期刊文献 > PeerJ期刊 选择月份
2023 Sep (65)
2023 Aug (173)
2023 Jul (159)
2023 Jun (156)
2023 May (170)
2023 Apr (136)
2023 Mar (185)
2023 Feb (101)
1. BAG3 regulates bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell proliferation by targeting INTS7.
2023 Aug 9
Liu Y(#), Xu R(#), Xu J
2. Review of intervention methods for language and communication disorders in children with autism spectrum disorders.
2023 Aug 9
Cui M, Ni Q, Wang Q.
3. Range-wide phylogenomics of the Great Horned Owl (Bubo virginianus) reveals deep north-south divergence in northern Peru.
2023 Aug 9
Ostrow EN, DeCicco LH, Moyle RG.
4. EDIL3 is a potential prognostic biomarker that correlates with immune infiltrates in gastric cancer.
2023 Aug 9
Ke B, Liang ZK, Li B
5. Validity and reliability of the Japanese versions of the coronavirus anxiety scale for adolescents and obsession with COVID-19 scale for adolescents.
2023 Aug 9
Makino T, Ide S, Shiino T
6. Constructing a prognostic tool for predicting the risk of non-adherence to antiplatelet therapy in discharged patients with coronary heart disease: a retrospective cohort study.
2023 Aug 9
Cao J(#), Zhang L(#), Zhou X.
7. Bighorn sheep associations: understanding tradeoffs of sociality and implications for disease transmission.
2023 Aug 8
Tosa MI, Biel MJ, Graves TA.
8. Impact of cooling on shaping ability of thermally treated files in canal models with double curvature.
2023 Aug 8
Jamleh A, Albanyan H, Alaqla A
9. Potential factors promoting the natural regeneration of Larix principis-rupprechtii in North China.
2023 Aug 8
Zhao W, Sun Y, Gao Y.
10. Implementation of artificial intelligence for the detection of cutaneous melanoma within a primary care setting: prevalence and types of skin cancer in outdoor enthusiasts.
2023 Aug 8
Miller IJ, Stapelberg M, Rosic N
11. I feel addicted to watching TV series: association between binge-watching and mental health.
2023 Aug 8
Favieri F(#), Forte G(#), Tambelli R
12. Impact of ocean warming on a coral reef fish learning and memory.
2023 Aug 8
Silveira MM, Donelson JM, McCormick MI
13. Genetic and morphological diversity in populations of Annona senegalensis Pers. occurring in Western (Benin) and Southern (Mozambique) Africa.
2023 Aug 8
Donhouedé JCF, Marques I, Salako KV
14. Recognition of emotion and pain by owners benefits the welfare of donkeys in a challenging working environment.
2023 Aug 8
Bukhari SSUH, McElligott AG, Rosanowski SM
15. Data-specific substitution models improve protein-based phylogenetics.
2023 Aug 8
Brazão JM, Foster PG, Cox CJ.
16. European citizens' stance on limiting energy use for climate change mitigation.
2023 Aug 7
Mata F, Nunes LJR.
17. Tank fouling community enhances coral microfragment growth.
2023 Aug 7
Page C(#), Perry R(#), Lager CV
18. The hypoxia-associated genes in immune infiltration and treatment options of lung adenocarcinoma.
2023 Aug 7
Liu L(#), Han L(#), Dong L
19. Mild cognitive impairment in type 2 diabetes is associated with fibrinogen-to-albumin ratios.
2023 Aug 7
Li X, Wu Q, Kong Y
20. Effects on the yield and fiber quality components of Bt cotton inoculated with Azotobacter chroococcum under elevated CO(2).
2023 Aug 7
Li Z, Gao M, Liu R
21. Health status of the red-billed tropicbird (Phaethon aethereus) determined by hematology, biochemistry, blood gases, and physical examination.
2023 Aug 7
Skehel A, Ulloa C, Deresienski D
22. Comparing autoregulatory progressive resistance exercise and velocity-based resistance training on jump performance in college badminton athletes.
