
2023 Jun 6
Soria-Barreto M, Pérez-Ceballos R, Zaldívar-Jiménez A
32. Pollution and health risk assessment of rare earth elements in Citrus sinensis growing soil in mining area of southern China.
2023 Jun 6
Lai J, Liu J, Wu D
33. Soil organic carbon pools and carbon management index under different land use systems in North western Himalayas.
2023 Jun 6
Mir YH, Ganie MA, Shah TI
34. Predictors of cognitive impairment in patients undergoing ileostomy for colorectal cancer: a retrospective analysis.
2023 Jun 5
Xu J(#), Yang Y(#), Hu D.
35. Morpho-biochemical characterization and molecular marker based genetic diversity of pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.).
2023 Jun 5
Gunguniya DF, Kumar S, Patel MP
36. Development of rapid and cost-effective multiplex PCR assays to differentiate catfish of the genus Brachyplatystoma (Pimelodidae-Siluriformes) sold in Brazil.
2023 Jun 5
Freitas L, Barbosa AJ, Vale BA
37. Development and validation of a nomogram to predict protein-energy wasting in patients with peritoneal dialysis: a multicenter cohort study.
2023 Jun 5
Mei Z(#), Zhu B(#), Sun X
38. Land use scenarios, seasonality, and stream identity determine the water physicochemistry of tropical cloud forest streams.
2023 Jun 5
Vázquez G, Ramírez A, Favila ME
39. Determinants of acute undernutrition among pregnant women attending primary healthcare unit in Chinaksen District, Eastern Ethiopia: a case-control study.
2023 Jun 5
Adem HA, Usso AA, Hebo HJ
40. AMHconverter: an online tool for converting results between the different anti-Müllerian hormone assays of Roche Elecsys(®), Beckman Access, and Kangrun.
2023 Jun 5
Xu H(#), Feng G(#), Ma C
41. The diagnostic value of serum insulin-like growth factor binding protein 7 in gastric cancer.
2023 Jun 5
Liu CT(#), Wu FC(#), Zhuang YX
42. Exploring forearm muscle coordination and training applications of various grip positions during maximal isometric finger dead-hangs in rock climbers.
2023 Jun 5
Ferrer-Uris B(#), Arias D, Torrado P
43. Ferroptosis-associated gene CISD2 suppresses colon cancer development by regulating tumor immune microenvironment.
2023 Jun 5
Xu Y, Tang Q, Ding N
44. The conservation value of freshwater habitats for frog communities of lowland fynbos.
2023 Jun 5
Terblanche N, Measey J.
45. miR-455-3p ameliorates pancreatic acinar cell injury by targeting Slc2a1.
2023 Jun 30
Zhan Y, Chen C, Wu Z
46. MK8617 inhibits M1 macrophage polarization and inflammation via the HIF-1α/GYS1/UDPG/P2Y(14) pathway.
2023 Jun 30
Qian L(#), Chen XQ(#), Kong D
47. A histological analysis of coloration in the Peruvian mimic poison frog (Ranitomeya imitator).
2023 Jun 30
de Araujo Miles M, Johnson MJ, Stuckert AMM
48. Comparative analysis of machine learning approaches for predicting respiratory virus infection and symptom severity.
2023 Jun 30
Işık YE, Aydın Z.
49. Influencing factors of cardiac valve calcification (CVC) in patients with chronic kidney disease and the impact of CVC on long-term prognosis: a single-center retrospective study.
2023 Jun 30
Wang J, Xiao J, Wang R
50. Advances on the anti-tumor mechanisms of the carotenoid Crocin.
2023 Jun 29
Bao X(#), Hu J(#), Zhao Y
51. Physiology of pregnancy and oral local anesthesia considerations.
2023 Jun 29
Zhou X(#), Zhong Y(#), Pan Z
52. TMEM200A is a potential prognostic biomarker and correlated with immune infiltrates in gastric cancer.
2023 Jun 29
Fang F(#), Zhang T(#), Lei H
53. Opportunistic consumption of marine pelagic, terrestrial, and chemosynthetic organic matter by macrofauna on the Arctic shelf: a stable isotope approach.
