期刊文献 > Vaccine期刊 选择月份
2023 Sep (64)
2023 Aug (99)
2023 Jul (84)
2023 Jun (88)
2023 May (83)
2023 Apr (72)
2023 Mar (85)
2023 Feb (29)
1. Assessing vaccine safety during a pandemic: Recent experience and lessons learned for the future.
2023 Jun 7
Black SB, Chandler RE, Edwards KM
2. Safety of COVID-19 vaccines during pregnancy: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
2023 Jun 7
Ciapponi A, Berrueta M, P K Parker E
3. Inclusion of intersectionality in studies of immunization uptake in Canada: A scoping review.
2023 Jun 7
Cha E, Vyas V, King KD
4. A national survey of parents' views on childhood vaccinations in Ireland.
2023 Jun 7
Marron L, Ferenczi A, O'Brien KM
5. Meningococcal ACWY conjugate vaccine immunogenicity and safety in adolescents with juvenile idiopathic arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease: A prospective observational cohort study.
2023 Jun 7
Ohm M, van Straalen JW, Zijlstra M
6. Within-host modeling to measure dynamics of antibody responses after natural infection or vaccination: A systematic review.
2023 Jun 7
Garcia-Fogeda I, Besbassi H, Larivière Y
7. Immunogenicity and safety of a single booster dose of NVX-CoV2373 (TAK-019) in healthy Japanese adults who had previously received a primary series of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine: Primary analysis report of a phase 3 open-label trial.
2023 Jun 7
Kuriyama K, Murakami K, Masuda T
8. Outbreak management strategies for cocirculation of multiple poliovirus types.
2023 Jun 7
Kalkowska DA, Badizadegan K, Thompson KM.
9. Personal risk or societal benefit? Investigating adults' support for COVID-19 childhood vaccination.
2023 Jun 7
Chiavenna C, Leone LP, Melegaro A
10. Influences of sociodemographic characteristics and parental HPV vaccination hesitancy on HPV vaccination coverage in five US states.
2023 Jun 7
Shato T, Humble S, Anandarajah A
11. Mumps resurgence in a highly vaccinated population: Insights gained from surveillance in Canada, 2002-2020.
2023 Jun 7
Hiebert J, Saboui M, Frost JR
12. Development of a Choice-framework for Covid vaccines in India using a multi-criteria decision analysis approach.
2023 Jun 7
George TK, Nair NP, Singh AK
13. The increasing age of respiratory syncytial virus-related hospitalisation during COVID-19 pandemic in Lyon was associated with reduced hospitalisation costs.
2023 Jun 7
Roy Á, Polazzi S, Ploin D
14. Vaccine hesitancy in pregnant Women: A narrative review.
2023 Jun 29
Mitchell SL, Schulkin J, Power ML.
15. Immune response enhancement with GLS-5310 DNA primary vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 followed by administration of an mRNA vaccine heterologous boost.
2023 Jun 29
Kim WJ, Roberts CC, Song JY
16. Inactivated influenza virions are a flexible vaccine platform for eliciting protective antibody responses against neuraminidase.
2023 Jun 29
Martinez MR, Gao J, Wan H
17. Factors associated with receipt of mRNA-1273 vaccine at a United States national retail pharmacy during the COVID-19 pandemic.
2023 Jun 29
Roberts-McCarthy E, Buck PO, Smith-Ray RL
18. Comparison of mRNA vaccine effectiveness against COVID-19-associated hospitalization by vaccination source: Immunization information systems, electronic medical records, and self-report-IVY Network, February 1-August 31, 2022.
2023 Jun 29
Surie D, Bonnell LN, DeCuir J
19. Effectiveness of the booster dose of COVID-19 vaccine in the Basque Country during the sixth wave: A nationwide cohort study.
2023 Jun 29
Arrospide A, Sagardui MG, Larizgoitia I
20. Pneumonia hospitalization after introduction of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in Japan: Descriptive study using a nationwide claims database.
