期刊文献 > PeerJ期刊 选择月份
2023 Sep (65)
2023 Aug (173)
2023 Jul (159)
2023 Jun (156)
2023 May (170)
2023 Apr (136)
2023 Mar (185)
2023 Feb (101)
1. Comparative analysis of the complete plastomes of nine Pimpinella species (Apiaceae) from China.
2023 Feb 28
Wang Z, Cao L, Liu J
2. Assessment of the recovery and photosynthetic efficiency of Breviolum psygmophilum and Effrenium voratum (Symbiodiniaceae) following cryopreservation.
2023 Feb 28
Kihika JK, Wood SA, Rhodes L
3. The behavior of Broad-tailed hummingbirds is altered by cycles of human activity in a forested area converted into agricultural land.
2023 Feb 28
Mendiola-Islas V, Lara C, Corcuera P
4. Comparative analysis of physiological responses to environmental stress in Hedysarum scoparium and Caragana korshinskii seedlings due to roots exposure.
2023 Feb 28
Ma J, Wang H, Jin L
5. Clinical characteristics and prognosis differences between isolated right and left ventricular myocardial infarction in the Chinese population: a retrospective study.
2023 Feb 28
Chen Y(#), Weng C(#), Wu J
6. Knowledge, attitudes, and associated factors of caregivers towards children with autism spectrum disorder in East Coast Peninsular Malaysia.
2023 Feb 28
Kaman N, Ishak A, Muhammad J.
7. Camera-trapping estimates of the relative population density of Sympetrum dragonflies: application to multihabitat users in agricultural landscapes.
2023 Feb 28
Yoshioka A, Mitamura T, Matsuki N
8. Determination of drought tolerance of different strawberry genotypes.
2023 Feb 28
Celiktopuz E.
9. Associations between picocyanobacterial ecotypes and cyanophage host genes across ocean basins and depth.
2023 Feb 28
Fuchsman CA, Garcia Prieto D, Hays MD
10. Addressing the challenges of symbiont-mediated RNAi in aphids.
2023 Feb 28
Elston KM, Maeda GP, Perreau J
11. CircRNA expression profiles and functional analysis in a mouse model of chronic intermittent hypoxia-induced renal injury: new insight into pathogenesis.
2023 Feb 28
Chen Q(#), Hong Z(#), Chen Z
12. Negative and positive interspecific interactions involving jellyfish polyps in marine sessile communities.
2023 Feb 27
Boughton J, Hirst AG, Lucas CH
13. Analysis of urine Raman spectra differences from patients with diabetes mellitus and renal pathologies.
2023 Feb 27
Kavuru V, Senger RS, Robertson JL
14. PrismEXP: gene annotation prediction from stratified gene-gene co-expression matrices.
2023 Feb 27
Lachmann A, Rizzo KA, Bartal A
15. The effects of acute hydrogen peroxide exposure on respiratory cilia motility and viability.
2023 Feb 27
Francis R.
16. Is Xenopus laevis introduction linked with Ranavirus incursion, persistence and spread in Chile?
2023 Feb 27
Peñafiel-Ricaurte A, Price SJ, Leung WTM
17. Multi-temporal ecological niche modeling for bird conservation in the face of climate change scenarios in Caatinga, Brazil.
2023 Feb 27
Gonçalves GSR, Cerqueira PV, Silva DP
18. Stress-induced immunosuppression affecting immune response to Newcastle disease virus vaccine through "miR-155-CTLA-4" pathway in chickens.
2023 Feb 27
Wen J, Wu Y, Han J
19. WhoseEgg: classification software for invasive carp eggs.
2023 Feb 27
Goode K, Weber MJ, Dixon PM.
20. Differential lncRNA/mRNA expression profiling and ceRNA network analyses in amniotic fluid from foetuses with ventricular septal defects.
2023 Feb 27
Wang H, Lin X, Wang Z
21. The prognostic and clinicopathological significance of SLC7A11 in human cancers: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
2023 Feb 27
Wang J(#), Hao S(#), Song G
22. Benthic biogeographic patterns on the deep Brazilian margin.
2023 Feb 27
Gaurisas DY, Bernardino AF.
23. Some fundamental elements for studying social-ecological co-existence in forest common pool resources.
2023 Feb 27
Pichancourt JB.
24. How do living conditions affect the gut microbiota of endangered Père David's deer (Elaphurus davidianus)? Initial findings from the warm temperate zone.
2023 Feb 24
Yao H(#), Mo Q(#), Wu H
25. Evaluating the influence of environmental variables on the length-weight relationship and prediction modelling in flathead grey mullet, Mugil cephalus Linnaeus, 1758.
