期刊文献 > J Invertebr Pathol期刊 选择月份
2023 Sep (2)
2023 Aug (2)
20 2 (75)
1. Stress tolerance in entomopathogenic nematodes: Engineering superior nematodes for precision agriculture.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Maushe D, Ogi V, Divakaran K
2. Bivalve digestive epithelial virosis (DEV): A cause of disease or a natural process?
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Rolton A, Webb SC, López-Sanmartín M
3. Avoidance and attraction behaviour of slugs exposed to parasitic nematodes.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Rae R.
4. Wolbachia endosymbiotic bacteria alter the gut microbiome in the fly Drosophila nigrosparsa.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Detcharoen M, Jiggins FM, Schlick-Steiner BC
5. Dietary quercetin protects Cherax quadricarinatus against white spot syndrome virus infection.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Gong J, Pan X, Zhou X
6. Pseudomonas aeruginosa exotoxin A induces apoptosis in Galleria mellonella hemocytes.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Iwański B, Mizerska-Kowalska M, Andrejko M.
7. Metarhizium robertsii MrAbaA affects conidial pigmentation via regulating MrPks1 and MrMlac1 expression.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Wu H, Tong Y, Wang C
8. Cancer spares no one: First record of neoplasm in parasitic barnacles (Arthropoda: Rhizocephala).
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Miroliubov AA, Lianguzova AD, Krupenko DY
9. Investigating bacterial infections in Galleria mellonella larvae: Insights into pathogen dissemination and behavior.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Admella J, Torrents E.
10. Effect of acute ultraviolet radiation on Galleria mellonella health and immunity.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Sabockytė A, McAllister S, Coates CJ
11. Akanthomyces diversity in Brazil and their pathogenicity to plant-sucking insects.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Lopes RB, Souza TAD, Mascarin GM
12. First report of Colletotrichum fioriniae infections in brown marmorated stink bugs, Halyomorpha halys.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
González JB, Lambert CA, Foley AM
13. Beauveria australis finds a new host in French dung beetles introduced to Australia.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Caron V, Pérez Vila S, Gueidan C.
14. Natural transmission of Hematodinium perezi in juvenile blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus) in the laboratory.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Chen X, Reece KS, Shields JD.
15. Comparative transcriptome analysis of non-germinated and germinated spores of Enterocytozoon hepatopenaei (EHP) in vitro.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Dou Y, Zhang L, Shen H
16. Temperature-modulated host-pathogen interactions between Hermetia illucens L. (Diptera: Stratiomyidae) and Pseudomonas protegens Pf-5.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Shah PN, Ruan X, van Loon JJA
17. Co-application of entomopathogenic fungi with chemical insecticides against Culex pipiens.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Salem HHA, Mohammed SH, Eltaly RI
18. Diversity of anamorphic Cordyceps (formerly Isaria) isolated from Brazilian agricultural sites.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Lopes RB, de Souza DA, Inglis PW
19. Potential of 3-octanone as a lure and kill agent for control of the Brown garden snail.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
İlknur Yavasoglu S, Wood MJ, Alkhaibari AM
20. WSSV susceptibility in the early life stages of Penaeus vannamei shows relationship with bodyweight.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Qayoom U, Gireesh-Babu P, Kumar G
21. Comparative genomics for Agmasoma sp. (Microsporidia) parasitising invasive Carcinus aestuarii and Carcinus maenas in Argentina.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Bojko J, Frizzera A, Vázquez N
22. Investigating Wolbachia symbiont-mediated host protection against a bacterial pathogen using a natural Wolbachia nuclear insert.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Prigot-Maurice C, Lheraud B, Guéritault S
23. Identification of the potential matrix protein of invertebrate iridescent virus 6 (IIV6).
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Gencer D, Yesilyurt A, Ozsahin E
24. Metarhizium indicum, a new species of entomopathogenic fungus infecting leafhopper, Busoniomimus manjunathi from India.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Senthil Kumar CM, Jacob TK, Devasahayam S
25. The development of single-chain antibody anchored on the BmE cell membrane to inhibit BmNPV infection.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Fan Y, Wu P, Sun Q
26. Microsporidians (Microsporidia) parasitic on mosquitoes (Culicidae) in central Europe are often multi-host species.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Trzebny A, Mizera J, Dabert M.
