期刊文献 > BMC Plant Biol期刊 选择月份
2023 Sep (15)
2023 Aug (33)
2023 Jul (26)
2023 Jun (54)
2023 May (56)
2023 Apr (57)
2023 Mar (54)
2023 Feb (28)
1. Improvement of straw decomposition and rice growth through co-application of straw-decomposing inoculants and ammonium nitrogen fertilizer.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 May 9
Liu W, Tang J, Zhang D
2. The plastome reveals new insights into the evolutionary and domestication history of peonies in East Asia.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 May 8
Chen Q, Chen L, Teixeira da Silva JA
3. Phylogeography of cultivated and wild ophiopogon japonicus based on chloroplast DNA: exploration of the origin and sustainable cultivation.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 May 8
Zhao LY(#), Liu YL(#), Shen Y
4. Genome-wide identification and expression profile analysis of metal tolerance protein gene family in Eucalyptus grandis under metal stresses.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 May 6
Shirazi Z, Khakdan F, Rafiei F
5. Aphid adaptation to cucurbits: sugars, cucurbitacin and phloem structure in resistant and susceptible melons.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 May 5
Sadon P, Corre MN, Lugan R
6. Investigating the genetic components of tuber bruising in a breeding population of tetraploid potatoes.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 May 5
Angelin-Bonnet O, Thomson S, Vignes M
7. Transcriptomic profiling of near-isogenic lines reveals candidate genes for a significant locus conferring metribuzin resistance in wheat.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 May 5
Bhattarai R, Liu H, Siddique KHM
8. Resequencing of Rosa rugosa accessions revealed the history of population dynamics, breed origin, and domestication pathways.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 May 4
Zang F(#), Ma Y(#), Wu Q(#)
9. Building an improved transcription factor-centered yeast one hybrid system to identify DNA motifs bound by protein comprehensively.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 May 4
Jingwen W(#), Jingxin W(#), Ye Z
10. Identification and functional characterization of the dirigent gene family in Phryma leptostachya and the contribution of PlDIR1 in lignan biosynthesis.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 May 31
Pei Y, Cao W, Yu W
11. Identification of fusarium head blight resistance markers in a genome-wide association study of CIMMYT spring synthetic hexaploid derived wheat lines.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 May 31
Serajazari M, Torkamaneh D, Gordon E
12. Comparative genetic and epigenetic of the Sphagneticola trilobata (L.) Pruski from different regions in China.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 May 30
Xiao Y, Chen X, Yin Y
13. Metabolomic and transcriptomic analyses provide insights into variations in flavonoids contents between two Artemisia cultivars.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 May 30
Qiao Y(#), Wu L(#), Yang S
14. Deciphering the molecular basis for photosynthetic parameters in Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea L. Verdc) under drought stress.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 May 30
Gao X, Chai HH, Ho WK
15. Characterization of the physico-chemical properties of the natural habitat and in vitro culture effects on the biochemistry, proliferation and morphology of Lemna minuta.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 May 3
Maissour A, Bouqadida M, Oualili H
16. Molecular characterization of a flavanone 3-hydroxylase gene from citrus fruit reveals its crucial roles in anthocyanin accumulation.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 May 3
Ma G, Zhang L, Yamamoto R
17. Contrasting effects of experiencing temporally heterogeneous light availability versus homogenous shading on plant subsequent responses to light conditions.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 May 3
Wang D, Wang S, Li LX
18. Physiological and transcriptional mechanisms associated with cadmium stress tolerance in Hibiscus syriacus L.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 May 29
Li X(#), Liu L(#), Sun S
19. Chloroplast genome characteristics and phylogeny of the sinodielsia clade (apiaceae: apioideae).
BMC Plant Biol
2023 May 29
Weng L(#), Jiang Y(#), Wang Y(#)
20. Analysis of the utilization value of different tissues of Taxus×Media based on metabolomics and antioxidant activity.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 May 29