2023 Feb 24
Chandran R, K Singh R, Singh A
26. Comprehensive study of rice YABBY gene family: evolution, expression and interacting proteins analysis.
2023 Feb 24
Zhang T(#), Wu A(#), Hu X
27. The impact of spring wheat species and sowing density on soil biochemical properties, content of secondary plant metabolites and the presence of Oulema ssp.
2023 Feb 24
Pobereżny J, Wszelaczyńska E, Lamparski R
28. Intrasession repeatability and agreement of a new method to measure the foveal fixation axis.
2023 Feb 24
Garcia Espinilla O, Sanchez I, Martin R.
29. Quantitative evaluations of variations using the population mean as a baseline for bioinformatics interpretation.
2023 Feb 24
Hui L.
30. Species richness and the dynamics of coral cover in Bangka Belitung Islands, Indonesia.
2023 Feb 24
Hadi TA, Utama RS, Arfianti T.
31. Drought correlates with reduced infection complexity and possibly prevalence in a decades-long study of the lizard malaria parasite Plasmodium mexicanum.
2023 Feb 24
Neal A, Sassi J, Vardo-Zalik A.
32. Characterization of Streptomyces sp. KB1 and its cultural optimization for bioactive compounds production.
2023 Feb 24
Lertcanawanichakul M, Sahabuddeen T.
33. Is the middle Cambrian Brooksella a hexactinellid sponge, trace fossil or pseudofossil?
2023 Feb 24
Nolan MR, Walker SE, Selly T
34. Emergence of colistin resistance and characterization of antimicrobial resistance and virulence factors of Aeromonas hydrophila, Salmonella spp., and Vibrio cholerae isolated from hybrid red tilapia cage culture.
2023 Feb 23
Thaotumpitak V, Sripradite J, Atwill ER
35. Phylogenomics of darkling beetles (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) from the Atacama Desert.
2023 Feb 23
Ragionieri L(#), Zúñiga-Reinoso Á(#), Bläser M
36. Epidemiological profiles and pathogenicity of Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium clinical isolates in Taiwan.
2023 Feb 23
Lin PY, Chan SY, Stern A
37. Life-cycle traits in the demosponge Hymeniacidon perlevis in a land-based fish farm.
2023 Feb 23
Mercurio M, Longo C, Pierri C
38. High-throughput sequencing approach for the identification of lncRNA biomarkers in hepatocellular carcinoma and revealing the effect of ZFAS1/miR-150-5p on hepatocellular carcinoma progression.
2023 Feb 23
Zhu P(#), Pei Y(#), Yu J
39. Association between coronary artery disease and incident cancer risk: a systematic review and meta-analysis of cohort studies.
2023 Feb 23
Chen HH, Lo YC, Pan WS
40. Retrospective screening of serum IgG glycosylation biomarker for primary Sjögren's syndrome using lectin microarray.
2023 Feb 22
Li S(#), Zeng X(#), Tang S
41. Quality attributes of date and wheat flour pineapple juice blended cookies as affected by different baking temperatures.
2023 Feb 22
Okoyeuzu CF, Okoronkwo CN, Eze CR
42. The association between physical activity and musculoskeletal disorders-a cross-sectional study of teachers.
2023 Feb 22
Grabara M.
43. Genetic differentiation and genetic structure of mixed-ploidy Camellia hainanica populations.
2023 Feb 22
Tong H, Deng H, Han Z.
44. Population biology of Ellochelon vaigiensis (Quoy & Gaimard, 1825) in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam.
2023 Feb 21
Dinh QM, Nguyen THD, Truong NT
45. Niche partitioning by sympatric civets in the Himalayan foothills of Pakistan.
2023 Feb 21
Akrim F, Mahmood T, Belant JL
46. The polarization of microglia and infiltrated macrophages in the injured mice spinal cords: a dynamic analysis.
2023 Feb 21
Li JL(#), Fu GQ(#), Wang YY
47. Symptoms, the GerdQ score and patients' characteristics do not predict gastroesophageal reflux disease in patients with proton-pump-inhibitor-refractory reflux symptoms-results from a large prospective database.
2023 Feb 21
Labenz J(#), Menzel M(#), Hirsch O
48. Effects of temperature, salinity, and food availability on shell growth rates of the Yesso scallop.
2023 Feb 21
Silina AV.
49. Two new genera and four new species of Asterocheridae (Copepoda: Siphonostomatoida) associated with sponges (Porifera) from the Korean East Sea.
2023 Feb 21
Kim IH, Lee T.
50. Meta-analytic evidence that allelopathy may increase the success and impact of invasive grasses.
2023 Feb 21
Singh M, Daehler CC.