27. Study of infectious hypodermal and hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHHNV) infection in different organs of Penaeus vannamei.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Hou ZH, Gao Y, Wang JJ
28. Entomopathogenic nematodes for biological control of Psylliodes chrysocephala (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in oilseed rape.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Godina G, Vandenbossche B, Schmidt M
29. Investigation of the fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) gut microbiome and entomopathogenic fungus-induced pathobiome.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Liu YC, Chen TH, Huang YF
30. Infection patterns of Harmonia axyridis (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) by ectoparasitic microfungi and endosymbiotic bacteria.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Awad M, Piálková R, Haelewaters D
31. First record of Perkinsus marinus infecting Crassostrea sp. in Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, using real-time PCR.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Rocha CSD, Sabry RC, Rocha RDS
32. Gut bacterial microbiota of Lymantria dispar asiatica and its involvement in Beauveria bassiana infection.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Bai J, Xu Z, Li L
33. First isolation of Francisella halioticida strains from blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) in Normandy, France.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Bouras H, Quesnelle Y, Barozet A
34. Impact of Beauveria bassiana on antioxidant enzyme activities and metabolomic profiles of Spodoptera frugiperda.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Zhang C, Teng B, Liu H
35. Transmission modes and efficiency of iflavirus and cripavirus in Queensland fruit fly, Bactrocera tryoni.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Morrow JL, Sharpe SR, Tilden G
36. Alternosema astaquatica n. sp. (Microsporidia: Enterocytozoonida), a systemic parasite of the crayfish Faxonius virilis.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Stratton CE, Reisinger LS, Behringer DC
37. Paraquat is toxic to the soil-dwelling arthropod, Folsomia candida (Collembola: Isotomidae), and has potential effects on its Wolbachia endosymbiont.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Ward MCE, Barrios MC, Fallon AM.
38. Minimal sharing of nosematid and trypanosomatid parasites between honey bees and other bees, but extensive sharing of Crithidia between bumble and mason bees.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Lim HC, Lambrecht D, Forkner RE
39. Application of PCR-based diagnostic tools that target Enterocytozoon hepatopenaei for the molecular detection of a Vittaforma-like microsporidium that infects Penaeus vannamei from Costa Rica.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Peña-Navarro N, López-Carvallo A, Chacón Perez B
40. Infection patterns of 'Candidatus Liberibacter europaeus' in Cacopsylla oluanpiensis, a psyllid pest of Pittosporum pentandrum.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Fang ZQ, Liao YC, Lee S
41. Detection of a novel microsporidium with intranuclear localization in farmed Penaeus vannamei from Latin America.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Dhar AK, Cruz-Flores R, Mai HN
42. Biochemical compositions and histopathology of the young and aged nymphs of the desert locust Schistocerca gregaria Forsskål (Orthoptera: Acrididae) affected by Photorhabdus luminescens (Enterobacterales: Morganellaceae).
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Fathy Z, Muhammad J, Azazy A.
43. Characterization of Brazilian Cordyceps fumosorosea isolates: Conidial production, tolerance to ultraviolet-B radiation, and elevated temperature.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Rojas VMA, Iwanicki NSA, D'Alessandro CP
44. Detection of viral genes in Metarhizium anisopliae JEF-290-infected longhorned tick, Haemaphysalis longicornis using transcriptome analysis.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Lee MR, Kim JC, Park SE
45. Exposure of newly deposited Aedes aegypti eggs to Metarhizium humberi and fungal development on the eggs.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Sousa NA, Rodrigues J, Luz C
46. A 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate deaminase MrACCD from Metarhizium robertsii is associated with plant growth promotion for Metarhizium spp.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Liao X, Luo Q, Wu C
47. Synergistic interactions between three insecticides and Beauveria bassiana (Bals.-Criv.) Vuill. (Ascomycota: Hypocreales) in lesser mealworm, Alphitobius diaperinus Panzer (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae), larvae.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Rice SJ, Furlong MJ.
48. Increasing the survival and efficacy of entomopathogenic nematodes on exposed surfaces by Pickering emulsion formulations offers new venue for foliar pest management.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Ramakrishnan J, Salame L, Mani KA
49. The son-killer microbe Arsenophonus nasoniae is a widespread associate of the parasitic wasp Nasonia vitripennis in Europe.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Nadal-Jimenez P, Frost CL, Cláudia Norte A
50. Microbial diversity in stingless bee gut is linked to host wing size and influenced by the environment.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Liu H, Hall MA, Brettell LE
51. Distribution and prevalence of viral genomes in Italian populations of the invasive brown marmorated stink bug Halyomorpha halys.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Papa G, Abbà S, Galetto L
52. Salinity and temperature affect the symbiont profile and host condition of Florida USA blue crabs Callinectes sapidus.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Walters EA, Bojko J, Crowley CE
53. Widespread distribution of honey bee-associated pathogens in native bees and wasps: Trends in pathogen prevalence and co-occurrence.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Deutsch KR, Graham JR, Boncristiani HF
54. An isothermal enzymatic recombinase amplification (ERA) assay for rapid and accurate detection of Enterocytozoon hepatopenaei infection in shrimp.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Li J, Wang Y, Hu J
55. Pseudohepatospora borealis n. gen. n. sp. (Microsporidia: Enterocytozoonida): A microsporidian pathogen of the Jonah crab (Cancer borealis).