2023 Aug 7
Huang Z(#), Ji H(#), Chen L
23. Reproductive benefits and reduced investment in parental care behavior associated with reproductive groups of males in Abudefduf troschelii.
2023 Aug 7
Solís-Mendoza M, Chassin-Noria O, Pérez Hernández CL
24. Three specific gut bacteria in the occurrence and development of colorectal cancer: a concerted effort.
2023 Aug 4
Gong D(#), Adomako-Bonsu AG(#), Wang M
25. Metagenomics of African Empogona and Tricalysia (Rubiaceae) reveals the presence of leaf endophytes.
2023 Aug 4
Verstraete B(#), Janssens S(#), De Block P
26. Vitamin D receptor-deficient keratinocytes-derived exosomal miR-4505 promotes the macrophage polarization towards the M1 phenotype.
2023 Aug 4
Sun W(#), Chen J(#), Li J
27. Parvovirus B19 DNA and antibodies in Chinese plasma donors, plasma pools and plasma derivatives.
2023 Aug 4
Sun P(#), Jiang P(#), Liu Q
28. Resultant equations for training load monitoring during a standard microcycle in sub-elite youth football: a principal components approach.
2023 Aug 4
Teixeira JE, Forte P, Ferraz R
29. Prevalence of risk factors associated with rupture of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA): a single center retrospective study.
2023 Aug 4
Liu S, Long C, Hong Y
30. To flea or not to flea: survey of UK companion animal ectoparasiticide usage and activities affecting pathways to the environment.
2023 Aug 4
Perkins R, Goulson D.
31. Submarine groundwater discharge interacts with creek geomorphology to affect eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica growth rates in a coastal Georgia creek.
2023 Aug 4
Carroll JM, de la Torre W, Kelly JL.
32. Accumulation and transfer of polystyrene microplastics in Solanum nigrum seedlings.
2023 Aug 31
Zhang J, Cao L, Zhu X
33. A decade of study on the condition of western Cuban coral reefs, with low human impact.
2023 Aug 31
Caballero-Aragón H, Perera-Valderrama S, Cobián-Rojas D
34. Over 20% of marine fishes shifting in the North and Barents Seas, but not in the Norwegian Sea.
2023 Aug 31
Gordó-Vilaseca C, Pecuchet L, Coll M
35. Evaluation of the correlation of dorsal root ganglia and spinal nerves with clinical symptoms in patients with postherpetic neuralgia using magnetic resonance neurography.
2023 Aug 31
Cao X, Jiao B, Wen D
36. Urine based near-infrared spectroscopy analysis reveals a noninvasive and convenient diagnosis method for cancers: a pilot study.
2023 Aug 31
Zhu J, Zhang S, Wang R
37. Effectiveness of virtual reality on activities of daily living in children with cerebral palsy: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
2023 Aug 31
Han Y, Park S.
38. Regulation of HDAC11 gene expression in early myogenic differentiation.
2023 Aug 30
Li Q, Mach YZ, Hamed M
39. Intestinal GPDH-1 regulates high glucose diet induced lifespan extension in aged worms.
2023 Aug 30
Mo J(#), Zhang Z(#), Wang X
40. Carboxypeptidase E is a prognostic biomarker co-expressed with osteoblastic genes in osteosarcoma.
2023 Aug 30
Chen D(#), Wan B(#), Cheng Y
41. Identification and characterization of novel sesquiterpene synthases TPS9 and TPS12 from Aquilaria sinensis.
2023 Aug 30
Yu C, Gao S, Rong M
42. Sources of intraspecific variation in the isotopic niche of a semi-aquatic predator in a human-modified landscape.
2023 Aug 30
Pereira AC, Nardoto GB, Colli GR.
43. RNA N6-methyladenosine reader IGF2BP3 promotes acute myeloid leukemia progression by controlling stabilization of EPOR mRNA.
2023 Aug 30
Fan J, Zhuang M, Fan W
44. Adrenal SGLT1 or SGLT2 as predictors of atherosclerosis under chronic stress based on a computer algorithm.
2023 Aug 30
Li J(#), Meng L(#), Wu D
45. Development and validation of a nomogram for assessment postoperative sodium disturbance in PAs patients: a retrospective cohort study.