2023 Jun 29
Yanai T, Yoshida S, Takeuchi M
21. Immunogenicity and safety of a fourth homologous dose of NVX-CoV2373.
2023 Jun 29
Alves K, Plested JS, Galbiati S
22. Cost-effectiveness of routine annual influenza vaccination by age and risk status.
2023 Jun 29
Kim DeLuca E, Gebremariam A, Rose A
23. Impact, cost-effectiveness, and budget implications of HPV vaccination in Kenya: A modelling study.
2023 Jun 29
Mwenda V, Jalang'o R, Miano C
24. COVID-19 vaccination and menstrual cycle characteristics: A prospective cohort study.
2023 Jun 29
Wesselink AK, Lovett SM, Weinberg J
25. Medical outcomes of children with neurodevelopmental disorders after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination: A six-month follow-up study.
2023 Jun 29
Wang LJ, Tsai CS, Chou WJ
26. Evaluation of N-glycan-decorated live attenuated Escherichia coli and outer membrane vesicles as vaccines against Campylobacter jejuni colonisation in chickens.
2023 Jun 29
Vohra P, Bremner A, Nicholls B
27. Spontaneously reported adverse events following COVID-19 basic and booster immunizations in the Netherlands.
2023 Jun 29
van der Boor SC, Schmitz-de Vries ETJ, Smits D
28. Immunogenicity, efficacy, and safety of CoronaVac and Pfizer/BioNTech mRNA vaccines in patients with psoriasis receiving systemic therapies: A prospective cohort study.
2023 Jun 29
Ergun T, Hosgoren Tekin S, Apti Sengun O
29. Effectiveness of a fourth dose of mRNA-1273 against COVID-19 among older adults in the United States: Interim results from an observational cohort study.
2023 Jun 29
Ku JH, Sy LS, Qian L
30. One year safety and immunogenicity of AZD1222 (ChAdOx1 nCoV-19): Final analysis of a randomized, placebo-controlled phase 1/2 trial in Japan.
2023 Jun 29
Ishikawa K, Nascimento MC, Asano M
31. Immunological responses and adverse reactions of the heterologous second booster dose of BNT162b2 after two-dose CoronaVac for COVID-19 vaccination in healthcare workers of Faculty of Medicine, Naresuan University.
2023 Jun 29
Makanut S, Wangteeraprasert A, Jitpewngam W
32. The societal cost of vaccine refusal: A modelling study using measles vaccination as a case study.
2023 Jun 23
Olivera Mesa D, Winskill P, Ghani AC
33. Oral and fecal polio vaccine excretion following bOPV vaccination among Israeli infants.
2023 Jun 23
Chorin O, Markovich MP, Avramovich E
34. Vaccine wastage in Ghana, Mozambique, and Pakistan: An assessment of wastage rates for four vaccines and the context, causes, drivers, and knowledge, attitudes and practices for vaccine wastage.
2023 Jun 23
Mvundura M, Ng J, Reynolds K
35. Humoral and cell-mediated immune responses to BNT162b2 vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 in people with cystic fibrosis.
2023 Jun 23
Alicandro G, Orena BS, Rosazza C
36. Randomized trial to evaluate the safety, tolerability, and immunogenicity of a booster (third dose) of BNT162b2 COVID-19 vaccine coadministered with 20-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in adults ≥65 years old.
2023 Jun 23
Fitz-Patrick D, Young M, Yacisin K
37. Estimating global changes in routine childhood vaccination coverage during the COVID-19 pandemic, 2020-2021.
2023 Jun 23
Ghaznavi C, Eguchi A, Suu Lwin K
38. Evaluation of association of anti-PEG antibodies with anaphylaxis after mRNA COVID-19 vaccination.
2023 Jun 23
Zhou ZH, Cortese MM, Fang JL
39. Understanding the role of personal experiences and contextual variables in shaping risk reduction preferences.
2023 Jun 23
Barrientos M, Vásquez-Lavin F, Rosales C
40. Pneumococcal serotypes and antibiotic resistance in healthy carriage children after introduction of PCV13 in Lima, Peru.
2023 Jun 23
Gonzales BE, Mercado EH, Castillo-Tokumori F
41. Incidence of myopericarditis after mRNA COVID-19 vaccination: A meta-analysis with focus on adolescents aged 12-17 years.
2023 Jun 23
Guo BQ, Li HB, Yang LQ.
42. Did the change of the vaccination schedule effect pneumococcal conjugate vaccination compliance and adherence of premature and mature born infants in Germany? Answers from a claims database analysis.