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Bojko J, Behringer DC, Bateman KS
56. Short communication: Varroa destructor re-invasion dynamics during autumn and winter in Apis mellifera colonies from a temperate climate.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Giacobino A, Miotti C, Molineri A
57. White feces syndrome in Penaeus vannamei is potentially an Enterocytozoon hepatopenaei (EHP) associated pathobiome origin of Vibrio spp.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Subash P, Chrisolite B, Sivasankar P
58. Type 6 secretion system components hcp and vgrG support mutualistic partnership between Xenorhabdus bovienii symbiont and Steinernema jollieti host.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Pothula R, Lee MW, Patricia Stock S.
59. Improvement of Akanthomyces lecanii resistance to tebuconazole through UV-C radiation and selective pressure on microbial evolution and growth arenas.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Miranda-Calixto A, Loera-Corral O, López-Pérez M
60. Detection of Enterocytozoon hepatopenaei (EHP) (microsporidia) in several species of potential macrofauna-carriers from shrimp (Penaeus vannamei) ponds in Malaysia.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Wan Sajiri WMH, Kua BC, Borkhanuddin MH.
61. Characterization of Enterocytozoon hepatopenaei causing hepatopancreatic microsporidiosis in L. vannamei and a new molecular method for its detection in shrimps, and other environmental samples.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Mithun Raj, Sathiyaraj G, Biju Narayanan
62. Rapid and effective detection of Macrobrachium rosenbergii nodavirus using a combination of nucleic acid sequence-based amplification test and immunochromatographic strip.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Lin F, Shen J, Liu Y
63. Genetic variability of Metarhizium isolates from the Ticino Valley Natural Park (Northern Italy) as a possible microbiological resource for the management of Popillia japonica.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Barzanti GP, Enkerli J, Benvenuti C
64. Using autophagy, apoptosis, cytoskeleton, and epigenetics markers to investigate the origin of infertility in ex-fissiparous freshwater planarian individuals (nomen nudum species) with hyperplasic ovaries.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Harrath AH, Aldahmash W, Alrezaki A
65. Cambaraspora faxoni n. sp. (Microsporidia: Glugeida) from native and invasive crayfish in the USA and a novel host of Cambaraspora floridanus.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Stratton CE, Kabalan BA, Bolds SA
66. Influence of 'Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus' infection on the susceptibility of Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri to Bacillus thuringiensis pesticidal proteins, Mpp51Aa1 and Cry1Ba1.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Kishk A, Dos Santos Tavares C, Mishra R
67. Pathology, epidemiology, and phylogeny of mussel egg disease due to the microsporidian Steinhausia mytilovum (Field, 1924) in the Mediterranean mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis).
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Carella F, De Vico G.
68. The presence of identical deformed wing virus sequence variants in co-occurring Apis species in Northern Thailand may represent a potential epidemiological threat to native honey bees of Southeast Asia.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Chantaphanwattana T, Shafiey H, Phokasem P
69. The deterrent ability of Xenorhabdus nematophila and Photorhabdus laumondii compounds as a potential novel tool for Lobesia botrana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) management.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Vicente-Díez I, Pou A, Campos-Herrera R.
70. Comparative effects of different bacterial lipopolysaccharides on modulation of immune levels to improve survival of the black tiger shrimp.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Arayamethakorn S, Uengwetwanit T, Karoonuthaisiri N
71. Entomophthoralean fungi overwinter with the bird cherry-oat aphid on bird cherry trees.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Saussure S, Jensen AB, Davey ML
72. Advancing the knowledge of the nematode Echinocephalus pseudouncinatus (Gnathostomatidae, Spirurida): Morphological and molecular identification, new host, and host specificity in two coexisting pen shells (Bivalvia: Pinnidae).
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Camacho-Mondragón MA, Morelos-Castro RM, Yee-Duarte JA
73. Pandora cacopsyllae Eilenberg, Keller & Humber (Entomophthorales: Entomophthoraceae), a new species infecting pear psyllid Cacopsylla pyri L. (Hemiptera: Psyllidae).
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Eilenberg J, Keller S, Humber RA
74. Histopathological screening of Pontogammarus robustoides (Amphipoda), an invader on route to the United Kingdom.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Warren DA, Burgess AL, Prati S
75. Alkaloid content in microsporidia-infected Adalia bipunctata (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) life stages, and pathogen spore load in adults after exposure to physical stress.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Steele T, Singer RD, Bjørnson S.
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