2023 Aug 30
Li W(#), Tang D(#), Wang Q
46. Co-inhibition of adenosine 2b receptor and programmed death-ligand 1 promotes the recruitment and cytotoxicity of natural killer cells in oral squamous cell carcinoma.
2023 Aug 30
Wang B, Wang T, Yang C
47. Profiling of primary and phytonutrients in edible mahlab cherry (Prunus mahaleb L.) seeds in the context of its different cultivars and roasting as analyzed using molecular networking and chemometric tools.
2023 Aug 30
Mostafa MM, Farag MA.
48. Developing bottom drifters to better understand the stranding locations of cold-stunned sea turtles in Cape Cod Bay, Massachusetts.
2023 Aug 30
Page FM, Manning J, Howard L
49. A multi-sensor array for detecting and analyzing nocturnal avian migration.
2023 Aug 30
Strand AI, Bridge ES, Kelly JF
50. Fishery-based adaption to climate change: the case of migratory species flathead grey mullet (Mugil cephalus L.) in Taiwan Strait, Northwestern Pacific.
2023 Aug 30
Lee MA, Mondal S, Teng SY
51. GGA1 participates in spermatogenesis in mice under stress.
2023 Aug 3
Jiao H(#), Chen Y(#), Han T
52. Uncovering the Grinnellian niche space of the cryptic species complex Gammarus roeselii.
2023 Aug 3
Kabus J, Cunze S, Dombrowski A
53. The effect of three different pre-match warm-up structures on male professional soccer players' physical fitness.
2023 Aug 3
Ben Brahim M, Sal-de-Rellán A, García-Valverde A
54. Development, physicochemical characterization and in-vitro biocompatibility study of dromedary camel dentine derived hydroxyapatite for bone repair.
2023 Aug 3
Khurshid Z, Alfarhan MFA, Bayan Y
55. Risk factors for high CAD-RADS scoring in CAD patients revealed by machine learning methods: a retrospective study.
2023 Aug 3
Dai Y(#), Ouyang C(#), Luo G
56. Prevalence of bone loss surrounding dental implants as detected in cone beam computed tomography: a cross-sectional study.
2023 Aug 3
Algahtani FN, Hebbal M, Alqarni MM
57. Analysis of technical characteristics of typical lower limb balance movements in Tai Chi: a cross-sectional study based on AnyBody bone muscle modeling.
2023 Aug 3
Li H(#), Wang X(#), Du Z
58. Microvertebrate faunal assemblages of the Favel Formation (late Cenomanian-middle Turonian) of Manitoba, Canada.
2023 Aug 3
Kilmury AA, Anderson A, Wijesinghe DS
59. Effects of harvest stages and lactic acid bacteria additives on the nutritional quality of silage derived from triticale, rye, and oat on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.
2023 Aug 3
Ma J, Dai H, Liu H
60. Earthworms neutralize the influence of components of particulate pollutants on soil extracellular enzymatic functions in subtropical forests.
2023 Aug 3
Yang J, Lu J, Yang Y
61. Histological study of seventeen organs from dugong (Dugong dugon).
2023 Aug 29
Kaewmong P, Jongjit P, Boonkasemsanti A
62. Development and validation of the dizziness fear-avoidance behaviours and beliefs inventory for patients with vestibular disorders.
2023 Aug 29
La Touche R, Castillejos-Carrasco-Muñoz R, Tapia-Toca MC
63. Evaluation of phosphate rock as the only source of phosphorus for the growth of tall and semi-dwarf durum wheat and rye plants using digital phenotyping.
2023 Aug 29
Bazhenov M, Litvinov D, Karlov G
64. Estimated projection of oral squamous cell carcinoma annual incidence from twenty years registry data: a retrospective cross-sectional study in Indonesia.