2023 Jun 23
Schley K, Borchert K, Seidel K
43. Immune responses and protection against Streptococcus pneumoniae elicited by recombinant Bordetella pertussis adenylate cyclase (CyaA) carrying fragments of pneumococcal surface protein A, PspA.
2023 Jun 23
Carneiro GB, Castro JT, Davi M
44. A retrospective cohort study investigating the comparative effectiveness of pneumococcal vaccines against hospitalisation with otitis media and pneumonia in New Zealand.
2023 Jun 23
Paynter J, Howe AS, Best E
45. A qualitative study on COVID-19 pandemic impacts on parental attitudes and intentions for routine adolescent vaccinations: The role of trust.
2023 Jun 23
Bolsewicz KT, Steffens MS, King C
46. Early detection of emerging infectious diseases - implications for vaccine development.
2023 Jun 2
Raina MacIntyre C, Lim S, Gurdasani D
47. Building global vaccine manufacturing capacity: Spotlight on Africa.
2023 Jun 19
Rubin Thompson LJ, Grubo M, Veller M
48. COVID-19 vaccine safety inquiries to the centers for disease control and prevention immunization safety office.
2023 Jun 19
Miller ER, Moro PL, Shimabukuro TT
49. Sexual orientation was associated with intention to be vaccinated with a smallpox vaccine against mpox: A cross-sectional preliminary survey in Japan.
2023 Jun 19
Hori D, Kaneda Y, Ozaki A
50. Promises and challenges of mucosal COVID-19 vaccines.
2023 Jun 19
Rathore APS, St John AL.
51. Predictors of Mpox vaccine uptake among sexual and gender minority young adults living in Illinois: Unvaccinated vs. double vs. single dose vaccine recipients.
2023 Jun 19
Curtis MG, Davoudpour S, Rodriguez-Ortiz AE
52. Solidified saturated fats coating subunit vaccines greatly extended vaccine booster release and contributed to a Th1/Th2 mixed immune response in mice.
2023 Jun 19
Choudhary P, Boamah B, Hon Ng S
53. A booster regime of liposome-delivered live-attenuated CHIKV vaccine RNA genome protects against chikungunya virus disease in mice.
2023 Jun 19
Rao S, Abeyratne E, Freitas JR
54. How to reduce vaccination hesitancy? The relevance of evidence and its communicator.
2023 Jun 19
Eger J, Kaplan LC, Sternberg H.
55. Prevalence of poliovirus neutralizing antibodies in Italian population: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
2023 Jun 19
Tafuri S, Cuscianna E, Bianchi FP.
56. Social cognitive predictors of vaccination status, uptake and mitigation behaviors in the Canadian COVID-19 Experiences survey.
2023 Jun 19
Hall PA, Meng G, Boudreau C
57. Do the vaccinated perform less distancing, mask wearing and hand hygiene? A test of the risk compensation hypothesis in a representative sample during the COVID-19 pandemic.
2023 Jun 19
Hall PA, Meng G, Sakib MN
58. Cognitive predictors of COVID-19 mitigation behaviors in vaccinated and unvaccinated general population members.
2023 Jun 19
Hudson A, Hall PA, Hitchman SC
59. Impact of pregnancy on polyfunctional IgG and memory B cell responses to Tdap immunization.
2023 Jun 19
Taton M, Willems F, Widomski C
60. COVID-19 vaccine decision-making among pregnant and lactating women in Bangladesh.
2023 Jun 13
Limaye RJ, Singh P, Paul A
61. Safety of the NVX-CoV2373 COVID-19 vaccine in randomized placebo-controlled clinical trials.
2023 Jun 13
Smith K, Hegazy K, Cai MR
62. Estimated vaccine effectiveness against SARS-CoV-2 Delta and Omicron infections among health care workers and the general adult population in Norway, August 2021 - January 2022.
2023 Jun 13
Langlete P, Tesli M, Veneti L
63. Uncovering inequities in Covid-19 vaccine coverage for adults and elderly in Brazil: A multilevel study of 2021-2022 data.
2023 Jun 13
Boing AF, Boing AC, Barberia L
64. Immunogenicity of the pentavalent DTwP-HB-Hib vaccine (Shan-5) used in the Thai Expanded Program on Immunization compared to the hexavalent DTaP-HB-Hib-IPV and DTwP-HB-Hib (Quinvaxem) vaccines administered to infants at 2, 4, 6 months of age.
