期刊文献 > BMC Plant Biol期刊 选择月份
2023 Sep (15)
2023 Aug (33)
2023 Jul (26)
2023 Jun (54)
2023 May (56)
2023 Apr (57)
2023 Mar (54)
2023 Feb (28)
1. Population size as a major determinant of mating system and population genetic differentiation in a narrow endemic chasmophyte.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 Aug 9
Surina B, Balant M, Glasnović P
2. Genomic-wide identification and expression analysis of R2R3-MYB transcription factors related to flavonol biosynthesis in Morinda officinalis.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 Aug 7
Li J(#), Xu S(#), Mei Y
3. Effects of saline water on soil properties and red radish growth in saline soil as a function of co-applying wood chips biochar with chemical fertilizers.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 Aug 7
Amin AEAZ.
4. Intraspecific divergence in essential oil content, composition and genes expression patterns of monoterpene synthesis in Origanum vulgare subsp. vulgare and subsp. gracile under salinity stress.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 Aug 7
Azimzadeh Z, Hassani A, Mandoulakani BA
5. The role of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria in plant drought stress responses.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 Aug 25
Chieb M, Gachomo EW.
6. Mechanisms of systemic resistance to pathogen infection in plants and their potential application in forestry.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 Aug 25
Wilson SK, Pretorius T, Naidoo S.
7. Comparison of metabolomic reconfiguration between Columbia and Landsberg ecotypes subjected to the combination of high salinity and increased irradiance.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 Aug 25
Segarra-Medina C, Pascual LS, Alseekh S
8. Promoter characterization of a citrus linalool synthase gene mediating interspecific variation in resistance to a bacterial pathogen.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 Aug 25
Wang Q, Wang X, Huang L
9. Effect of betanin synthesis on photosynthesis and tyrosine metabolism in transgenic carrot.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 Aug 24
Wang B, Wang YH, Deng YJ
10. Enhancing Vicia faba(')s immunity against Rhizoctonia solani root rot diseases by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and nano chitosan.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 Aug 24
El-Gazzar N, El-Hai KMA, Teama SAM
11. Identification and interest of molecular markers to monitor plant Pi status.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 Aug 23
Cuyas L(#), David P(#), de Craieye D
12. Effect of different growing media on pomological and phytochemical parameters of Fragaria vesca 'Yellow Wonder' and Fragaria ×ananassa 'Camarosa': a comparative study.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 Aug 23
Unal N, Kahramanoglu I, Seyed Hajizadeh H
13. Extreme environmental adaptation mechanisms of Antarctic bryophytes are mainly the activation of antioxidants, secondary metabolites and photosynthetic pathways.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 Aug 22
Zhang L, Zhang Z, Cao J
14. Impacts of kinetin implementation on leaves, floral and root-related traits during seed production in hybrid rice under water deficiency.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 Aug 22
Ghazy MI, Hamad HS, Gewaily EE
15. Role of soil nutrient elements transport on Camellia oleifera yield under different soil types.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 Aug 2
Chen Y, Zheng J, Yang Z
16. Selecting the superior late-leafing genotypes of Persian walnut (Juglans regia L.) using morphological and pomological evaluations.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 Aug 2
Soveili S, Khadivi A.
17. Alkaline and acidic soil constraints on iron accumulation by Rice cultivars in relation to several physio-biochemical parameters.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 Aug 19
Saleem A, Zulfiqar A, Saleem MZ
18. Genetic-based dissection of resistance to bacterial leaf streak in rice by GWAS.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 Aug 18
Zhu X(#), Chen L(#), Zhang Z
19. In-silico analysis of heat shock transcription factor (OsHSF) gene family in rice (Oryza sativa L.).
BMC Plant Biol
2023 Aug 17
Shamshad A, Rashid M, Zaman QU.
20. Geographical variation in functional traits of leaves of Caryopteris mongholica and the role of climate.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 Aug 15
Yu X, Ji R, Li M
21. Natural variation in ZmNAC087 contributes to total root length regulation in maize seedlings under salt stress.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 Aug 14
Zhang X(#), Wang H(#), Yang M
22. Assembly and comparative analysis of the complete mitochondrial genome of Ilex metabaptista (Aquifoliaceae), a Chinese endemic species with a narrow distribution.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 Aug 14
Zhou P, Zhang Q, Li F
23. Plant GARDEN: a portal website for cross-searching between different types of genomic and genetic resources in a wide variety of plant species.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 Aug 12
Ichihara H, Yamada M, Kohara M
24. Functional analysis of a susceptibility gene (HIPP27) in the Arabidopsis thaliana-Meloidogyne incognita pathosystem by using a genome editing strategy.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 Aug 11
Dutta TK, Vashisth N, Ray S
25. Genome-wide association study of resistance to anthracnose in pepper (Capsicum chinense) germplasm.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 Aug 10
Ro N, Haile M, Hur O
26. Mycorrhizal colonization and Streptomyces viridosporus HH1 synergistically up-regulate the polyphenol biosynthesis genes in wheat against stripe rust.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 Aug 10
Rashad YM, El-Sharkawy HH, Abdalla SA
27. Promotive effect of phytosulfokine - peptide growth factor - on protoplast cultures development in Fagopyrum tataricum (L.) Gaertn.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 Aug 10
Zaranek M, Pérez-Pérez R, Milewska-Hendel A
28. Variation in the morphology and effector profiles of Exserohilum turcicum isolates associated with the Northern Corn Leaf Blight of maize in Nigeria.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 Aug 10
Bankole FA, Badu-Apraku B, Salami AO
29. New insights into the plastome evolution of Lauraceae using herbariomics.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 Aug 10
Yang Z, Ferguson DK, Yang Y.
30. Activity of volatiles induced by microbes and natural plants stifled the growth of Pythium aphanidermatum - the damping off in Tomato.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 Aug 10
Thangaraj P, Subbiah KA, Sevugapperumal N
31. Metabolomics analysis reveals the differences between Abrus cantoniensis Hance and Abrus mollis Hance.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 Aug 1
Cao K, Chen J, Huang R
32. Evaluation of altered starch mutants and identification of candidate genes responsible for starch variation in wheat.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 Aug 1
Irshad A(#), Guo H(#), Xiong H
33. Genome-wide characterization, evolutionary analysis, and expression pattern analysis of the trihelix transcription factor family and gene expression analysis under MeJA treatment in Panax ginseng.
BMC Plant Biol
2023 Aug 1
Hu J, Liu T, Huo H
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