Li M, Geng W, Wang Z
21. Habitat-related plastome evolution in the mycoheterotrophic Neottia listeroides complex (Orchidaceae, Neottieae).
BMC Plant Biol
2023 May 27
Shao BY(#), Wang MZ(#), Chen SS
22. QTL mapping of shoot and seed traits impacted by Drought in Barley using a recombinant inbred line Population.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 May 27
Ajayi OO, Bregitzer P, Klos K
23. Ethylene signals modulate the survival of Arabidopsis leaf explants.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 May 26
Shin SY, Lee CM, Kim HS
24. Identification of Vitis vinifera MYB transcription factors and their response against grapevine berry inner necrosis virus.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 May 26
Wang X, Zhao S, Zhou R
25. The hops (Humulus lupulus) genome contains a mid-sized terpene synthase family that shows wide functional and allelic diversity.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 May 26
Chen X, Wang MY, Deng CH
26. Regional testing of triploid hybrid clones of populus tomentosa.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 May 25
Li L, Du J, Ma L
27. Genetic diversity and population divergence of Leonurus japonicus and its distribution dynamic changes from the last interglacial to the present in China.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 May 25
Wang Y(#), Wang J(#), Garran TA
28. Construction of the first high-density genetic linkage map and QTL mapping of flavonoid and leaf-size related traits in Epimedium.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 May 25
Yu D, Huang R, Yu S
29. Adaptation strategies of leaf traits and leaf economic spectrum of two urban garden plants in China.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 May 24
Xu L, Zhang N, Wei T
30. Optimization of ATAC-seq in wheat seedling roots using INTACT-isolated nuclei.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 May 22
Debernardi JM, Burguener G, Bubb K
31. Comparative analyses and phylogenetic relationships of thirteen Pholidota species (Orchidaceae) inferred from complete chloroplast genomes.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 May 20
Li L(#), Wang W(#), Zhang G
32. Plant trait networks reveal adaptation strategies in the drylands of China.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 May 19
Wang X(#), Ji M(#), Zhang Y
33. Different evolutionary patterns of TIR1/AFBs and AUX/IAAs and their implications for the morphogenesis of land plants.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 May 19
Su L, Zhang T, Yang B
34. Metabolome and transcriptome profiling revealed the enhanced synthesis of volatile esters in Korla pear.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 May 19
Liu Y, Wen H, Yang X
35. Molecular insights into the responses of barley to yellow mosaic disease through transcriptome analysis.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 May 19
Zhang M(#), Hong Y(#), Zhu J
36. Determination of superior Pistacia chinensis accession with high-quality seed oil and biodiesel production and revelation of LEC1/WRI1-mediated high oil accumulative mechanism for better developing woody biodiesel.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 May 19
Chen F(#), Lin W(#), Li W(#)
37. Leaf litter chemistry and its effects on soil microorganisms in different ages of Zanthoxylum planispinum var. Dintanensis.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 May 18
Song Y, Yu Y, Li Y
38. Modifications in steroid and triterpenoid metabolism in Calendula officinalis plants and hairy root culture in response to chitosan treatment.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 May 18
Rogowska A, Pączkowski C, Szakiel A.
39. Genome-wide analysis of the cellulose toolbox of Primulina eburnea, a calcium-rich vegetable.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 May 16
Zhang Y, Zhang J, Zou S
40. Utilization of natural alleles for heat adaptability QTLs at the flowering stage in rice.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 May 16
Pan YH(#), Chen L(#), Zhu XY(#)
41. High-resolution Hi-C maps highlight multiscale chromatin architecture reorganization during cold stress in Brachypodium distachyon.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 May 16
Zhang X, Yu G, Dai Y
42. Transcriptome profiling of barley in response to mineral and organic fertilizers.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 May 16
Esmaeilzadeh-Salestani K, Tohidfar M, Ghanbari Moheb Seraj R
43. Magnesium chelatase subunit D is not only required for chlorophyll biosynthesis and photosynthesis, but also affecting starch accumulation in Manihot esculenta Crantz.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 May 16
Yang X(#), Cai J(#), Xue J
44. Effects of N and P additions on twig traits of wild apple (Malus sieversii) saplings.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 May 16
Zhang YY, Yan JM, Zhou XB
45. Population structure analysis to explore genetic diversity and geographical distribution characteristics of wild tea plant in Guizhou Plateau.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 May 16
He L, Luo J, Niu S
46. Nitrogen fixation by common beans in crop mixtures is influenced by growth rate of associated species.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 May 15
Singh A, Schöb C, Iannetta PPM.
47. Genetic diversity, population genetic structure and gene flow in the rare and endangered wild plant Cypripedium macranthos revealed by genotyping-by-sequencing.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 May 15
Wu Q, Dong S, Zhao Y
48. Improvements in the biochemical responses and Pb and Ni phytoremediation of lavender (Lavandula angustifolia L.) plants through Funneliformis mosseae inoculation.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 May 13
Rasouli F, Hassanpouraghdam MB, Pirsarandib Y
49. The genome of Candidatus phytoplasma ziziphi provides insights into their biological characteristics.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 May 12
Xue C(#), Zhang Y(#), Li H
50. Novel soil-less potting mixes for the mycorrhization of Quercus pubescens Willd. seedlings with Tuber melanosporum Vittad.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 May 12
Pagliarani S, Vannini A, Kuzminsky E
51. Comparative transcriptomic and evolutionary analysis of FAD-like genes of Brassica species revealed their role in fatty acid biosynthesis and stress tolerance.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 May 12
Shaheen N, Khan UM, Farooq A
52. Multiomics strategies for decoding seed dormancy breakdown in Paris polyphylla.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 May 11
Zheng G(#), Li W(#), Zhang S(#)
53. Genome-wide identification of Brassicaceae histone modification genes and their responses to abiotic stresses in allotetraploid rapeseed.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 May 11
Hu LL, Zheng LW, Zhu XL
54. Specific Streptomyces strain enhances the growth, defensive mechanism, and fruit quality of cucumber by minimizing its fertilizer consumption.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 May 11
Orouji E, Fathi Ghare Baba M, Sadeghi A
55. Combined transcriptomic and metabolomic analyses elucidate key salt-responsive biomarkers to regulate salt tolerance in cotton.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 May 10
Han M(#), Cui R(#), Wang D(#)
56. Role of tillage measures in mitigating waterlogging damage in rapeseed.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 May 1
Tian X, Li Z, Liu Y
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