2023 Jun 29
Kokarev V, Zalota AK, Zuev A
54. Potential drug-drug interactions and their associated factors in hospitalized COVID-19 patients with comorbidities.
2023 Jun 28
Rahmadani ID, Irawati S, Wibowo YI
55. Stress mitigation by riparian flora in industrial contaminated area of River Chenab Punjab, Pakistan.
2023 Jun 28
Abbas T, Ahmad I, Khan ZI
56. Hydrogen-rich water treatment targets RT1-Db1 and RT1-Bb to alleviate premature ovarian failure in rats.
2023 Jun 28
Meng X(#), Zhang S(#), Zhao L
57. Multi-benthic size approach to unveil different environmental conditions in a Mediterranean harbor area (Ancona, Adriatic Sea, Italy).
2023 Jun 28
Baldrighi E, Pizzini S, Punzo E
58. Electrochemical biosensors in healthcare services: bibliometric analysis and recent developments.
2023 Jun 27
Yunus G, Singh R, Raveendran S
59. Disclosing the native blueberry rhizosphere community in Portugal-an integrated metagenomic and isolation approach.
2023 Jun 27
Gomes A, Narciso R, Regalado L
60. The use of wireless sensors in the neonatal intensive care unit: a study protocol.
2023 Jun 27
Senechal E, Radeschi D, Tao L
61. MicroRNA-154-5p suppresses cervical carcinoma growth and metastasis by silencing Cullin2 in vitro and in vivo.
2023 Jun 27
Li Y(#), Wei Y(#), Zhang H
62. Comparative study of leaf nutrient reabsorption by two different ecotypes of wild soybean under low-nitrogen stress.
2023 Jun 27
Liu Y, Gao S, Hu Y
63. A preliminary study of the salivary microbiota of young male subjects before, during, and after acute high-altitude exposure.
2023 Jun 27
Zhou Q(#), Chen Y(#), Liu G
64. Construction and validation of a novel IGFBP3-related signature to predict prognosis and therapeutic decision making for Hepatocellular Carcinoma.
2023 Jun 27
Chen J(#), Zhuang W(#), Xia Y
65. Assessment of health promotion behavior and associated factors among the northern Saudi adolescent population: a cross-sectional study.
2023 Jun 27
Alruwaili TAM, Alshehri SAK, Thirunavukkarasu A
66. copLAB gene prevalence and diversity among Trinidadian Xanthomonas spp. black-rot lesion isolates with variable copper resistance profiles.
2023 Jun 27
Ramnarine SDJ, Jayaraman J, Ramsubhag A.
67. Analysis of the HD-Zip I transcription factor family in Salvia miltiorrhiza and functional research of SmHD-Zip12 in tanshinone synthesis.
2023 Jun 27
Bai Y, Zhou Y, Lei Q
68. Divergence of wastewater SARS-CoV-2 and reported laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 incident case data coincident with wide-spread availability of at-home COVID-19 antigen tests.
2023 Jun 27
Boehm AB, Wolfe MK, White B
69. The relation between human papillomavirus (HPV) and oropharyngeal cancer: a review.
2023 Jun 26
Ferreira CC.
70. A review of the impact of maize-legume intercrops on the diversity and abundance of entomophagous and phytophagous insects.
2023 Jun 26
Pierre JF, Jacobsen KL, Latournerie-Moreno L
71. Lp-PLA2 silencing ameliorates inflammation and autophagy in nonalcoholic steatohepatitis through inhibiting the JAK2/STAT3 pathway.
2023 Jun 26
Yao J, Zhao Y.
72. Saccharibacteria (TM7), but not other bacterial taxa, are associated with childhood caries regardless of age in a South China population.