51. Correlation of ankle dorsiflexion range of motion with lower-limb kinetic chain function and hop test performance in healthy male recreational athletes.
2023 Feb 21
Almansoof HS, Nuhmani S, Muaidi Q.
52. High nitrogen inhibits biomass and saponins accumulation in a medicinal plant Panax notoginseng.
2023 Feb 21
Cun Z, Wu HM, Zhang JY
53. Whole-genome sequence and genesis of an avian influenza virus H5N1 isolated from a healthy chicken in a live bird market in Indonesia: accumulation of mammalian adaptation markers in avian hosts.
2023 Feb 21
Rehman S, Prasetya RR, Rahardjo K
54. Upper-lower body super-sets vs. traditional sets for inducing chronic athletic performance improvements.
2023 Feb 21
García-Orea GP, Rodríguez-Rosell D, Ballester-Sánchez Á
55. Effects of foliar fertilizer application on the growth and fruit quality of commercial melon varieties grown in a soilless culture system.
2023 Feb 21
Khomphet T, Promwee A, Islam SS.
56. Effects of swimming before and during pregnancy on placental angiogenesis and perinatal outcome in high-fat diet-fed mice.
2023 Feb 20
Zhu X, Chen W, Wang H.
57. Diversity and distribution of orchid bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae, Euglossini) in Belize.
2023 Feb 20
O'Neill KM, O'Neill RP, Delphia CM
58. The effects of age and central field loss on maintaining balance control when stepping up to a new level under time-pressure.
2023 Feb 20
Zult T, Timmis MA, Pardhan S.
59. Two new species of Cyatholaimidae (Nematoda: Chromadorida) from the Southeastern Brazilian coast with emphasis on the pore complex and lateral pore-like structures.
2023 Feb 20
Cunha BP, Fonseca G, Amaral ACZ.
60. A multi-method approach for assessing the distribution of a rare, burrowing North American crayfish species.
2023 Feb 20
Quebedeaux KB, Taylor CA, Curtis AN
61. Disinfection efficacy of sodium hypochlorite and glutaraldehyde and their effects on the dimensional stability and surface properties of dental impressions: a systematic review.
2023 Feb 20
Qiu Y(#), Xu J(#), Xu Y
62. Five copper homeostasis gene clusters encode the Cu-efflux resistome of the highly copper-tolerant Methylorubrum extorquens AM1.
2023 Feb 20
Dávalos A, García-de Los Santos A.
63. Transcriptome analysis of transcription factors and enzymes involved in monoterpenoid biosynthesis in different chemotypes of Mentha haplocalyx Briq.
2023 Feb 20
An X, Wan J, Jiang H
64. ZFP36 ring finger protein like 1 significantly suppresses human coronavirus OC43 replication.
2023 Feb 20
Momin T, Villasenor A, Singh A
65. Factors influencing hypothermia in very low/extremely low birth weight infants: a meta-analysis.
2023 Feb 20
Shi Q(#), Zhang J(#), Fan C
66. Physical health risks of middle-aged people with low social independence: fatal diseases in men, and little attendance to cancer screenings in both sexes.
2023 Feb 20
Naito H(#), Nitta K(#), Lee M
67. Individual and combined effect of organic eutrophication (DOC) and ocean warming on the ecophysiology of the Octocoral Pinnigorgia flava.
2023 Feb 17
Zelli E(#), Simancas-Giraldo SM(#), Xiang N
68. COVID-19 induced birth sex ratio changes in England and Wales.
2023 Feb 17
Masukume G, Ryan M, Masukume R
69. Cross-modal and subliminal effects of smell and color.
2023 Feb 17
Sato N, Miyamoto M, Santa R
70. Adaptive changes in bodybuilders in conditions of different energy supply modes and intensity of training load regimes using machine and free weight exercises.
2023 Feb 17
Chernozub A, Manolachi V, Tsos A
71. Developing community pharmacists' role in the management of type 2 diabetes and related microvascular complications: a nationwide survey in Australia.
2023 Feb 16
Woodhams L, Chalmers L, Hillis GS
72. Advances in the study of aerobic glycolytic effects in resistance to radiotherapy in malignant tumors.
2023 Feb 16
Liu Y, Feng Z, Zhang P
73. Diversity and structural analysis of rhizosphere soil microbial communities in wild and cultivated Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae and their effects on the accumulation of active components.
2023 Feb 16
Song P, Liu J, Huang P
74. Ubiquitin specific peptidases and prostate cancer.
2023 Feb 16
Guo Y, Cui S, Chen Y
75. Splice site m(6)A methylation prevents binding of DGCR8 to suppress KRT4 pre-mRNA splicing in oral squamous cell carcinoma.