2023 Aug 29
Rahadiani N, Habiburrahman M, Stephanie M
65. Comprehensive transcriptional analysis of pig facial skin development.
2023 Aug 28
Li Y(#), Shi R(#), Yuan R
66. Identification of Zip8-correlated hub genes in pulmonary hypertension by informatic analysis.
2023 Aug 28
Zhao F(#), Chen Y(#), Xie Y
67. Self-assembly of Hyaluronic Acid-Cu-Quercetin flavonoid nanoparticles: synergistic chemotherapy to target tumors.
2023 Aug 28
Yue H(#), Zhao X(#), Yong Q
68. Diversity analysis of Populus euphratica endophytic bacteria in Tarim River Basin, China.
2023 Aug 28
Cheng G, Cheng Y, Rahman E.
69. Low-dose lipopolysaccharide inhibits spinal cord injury-induced neuronal apoptosis by regulating autophagy through the lncRNA MALAT1/Nrf2 axis.
2023 Aug 28
Hu J(#), Huang K(#), Bao F
70. Antimicrobial resistance and molecular typing of Staphylococcus aureus isolates from raw milk in Hunan Province.
2023 Aug 28
Ning K, Zhou R, Li M.
71. Prediction of PM(2.5) concentration based on the CEEMDAN-RLMD-BiLSTM-LEC model.
2023 Aug 28
Guo Q, Zhang H, Zhang Y
72. A retrospective study of consistency between immunohistochemistry and polymerase chain reaction of microsatellite instability in endometrial cancer.
2023 Aug 28
Wang C(#), Kuang W(#), Zeng J
73. Genome-wide identification of Apetala2 gene family in Hypericum perforatum L and expression profiles in response to different abiotic and hormonal treatments.
2023 Aug 28
Li Y, Chen Y, Yi R
74. Lanspora dorisauae, a new marine fungus from rocky shores in Taiwan.
2023 Aug 28
Pang KL, Guo SY, Shaumi A
75. Ophthalmic nurses' knowledge, attitude, and practice toward venous thromboembolic prevention: a dual-center cross-sectional survey.
2023 Aug 28
Zhou X(#), Dai M(#), Sun L
76. Impact of dormancy periods on some physiological and biochemical indices of potato tubers.
2023 Aug 28
Liu H(#), Li J(#), Zhou D
77. First report of 'Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris' associated with yellowing, scorching and decline of almond trees in India.
2023 Aug 28
Gupta S, Handa A, Brakta A
78. NEAL: an open-source tool for audio annotation.
2023 Aug 25
Gibbons A, Donohue I, Gorman C
79. Characterization of endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation in the human fungal pathogen Candida albicans.
2023 Aug 25
Doss EM, Moore JM, Harman BH
80. Identification of novel key markers that are induced during traumatic brain injury in mice.
2023 Aug 25
Li Y(#), Li N(#), Luan C
81. Retrospective study on the correlation between serum MIF level and the condition and prognosis of patients with traumatic head injury.
2023 Aug 25
Liu Z, Liu C, Ma K.
82. Seed bio-priming with beneficial Trichoderma harzianum alleviates cold stress in maize.
2023 Aug 25
Afrouz M, Sayyed RZ, Fazeli-Nasab B
83. Effects of drought and salt stress on seed germination and seedling growth of Elymus nutans.
2023 Aug 24
Long J, Dong M, Wang C
84. Genetic diversity analysis and molecular characteristics of wild centipedegrass using sequence-related amplified polymorphism (SRAP) markers.
2023 Aug 24
Wang X, Gou W, Wang T
85. A decision tree model to predict liver cirrhosis in hepatocellular carcinoma patients: a retrospective study.
2023 Aug 24
Zhou Z(#), Chen C(#), Sun M
86. Exogenous hydrogen sulfide improves salt stress tolerance of Reaumuria soongorica seedlings by regulating active oxygen metabolism.
2023 Aug 24
Liu H, Chong P, Liu Z
87. Development and validation of the Exteroceptive Body Awareness (EBA-q) questionnaire.
2023 Aug 24
Vabba A, Porciello G, Panasiti MS
88. Paleomass for R-bracketing body volume of marine vertebrates with 3D models.
2023 Aug 24
Motani R.