2023 Jun 26
You Y, Yin M, Zheng X
73. Interspecific variation and phylogenetic relationship between mangrove and non-mangrove species of a same family (Meliaceae)-insights from comparative analysis of complete chloroplast genome.
2023 Jun 26
Tan F(#), Li W(#), Feng H
74. Effect of long-term influx of tertiary treated wastewater on native bacterial communities in a dry valley topsoil: 16S rRNA gene-based metagenomic analysis of composition and functional profile.
2023 Jun 26
Masrahi AS.
75. Multi-Object Tracking in Heterogeneous environments (MOTHe) for animal video recordings.
2023 Jun 26
Rathore A, Sharma A, Shah S
76. A framework for understanding post-detection deception in predator-prey interactions.
2023 Jun 23
Rubin JJ, Kawahara AY.
77. Luteolin supplementation during porcine oocyte maturation improves the developmental competence of parthenogenetic activation and cloned embryos.
2023 Jun 23
Jeong PS, Yang HJ, Jeon SB
78. Biostimulant red seaweed (Gracilaria tenuistipitata var. liui) extracts spray improves yield and drought tolerance in soybean.
2023 Jun 23
Mannan MA, Yasmin A, Sarker U
79. Paediatric hospitalizations over three waves of COVID-19 (February 2020 to May 2021) in Italy: determinants and rates.
2023 Jun 23
Martella M, Peano A, Politano G
80. Biomes of the world under climate change scenarios: increasing aridity and higher temperatures lead to significant shifts in natural vegetation.
2023 Jun 23
Bonannella C, Hengl T, Parente L
81. New heterodont odontocetes from the Oligocene Pysht Formation in Washington State, U.S.A., and a reevaluation of Simocetidae (Cetacea, Odontoceti).
2023 Jun 23
Velez-Juarbe J.
82. CD4+ and CD8+ cell counts are significantly correlated with absolute lymphocyte count in hospitalized COVID-19 patients: a retrospective study.
2023 Jun 23
Liana P, Samosir AP, Sari NP
83. Investigating the sequence landscape in the Drosophila initiator core promoter element using an enhanced MARZ algorithm.
2023 Jun 22
Dresch JM, Conrad RD, Klonaros D
84. Silencing of TRAF5 enhances necroptosis in hepatocellular carcinoma by inhibiting LTBR-mediated NF-κB signaling.
2023 Jun 22
Wu G, Wu F, Zhou YQ
85. Early pain in females is linked to late pathological features in murine experimental osteoarthritis.
2023 Jun 22
Valdrighi N, Blom AB, van Beuningen HM
86. Comparative analysis of flavonoids, polyphenols and volatiles in roots, stems and leaves of five mangroves.
2023 Jun 22
Wu Z, Shang X, Liu G
87. Estimating average wind speed in Thailand using confidence intervals for common mean of several Weibull distributions.
2023 Jun 22
La-Ongkaew M, Niwitpong SA, Niwitpong S.
88. Estimation of genetic variation in yield, its contributing characters and capsaicin content of Capsicum chinense Jacq. (ghost pepper) germplasm from Northeast India.
2023 Jun 22
Baruah J, Munda S, Sarma N
89. Glutathione-mediated changes in productivity, photosynthetic efficiency, osmolytes, and antioxidant capacity of common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) grown under water deficit.
2023 Jun 22
Abd El Mageed TA, Semida W, Hemida KA
90. Comparison of the clinical value of MRI and plasma markers for cognitive impairment in patients aged ≥75 years: a retrospective study.
2023 Jun 22
Wang W, Shi L, Ma H
91. Microbial community in buckwheat rhizosphere with different nitrogen application rates.
2023 Jun 21
Wang D, Ren H.
