期刊文献 > J Invertebr Pathol期刊 选择月份
2023 Sep (2)
2023 Aug (2)
20 2 (75)
1. Differences in the proliferation trend of 'Microsporidium' sp. PL03 in Culex pipiens and C. torrentium larvae.
J Invertebr Pathol
2023 Sep 9
Trzebny A, Jedut S, Nahimova O
2. Austropotamobius pallipes can be infected by two haplotypes of Aphanomyces astaci: A key example from an outbreak at an ex-situ conservation facility.
J Invertebr Pathol
2023 Sep 1
Casabella-Herrero G, Higuera-Gamindez M, Azcona VA
3. Ecytonucleospora hepatopenaei n. gen. et comb. (Microsporidia: Enterocytozoonidae): A redescription of the Enterocytozoon hepatopenaei (Tourtip et al., 2009), a microsporidian infecting the widely cultivated shrimp Penaeus vannamei.
J Invertebr Pathol
2023 Aug 30
Wang Y, Chen J, Na Y
4. Investigating conspecific CsRV1 transmission in Callinectes sapidus.
J Invertebr Pathol
2023 Aug 25
Lively JA, Spitznagel MI, Schott EJ
5. Stress tolerance in entomopathogenic nematodes: Engineering superior nematodes for precision agriculture.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Maushe D, Ogi V, Divakaran K
6. Bivalve digestive epithelial virosis (DEV): A cause of disease or a natural process?
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Rolton A, Webb SC, López-Sanmartín M
7. Avoidance and attraction behaviour of slugs exposed to parasitic nematodes.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Rae R.
8. Wolbachia endosymbiotic bacteria alter the gut microbiome in the fly Drosophila nigrosparsa.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Detcharoen M, Jiggins FM, Schlick-Steiner BC
9. Dietary quercetin protects Cherax quadricarinatus against white spot syndrome virus infection.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Gong J, Pan X, Zhou X
10. Pseudomonas aeruginosa exotoxin A induces apoptosis in Galleria mellonella hemocytes.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Iwański B, Mizerska-Kowalska M, Andrejko M.
11. Metarhizium robertsii MrAbaA affects conidial pigmentation via regulating MrPks1 and MrMlac1 expression.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Wu H, Tong Y, Wang C
12. Cancer spares no one: First record of neoplasm in parasitic barnacles (Arthropoda: Rhizocephala).
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Miroliubov AA, Lianguzova AD, Krupenko DY
13. Investigating bacterial infections in Galleria mellonella larvae: Insights into pathogen dissemination and behavior.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Admella J, Torrents E.
14. Effect of acute ultraviolet radiation on Galleria mellonella health and immunity.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Sabockytė A, McAllister S, Coates CJ
15. Akanthomyces diversity in Brazil and their pathogenicity to plant-sucking insects.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Lopes RB, Souza TAD, Mascarin GM
16. First report of Colletotrichum fioriniae infections in brown marmorated stink bugs, Halyomorpha halys.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
González JB, Lambert CA, Foley AM
17. Beauveria australis finds a new host in French dung beetles introduced to Australia.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Caron V, Pérez Vila S, Gueidan C.
18. Natural transmission of Hematodinium perezi in juvenile blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus) in the laboratory.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Chen X, Reece KS, Shields JD.
19. Comparative transcriptome analysis of non-germinated and germinated spores of Enterocytozoon hepatopenaei (EHP) in vitro.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Dou Y, Zhang L, Shen H
20. Temperature-modulated host-pathogen interactions between Hermetia illucens L. (Diptera: Stratiomyidae) and Pseudomonas protegens Pf-5.
J Invertebr Pathol
20 2 3
Shah PN, Ruan X, van Loon JJA
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