89. Neighborhood-based inference and restricted Boltzmann machine for small molecule-miRNA associations prediction.
2023 Aug 24
Qu J, Song Z, Cheng X
90. Bacillus amyloliquefaciens 11B91 inoculation enhances the growth of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) under salt stress.
2023 Aug 24
Li J, Guo X, Cai D
91. Characteristics of water jump for better performance in collegiate male 3000 m steeplechase.
2023 Aug 24
Maruo Y.
92. Signatures of prescribed fire in the microbial communities of Cornus florida are largely undetectable five months post-fire.
2023 Aug 24
Kapoor B(#), Onufrak A(#), Klingeman Iii W
93. Understanding mental fatigue and its detection: a comparative analysis of assessments and tools.
2023 Aug 23
Kunasegaran K, Ismail AMH, Ramasamy S
94. CTRP3 attenuates inflammation, oxidative and cell death in cisplatin induced HK-2 cells.
2023 Aug 23
Zou C, Tang X, Guo T
95. No genetic causal association between dental caries and Alzheimer's disease: a bidirectional two-sample Mendelian randomization analysis.
2023 Aug 23
Liao Q(#), Li SZ(#), Tian FF
96. Evaluation of the validity of the HPV viral load compared to conventional techniques for the detection of high-grade anal intraepithelial lesions in men with HIV who have sex with men.
2023 Aug 23
Díez-Martínez M, Perpiñá-Galvañ J, Ferri J
97. Calcification detection on upper extremity arteries: a comparison of ultrasonic and X-ray methods.
2023 Aug 23
Yang Y(#), Lin N(#), Xu Y
98. Farmers' perception of the ecosystem services provided by diurnal raptors in arid Rajasthan.
2023 Aug 23
Tiwari G, Pandey P, Kaul R
99. Exogenous glutathione maintains the postharvest quality of mango fruit by modulating the ascorbate-glutathione cycle.
2023 Aug 22
Zhou Y, Liu J, Zhuo Q
100. Comparative genomics of bacteria from amphibian skin associated with inhibition of an amphibian fungal pathogen, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis.
2023 Aug 22
Wax N, Walke JB, Haak DC
101. Comparative analysis of the fecal microbiota of healthy and injured common kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) from the Beijing Raptor Rescue Center.
2023 Aug 22
Guan Y(#), Bao L(#), Zhou L
102. Icariin activates far upstream element binding protein 1 to regulate hypoxia-inducible factor-1α and hypoxia-inducible factor-2α signaling and benefits chondrocytes.
2023 Aug 22
Wang P(#), Zhu P(#), Zhang S
103. The experiences of COVID-19 preprint authors: a survey of researchers about publishing and receiving feedback on their work during the pandemic.
2023 Aug 22
Rzayeva N, Henriques SO, Pinfield S
104. Skeletal anatomy of the early Permian parareptile Delorhynchus with new information provided by neutron tomography.
2023 Aug 22
Rowe DCT, Bevitt JJ, Reisz RR.
105. Immediate impacts of soybean cover crop on bacterial community composition and diversity in soil under long-term Saccharum monoculture.
2023 Aug 22
Mula-Michel H, White P, Hale A.
106. Water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes L.) increases biogas effluent pollutant removal efficacy and proves a positive substrate for renewable energy production.
2023 Aug 22
Nguyen Vo Chau N, Huynh Van T, Nguyen Cong T
107. Crown-of-thorns starfish spines secrete defence proteins.
2023 Aug 21
Hillberg AK, Smith MK, Lausen BS
108. Feeding ecology and reproductive biology of small coastal sharks in Malaysian waters.
2023 Aug 21
Lim KC, Then AY, Loh KH.
109. Acute effect of combined exercise with aerobic and resistance exercises on executive function.
2023 Aug 21
Chen YC, Li RH, Chen FT
110. Ethanolamine-phosphate phospho-lyase (ETNPPL) contributes to the diagnosis, prognosis, and therapy of hepatocellular carcinoma.