92. Response of in situ root phenotypes to potassium stress in cotton.
2023 Jun 21
Tian H, Sun H, Zhu L
93. Direct, indirect, and vicarious nature experiences collectively predict preadolescents' self-reported nature connectedness and conservation behaviors.
2023 Jun 21
Yue Z, Chen J.
94. Identification of iron metabolism-related genes as prognostic indicators for papillary thyroid carcinoma: a retrospective study.
2023 Jun 21
Jin T(#), Ge L(#), Chen J
95. Genetic polymorphism of the Dab2 gene and its association with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in the Chinese Uyghur population.
2023 Jun 21
Li YP(#), Adi D(#), Wang YH
96. Concordance of microbial and visual health indicators of white-band disease in nursery reared Caribbean coral Acropora cervicornis.
2023 Jun 21
Schul MD, Anastasious DE, Spiers LJ
97. Micrococcal nuclease sequencing of porcine sperm suggests enriched co-location between retained histones and genomic regions related to semen quality and early embryo development.
2023 Jun 21
Gòdia M(#), Lian Y(#), Naval-Sanchez M
98. Cnidom in Ceriantharia (Cnidaria, Anthozoa): new findings in the composition and micrometric variations of cnidocysts.
2023 Jun 21
Garese A(#), Goes Correa F(#), Acuña FH
99. Self-reported depression and anxiety rates among females with cutaneous leishmaniasis in Hubuna, Saudi Arabia.
2023 Jun 20
Elfaki N, Alzahrani M, Abdalla YHA
100. Revisiting the evolutionary trend toward the mammalian lower jaw in non-mammalian synapsids in a phylogenetic context.
2023 Jun 20
Harano T, Asahara M.
101. The reliability and validity of repeat power ability assessments and measurement indices in loaded vertical jumps.
2023 Jun 20
Natera AO, Chapman DW, Chapman ND
102. Genotypic characteristics of Uropathogenic Escherichia coli isolated from complicated urinary tract infection (cUTI) and asymptomatic bacteriuria-a relational analysis.
2023 Jun 20
Maniam L, Vellasamy KM, Ong TA
103. Exploring the molecular basis of resistance to Botrytis cinerea in chickpea genotypes through biochemical and morphological markers.
2023 Jun 20
Thakur R, Sharma S, Devi R
104. The cytotoxicity effect of 7-hydroxy-3,4-dihydrocadalene from Heterotheca inuloides and semisynthetic cadalenes derivates towards breast cancer cells: involvement of oxidative stress-mediated apoptosis.
2023 Jun 20
Mendoza-Fuentes A, González-Burgos E, Aparicio Trejo OE
105. Spatial and temporal population genetic analysis of Semaprochilodus insignis (Prochilodontidae), an overexploited fish from the Amazon basin.
2023 Jun 20
Nunes I, Passos K, Mourão Ximenes A
106. Antimicrobial susceptibility and integrons detection among extended-spectrum β-lactamase producing Enterobacteriaceae isolates in patients with urinary tract infection.
2023 Jun 2
Abubaker KT(#), Anwar KA(#).
107. Association between free thyroxine levels and clinical phenotype in first-episode psychosis: a prospective observational study.
2023 Jun 2
Gine-Serven E, Martinez-Ramirez M, Boix-Quintana E
108. Influence of SPIO labelling on the function of BMSCs in chemokine receptors expression and chemotaxis.
2023 Jun 2
Liu Y, Huang W, Wang H
109. Uncertainty in projections of future lake thermal dynamics is differentially driven by lake and global climate models.
2023 Jun 2
Wynne JH, Woelmer W, Moore TN
110. Functional responses of male and female European green crabs suggest potential sex-specific impacts of invasion.
2023 Jun 2
Kattler KR, Oishi EM, Lim EG
111. Unraveling the functional genes present in rhizosphere microbiomes of Solanum lycopersicum.
2023 Jun 2
Adedayo AA, Fadiji AE, Babalola OO.