2023 Feb 16
Li X, Fang J, Tao X
76. Geometric variation of the human tibia-fibula: a public dataset of tibia-fibula surface meshes and statistical shape model.
2023 Feb 16
Keast M, Bonacci J, Fox A.
77. Abundance modulates the ecosystem functional contributions of two sympatric Caribbean sea cucumbers.
2023 Feb 16
Munger R, Watkins HV, Dunic JC
78. Modelling nitrogen management in hybrid rice for coastal ecosystem of West Bengal, India.
2023 Feb 15
Sarkar S, Ray K, Garai S
79. Metabolic turnover rate, digestive enzyme activities, and bacterial communities in the white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei under compensatory growth.
2023 Feb 15
Quintino-Rivera JG, Elizondo-González R, Gamboa-Delgado J
80. Deoxycholic acid exacerbates intestinal inflammation by modulating interleukin-1β expression and tuft cell proportion in dextran sulfate sodium-induced murine colitis.
2023 Feb 15
Ju J, Zhang C, Yang J
81. New specimens of the early Permian apex predator Varanops brevirostris at Richards Spur, Oklahoma, with histological information about its growth pattern.
2023 Feb 15
Maho T, Bevitt JJ, Reisz RR.
82. Mirror stimulation in Eurasian jays (Garrulus glandarius).
2023 Feb 15
Baciadonna L(#), Cornero FM(#), Clayton NS
83. Impact of public sentiments on the transmission of COVID-19 across a geographical gradient.
2023 Feb 15
Agusto FB, Numfor E, Srinivasan K
84. The relationship between sleep duration and activities of daily living (ADL) disability in the Chinese oldest-old: A cross-sectional study.
2023 Feb 14
Wang Z, Ni X, Gao D
85. Asymmetric, biraphid diatoms from the Laurentian Great Lakes.
2023 Feb 14
Reavie ED.
86. miR-344d-3p regulates osteogenic and adipogenic differentiation of mouse mandibular bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells.
2023 Feb 14
Cao W, Yang X, Hu XH
87. Age-related change in mammographic breast density of women without history of breast cancer over a 10-year retrospective study.
2023 Feb 14
Ohmaru A, Maeda K, Ono H
88. Implications of altered sirtuins in metabolic regulation and oral cancer.
2023 Feb 14
Quan X, Xin Y, Wang HL
89. Presence of microplastics and microparticles in Oregon Black Rockfish sampled near marine reserve areas.
2023 Feb 14
Lasdin KS, Arnold M, Agrawal A
90. Association between geriatric nutritional risk index and pathological phenotypes of IgA nephropathy.
2023 Feb 13
Gan Y, Li J, Wu J
91. Association between human leukocyte antigen (HLA) and end-stage renal disease (ESRD): a meta-analysis.
2023 Feb 13
Noureen N, Zaidi N.
92. Variable level of genetic dominance controls important agronomic traits in rice populations under water deficit condition.
2023 Feb 13
Hassan HM, Hadifa AA, El-Leithy SA
93. Neighborhoods and adolescent polysubstance use in Jamaica.
2023 Feb 13
Gill A, Felker-Kantor E, Cunningham-Myrie C
94. Leaf color change and photosystem function evaluation under heat treatment revealed the stress resistance variation between Loropetalum chinense and L. chinense var. rubrum.
2023 Feb 13
Cai W(#), Zhang D(#), Zhang X
95. Combined saline and vildagliptin induced M2 macrophage polarization in hepatic injury induced by acute kidney injury.
2023 Feb 13
Amin SN, Sakr HI, El Gazzar WB
96. Genome-wide identification and analysis of the evolution and expression pattern of the HVA22 gene family in three wild species of tomatoes.
2023 Feb 13
Zhao L, Wang B, Yang T
97. Breviscapine alleviates podocyte injury by inhibiting NF-κB/NLRP3-mediated pyroptosis in diabetic nephropathy.
2023 Feb 13
Sun L, Ding M, Chen F
98. Association between androgen receptor gene alteration and osteoporosis in Chinese Han elderly men.
2023 Feb 13
Huang X(#), Zhang Z(#), Zou L
99. Bacterial composition along the digestive tract of the Horned Screamer (Anhima cornuta), a tropical herbivorous bird.
2023 Feb 13
García-Amado MA, Rudolf CA, Fuentes-Fuentes MDM
100. Role of tea plantations in the maintenance of bird diversity in Anji County, China.
2023 Feb 13
Wu J, Hu J, Zhao X
101. Genetic variation and cryptic lineage among the sergestid shrimp Acetes americanus (Decapoda).
2023 Feb 13
Morilhas Simões S, Caetano Costa R, Lopes Carvalho F
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