2023 Aug 21
Zhang Y(#), Shen L(#), Wang B
111. Identification of potential functional peptides involved in demyelinating injury in the central nervous system.
2023 Aug 21
Dong X, Sun S, Li J
112. Development and validation of web-based dynamic nomograms predictive of disease-free and overall survival in patients who underwent pneumonectomy for primary lung cancer.
2023 Aug 21
Yu X(#), Wang F(#), Yang L
113. Early haemodynamic predictors of poor functional outcomes in patients with acute ischaemic stroke receiving endovascular therapy: a single-centre retrospective study in China.
2023 Aug 21
Hu Y, Zhang S, Zhang J
114. Clinical dosage of lidocaine does not impact the biomedical outcome of sepsis-induced acute respiratory distress syndrome in a porcine model.
2023 Aug 21
Rissel R, Moellmann C, Albertsmeier V
115. Prediction of soil moisture using BiGRU-LSTM model with STL decomposition in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.
2023 Aug 21
Zhao L, Luo T, Jiang X
116. Elevational surveys of Sulawesi herpetofauna 1: Gunung Galang, Gunung Dako Nature Reserve.
2023 Aug 21
Karin BR(#), Krone IW(#), Frederick J
117. Variations in bacterial diversity and community structure in the sediments of an alkaline lake in Inner Mongolia plateau, China.
2023 Aug 21
Liu J(#), Yu J(#), Si W
118. Mutation-derived, genomic instability-associated lncRNAs are prognostic markers in gliomas.
2023 Aug 2
Li S(#), Chen Y(#), Guo Y
119. Transcriptomic characterization revealed that METTL7A inhibits melanoma progression via the p53 signaling pathway and immunomodulatory pathway.
2023 Aug 2
Zhang D(#), Zou T(#), Liu Q
120. Estimating plant biomass in agroecosystems using a drop-plate meter.
2023 Aug 2
Robertson SM, Schmid RB, Lundgren JG.
121. Development of a novel prediction model based on protein structure for identifying RPE65-associated inherited retinal disease (IRDs) of missense variants.
2023 Aug 2
Wu J(#), Sun Z(#), Zhang DW
122. Transcription factor EB (TFEB) improves ventricular remodeling after myocardial infarction by inhibiting Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway.
2023 Aug 18
Liu C(#), Zhou D(#), Zhang Q
123. Rewarding outcomes enhance attentional capture and delay attentional disengagement.
2023 Aug 18
Yan M, Meng Z, Hu N
124. Biochar improves the growth and physiological traits of alfalfa, amaranth and maize grown under salt stress.
2023 Aug 18
Jabborova D, Abdrakhmanov T, Jabbarov Z
125. Characterization of bioactive and fruit quality compounds of promising mango genotypes grown in Himalayan plain region.
2023 Aug 18
Saroj N, Prasad K, Singh SK
126. Process optimization, antioxidant, antibacterial, and drug adjuvant properties of bioactive keratin microparticles derived from porcupine (Hystrix indica) quills.
2023 Aug 18
Majeed Z(#), Farhat H(#), Ahmad B
127. High anteromedial insertion reduced anteroposterior and rotational knee laxity on mid-term follow-up after anatomic anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.
2023 Aug 18
Zhang X(#), Qian Y(#), Gao F
128. A novel immune-related prognostic signature based on Chemoradiotherapy sensitivity predicts long-term survival in patients with esophageal squamous cell carcinoma.
2023 Aug 18
Zhang Z(#), Liu S(#), Gao T
129. Identification of hub genes associated with oxidative stress in heart failure and their correlation with immune infiltration using bioinformatics analysis.
2023 Aug 18
Gu J(#), Zhang LN(#), Gu X
130. THAPBI PICT-a fast, cautious, and accurate metabarcoding analysis pipeline.
2023 Aug 18
Cock PJA, Cooke DEL, Thorpe P
131. The fraternal birth-order effect as a statistical artefact: convergent evidence from probability calculus, simulated data, and multiverse meta-analysis.