112. The complete mitochondrial genomes of four lagriine species (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae) and phylogenetic relationships within Tenebrionidae.
2023 Jun 2
Wei Z, Shi A.
113. C/EBPα involvement in microglial polarization via HDAC1/STAT3 pathway aggravated sevoflurane-induced cognitive impairment in aged rats.
2023 Jun 19
Xu Z, Yao X, Zhao Y
114. Phylogenetic diversity and the structure of host-epiphyte interactions across the Neotropics.
2023 Jun 19
Pie MR, Caron FS, Dallimore T
115. Identifying successful combinations by fertility index in old garden roses and hybrid tea roses crosses.
2023 Jun 19
Kılıç T.
116. Effects of disturbances and environmental changes on an aridland riparian generalist.
2023 Jun 19
Blais BR, Johnson SL, Koprowski JL.
117. Physiologic effects of surgical masking in children versus adults.
2023 Jun 16
Brooks JP, Layman J, Willis J.
118. Diverse migration patterns and seasonal habitat use of Stone's sheep (Ovis dalli stonei).
2023 Jun 16
Enns GE, Jex B, Boyce MS.
119. The impact of sanctuary visits on children's knowledge and attitudes toward primate welfare and conservation.
2023 Jun 16
Feliu O, González-Zamora A, Riba D
120. Habitat-use of the vulnerable Atlantic Nurse Shark: a review.
2023 Jun 15
Bettcher VB, Franco ACS, Dos Santos LN.
121. Weighted multiple testing procedures in genome-wide association studies.
2023 Jun 15
Obry L, Dalmasso C.
122. Development of the first high-density linkage map in the maize weevil, Sitophilus zeamais.
2023 Jun 15
Baltzegar JF, Gould F.
123. Psychological changes in athletes infected with Omicron after return to training: fatigue, sleep, and mood.
2023 Jun 15
Tan C, Wang J, Cao G
124. Detection of Echinococcus multilocularis in repurposed environmental DNA samples from river water.
2023 Jun 14
Mori K, Imamura A, Hirayama I
125. Physiological response and transcriptome analyses of leguminous Indigofera bungeana Walp. to drought stress.
2023 Jun 14
Ma S, Hu H, Zhang H
126. Expression, localization, and function of P4HB in the spermatogenesis of Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis).
2023 Jun 14
Tang Y(#), Ni A(#), Li S
127. Is coconut coir dust an efficient biofertilizer carrier for promoting coffee seedling growth and nutrient uptake?
2023 Jun 14
Chromkaew Y, Kaeomuangmoon T, Mawan N
128. Three new species of Axinulus (Bivalvia: Thyasiridae) from the Japan and Kuril-Kamchatka trenches and abyssal zone of the northern Pacific Ocean.
2023 Jun 14
Kamenev GM.
129. Medium-term acoustic monitoring of small cetaceans in Patagonia, Chile.
2023 Jun 14
Patris J, Malige F, Hamame M
130. Integration of statistical shape modeling and alternating interpolation-based model tracking technique for measuring knee kinematics in vivo using clinical interleaved bi-plane fluoroscopy.
2023 Jun 14
Lu HY(#), Lin CC(#), Shih KS
131. Optimizing lettuce yields and quality by incorporating movable downward lighting with a supplemental adjustable sideward lighting system in a plant factory.
2023 Jun 14
Mutombo Arcel M, Yousef AF, Shen ZH
132. Spatial and temporal dynamics of the bacterial community under experimental warming in field-grown wheat.
2023 Jun 14
Wang J, Chen S, Sun R
133. Collateral damage: has the COVID-19 pandemic more strongly impacted medical research than other scientific areas?
2023 Jun 13
Farji-Brener A, Amador-Vargas S.