2023 Aug 18
Vilsmeier JK, Kossmeier M, Voracek M
132. Do feeding responses of a non-native bivalve outperform the native one in a coastal lagoon? A possible explanation for the invasion success of the dark false mussel Mytilopsis leucophaeata.
2023 Aug 18
Rodrigues N(#), Ribeiro D, C Miyahira I
133. Review of knockout technology approaches in bacterial drug resistance research.
2023 Aug 17
Tong C(#), Liang Y(#), Zhang Z
134. Curcumin Chalcone Derivatives Database (CCDD): a Python framework for natural compound derivatives database.
2023 Aug 17
Rampogu S(#), Balasubramaniyam T(#), Lee JH.
135. Is shape in the eye of the beholder? Assessing landmarking error in geometric morphometric analyses on live fish.
2023 Aug 17
Moccetti P, Rodger JR, Bolland JD
136. Using repeatability of performance within and across contexts to validate measures of behavioral flexibility.
2023 Aug 17
McCune K, Blaisdell A, Johnson-Ulrich Z
137. LIDER: cell embedding based deep neural network classifier for supervised cell type identification.
2023 Aug 16
Tang Y, Li X, Shi M.
138. Antifungal effects of eugenol on Candida albicans adherence to denture polymers.
2023 Aug 16
Zanul Abidin Z, Mohd Salleh N, Himratul-Aznita WH
139. Hub gene associated with prognosis in bladder cancer is a novel therapeutic target.
2023 Aug 16
Fang D, He Y, Yi Y
140. MMP12 serves as an immune cell-related marker of disease status and prognosis in lung squamous cell carcinoma.
2023 Aug 16
Zhang W, Li GS, Gan XY
141. Life-expectancy changes during the COVID-19 pandemic from 2019-2021: estimates from Japan, a country with low pandemic impact.
2023 Aug 16
Munira MS, Okada Y, Nishiura H.
142. Detection of single nucleotide polymorphisms in virus genomes assembled from high-throughput sequencing data: large-scale performance testing of sequence analysis strategies.
2023 Aug 16
Rollin J, Bester R, Brostaux Y
143. Repetition velocity as a measure of loading intensity in the free weight and Smith machine Bulgarian split squat.
2023 Aug 15
Liao K(#), Bian C(#), Chen Z
144. Evaluation of a biosecurity survey approach for contamination by Chlamydia pecorum in koala rehabilitation, field capture, and captive settings.
2023 Aug 15
Casteriano A, Van Aggelen AR, Fischer S
145. Effects of post-activation protocols based on slow tempo bodyweight squat and isometric activity on vertical jump height enhancement in trained males: a randomized controlled trial.
2023 Aug 15
Koźlenia D, Domaradzki J.
146. Non-destructive insect metabarcoding for surveillance and biosecurity in citrus orchards: recording the good, the bad and the psyllids.
2023 Aug 15
Martoni F, Smith R, Piper AM
147. Morphological changes in female reproductive organs in the African monarch butterfly, host to a male-killing Spiroplasma.
2023 Aug 15
Malmberg J, Martin SH, Gordon IJ
148. Degradation of zearalenone by microorganisms and enzymes.
2023 Aug 14
Gari J, Abdella R.
149. Parent perceptions regarding virtual pediatric dental clinics during COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional study.
2023 Aug 14
Alghamdi SA.
150. Chemical diversity and antifouling activity of geniculate calcareous algae (Corallinales, Rhodophyta) from Brazil.
2023 Aug 14
Oliveira EAS, Oliveira JAS, Araújo PR
151. Prevalence and virulence genes of Staphylococcus aureus from food contact surfaces in Thai restaurants.
2023 Aug 14
Tasanapak K, Kucharoenphaibul S, Wongwigkarn J
152. Prognostic and clinicopathological role of RACK1 for cancer patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
2023 Aug 14
Wang Q, Jiang S, Wu Y
153. Tailored modulation of S100A1 and RASSF8 expression by butanediamide augments healing of rotator cuff tears.
2023 Aug 14
Lin Y(#), Guo R(#), R G
154. Response surface methodology for the mixed fungal fermentation of Codonopsis pilosula straw using Trichoderma reesei and Coprinus comatus.
2023 Aug 14
Wei T, Chen H, Wu D
155. Lethal and sublethal effects of flubendiamide and spirotetramat against the leaf worm, Spodoptera litura(Fabricius) under laboratory conditions.
2023 Aug 14
Un-Nisa E, Ahmad M, Sheikh UAA
156. Sex-specific differences in symbiotic microorganisms associated with an invasive mealybug (Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley) based on 16S ribosomal DNA.
2023 Aug 14
Wang L, Liu X, Ruan Y.
157. Barley yield and malt quality affected by fall and spring planting under rainfed conditions.
2023 Aug 14
Saygili I.
158. Green inspired synthesis of zinc oxide nanoparticles using Silybum marianum (milk thistle) extract and evaluation of their potential pesticidal and phytopathogens activities.
2023 Aug 14
Jahan N, Rasheed K, Rahman KU
159. Development and validation of lumbar spine finite element model.
2023 Aug 11
Wiczenbach T, Pachocki L, Daszkiewicz K
160. Superoxide dismutase ameliorates oxidative stress and regulates liver transcriptomics to provide therapeutic benefits in hepatic inflammation.
2023 Aug 11
Chen L, Liu Y, Zhang Y
161. Integrated lipidomic and transcriptomic analysis reveals diacylglycerol accumulation in olive of Longnan (China).
2023 Aug 11
Hu W, Ma J, Zhang H
162. Integrative models of histopathological images and multi-omics data predict prognosis in endometrial carcinoma.
2023 Aug 11
Li Y(#), Du P(#), Zeng H
163. Effects of passages through an insect or a plant on virulence and physiological properties of the fungus Metarhizium robertsii.
2023 Aug 11
Tomilova OG, Kryukov VY, Kryukova NA
164. Biological properties of mucus from land snails (Lissachatina fulica) and freshwater snails (Pomacea canaliculata) and histochemical study of mucous cells in their foot.
2023 Aug 11
Phrompanya P, Suriyaruean N, Nantarat N
165. The moderating and mediating effects of personality on the association between morningness and well-being.
2023 Aug 11
Lee SJ, Jeong S, Chae H.
166. Thalattosuchian crocodylomorphs from European Russia, and new insights into metriorhynchid tooth serration evolution and their palaeolatitudinal distribution.
2023 Aug 11
Young MT(#), Zverkov NG(#), Arkhangelsky MS
167. Mastigodiaptomus galapagoensis n. sp. (Crustacea: Copepoda: Diaptomidae), a possibly extinct copepod from a crater lake of the Galápagos archipelago.
2023 Aug 11
Elías-Gutiérrez M, Steinitz-Kannan M, Suárez-Morales E
168. Effects of the CYP3A inhibitors, voriconazole, itraconazole, and fluconazole on the pharmacokinetics of osimertinib in rats.
2023 Aug 10
Lou Y, Song F, Cheng M
169. The effects of trunk kinematics and EMG activity of wheelchair racing T54 athletes on wheelchair propulsion speeds.
2023 Aug 10
Guo W, Liu Q, Huang P
170. Extraction and characterisation of pigment from Yanzhiguo [Prunus napaulensis (Ser.) Steud.].
2023 Aug 1
Shi P(#), Luo H(#), Huang Q
171. The impact of containment policy and mobility on COVID-19 cases through structural equation model in Chile, Singapore, South Korea and Israel.
2023 Aug 1
Jiao J, Shi L, Yang M
172. The novel role of LDHA/LDHB in the prognostic value and tumor-immune infiltration in clear cell renal cell carcinoma.
2023 Aug 1
Chen J, Wu F, Cao Y
173. Long-term survival, growth, and reproduction of Acropora palmata sexual recruits outplanted onto Mexican Caribbean reefs.
2023 Aug 1
Mendoza Quiroz S, Beltrán-Torres AU, Grosso-Becerra MV
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