134. The behavior of sympatric sea urchin species across an ecosystem state gradient.
2023 Jun 13
Belleza DFC, Urae T, Tanimae SI
135. Effects of sports intervention on aggression in children and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
2023 Jun 13
Yang Y, Zhu H, Chu K
136. What are the Andean Colombian anurans? Empirical regionalization proposals vs. observed patterns of compositional dissimilarity.
2023 Jun 13
Herrera-Lopera JM, Ramírez Castaño VA, Cultid-Medina CA.
137. The link between lymphocyte subpopulations in peripheral blood and metabolic variables in patients with severe obesity.
2023 Jun 13
Rivera-Carranza T, Nájera-Medina O, Bojalil-Parra R
138. Comparing quantile regression spline analyses and supervised machine learning for environmental quality assessment at coastal marine aquaculture installations.
2023 Jun 13
Leontidou K(#), Rubel V(#), Stoeck T.
139. Impact of selected risk factors on motor performance in the third month of life and motor development in the ninth month.
2023 Jun 13
Gajewska E, Moczko J, Naczk M
140. Unveiling sex-based differences in developing propionic acid-induced features in mice as a rodent model of ASD.
2023 Jun 13
Kamalmaz N, Ben Bacha A, Alonazi M
141. Findings of new phytoplankton species in the Barents Sea as a consequence of global climate changes.
2023 Jun 13
Makarevich P, Larionov V, Oleinik A
142. A review of visual sustained attention: neural mechanisms and computational models.
2023 Jun 13
Huang H(#), Li R(#), Zhang J.
143. Fertilizer and herbicide alter nectar and pollen quality with consequences for pollinator floral choices.
2023 Jun 12
Russo L, Ruedenauer F, Gronert A
144. Analysis of brain activation and wave frequencies during a sentence completion task: a paradigm used with EEG in aphasic participants.
2023 Jun 12
Lima C, Lopes JA, Souza V
145. A multi-class classification algorithm based on hematoxylin-eosin staining for neoadjuvant therapy in rectal cancer: a retrospective study.
2023 Jun 12
Wu Y(#), Liu X(#), Liu F
146. Development of a real-time PCR (qPCR) method for the identification of the invasive paddle crab Charybdis japonica (Crustacea, Portunidae).
2023 Jun 12
Simpson TJ, Wellington CM, Lukehurst SS
147. Retrospective study of transcriptomic profiling identifies Thai triple-negative breast cancer patients who may benefit from immune checkpoint and PARP inhibitors.
2023 Jun 12
Suntiparpluacha M(#), Chanthercrob J(#), Sa-Nguanraksa D
148. Marine aquaculture as a source of propagules of invasive fouling species.
2023 Jun 12
Lins DM, Rocha RM.
149. Remimazolam versus propofol for procedural sedation: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.
2023 Jun 12
Chang Y(#), Huang YT(#), Chi KY
150. Phylogeography of sharks and rays: a global review based on life history traits and biogeographic partitions.
2023 Jun 1
Kottillil S, Rao C, Bowen BW
151. Integrating robotics into wildlife conservation: testing improvements to predator deterrents through movement.
2023 Jun 1
Breck SW, Schultz JT, Prause D
152. Baseline dynamics of Symbiodiniaceae genera and photochemical efficiency in corals from reefs with different thermal histories.
2023 Jun 1
McRae CJ, Keshavmurthy S, Chen HK
153. New seed coating containing Trichoderma viride with anti-pathogenic properties.
2023 Jun 1
Turkan S, Mierek-Adamska A, Kulasek M
154. Clinical diagnostic value of amino acids in laryngeal squamous cell carcinomas.
2023 Jun 1
Hu S(#), Zhao C(#), Wang Z
155. The role of exercise in improving hyperlipidemia-renal injuries induced by a high-fat diet: a literature review.
2023 Jun 1
Chen JS, Xie PF, Feng H.
156. Macrophyte communities as bioindicator of stormwater pollution in rivers: a quantitative analysis.
2023 Jun 1
Babko R, Diachenko T, Zaburko J
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