2023 Jun 13
Wanlapakorn N, Pruetarat N, Sarawanangkoor N
65. COVID-19 vaccination decisions among Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller communities: A qualitative study moving beyond "vaccine hesitancy".
2023 Jun 13
Kühlbrandt C, McGowan CR, Stuart R
66. COVID-19 adenovirus vector vaccine induces higher interferon and pro-inflammatory responses than mRNA vaccines in human PBMCs, macrophages and moDCs.
2023 Jun 13
Jiang M, Väisänen E, Kolehmainen P
67. Immunogenicity and efficacy analyses of EPC002, ECA006, and EPCP009 protein subunit combinations as tuberculosis vaccine candidates.
2023 Jun 13
Wang R, Fan X, Jiang Y
68. VACCELERATE Site Network: Real-time definition of clinical study capacity in Europe.
2023 Jun 13
Salmanton-García J, Wipfler P, Valle-Simón P
69. A phase 1, randomized, placebo-controlled, dose-ranging study to evaluate the safety and immunogenicity of an mRNA-based chikungunya virus vaccine in healthy adults.
2023 Jun 13
Shaw CA, August A, Bart S
70. Quantification of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein expression from mRNA vaccines using isotope dilution mass spectrometry.
2023 Jun 13
Sutton WJH, Branham PJ, Williamson YM
71. National vaccination policies for health workers - A cross-sectional global overview.
2023 Jun 13
Young S, Goldin S, Dumolard L
72. "I Want People to Be Able to Make an Informed Choice": How Quebec naturopaths discuss vaccination in their practice.
2023 Jun 13
Malo B, Labbé F, Meyer SB
73. Anti-tumor necrosis factor therapy is associated with attenuated humoral response to SARS-COV-2 vaccines in patients with inflammatory bowel disease.
2023 Jun 13
Bordalo Ferreira F, Rafael MA, Coimbra L
74. Number of COVID-19 hospitalisations averted by vaccination: Estimates for the Netherlands, January 6, 2021 through August 30, 2022.
2023 Jun 13
van Iersel SCJL, McDonald SA, de Gier B
75. BCG∆BCG1419c and BCG differ in induction of autophagy, c-di-GMP content, proteome, and progression of lung pathology in Mycobacterium tuberculosis HN878-infected male BALB/c mice.
2023 Jun 13
Aceves-Sánchez MJ, Barrios-Payán JA, Segura-Cerda CA
76. Efficacy and safety of mRNA and AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccines in patients with autoimmune rheumatic diseases: A systematic review.
2023 Jun 13
Joudeh AI, Lutf AQ, Mahdi S
77. Dengue vaccine acceptability before and after the availability of COVID-19 vaccines in Puerto Rico.
2023 Jun 1
Rodriguez DM, Major CG, Sánchez-González L
78. Advances in intranasal vaccine delivery: A promising non-invasive route of immunization.
2023 Jun 1
Kehagia E, Papakyriakopoulou P, Valsami G.
79. Hepatitis B vaccine delivered by microneedle patch: Immunogenicity in mice and rhesus macaques.
2023 Jun 1
Choi Y, Lee GS, Li S
80. Vaccine effectiveness of the mRNA-1273 3-dose primary series against COVID-19 in an immunocompromised population: A prospective observational cohort study.
2023 Jun 1
Ku JH, Sy LS, Qian L
81. The persistence of seroprotective levels of antibodies after vaccination with PreHevbrio, a 3-antigen hepatitis B vaccine.
2023 Jun 1
Vesikari T, Langley JM, Spaans JN
82. Identifying gaps in vaccination perception after mandating the COVID-19 vaccine in Saudi Arabia.
2023 Jun 1
Alsuhebany N, Alowais SA, Aldairem A
83. ABO blood types, but not Secretor or Lewis blood types, influence strength of antibody response to Hepatitis B vaccine in Black South African children.
2023 Jun 1
Berry A, Kapelus D, Singh P
84. HPV vaccination acceptance and perceptions related to fertility and population control in the Gambia: An anthropological analysis.
2023 Jun 1
Wilson RJ, Leigh L, Bah H
85. Histo-blood group antigen profile of Australian Aboriginal children and seropositivity following oral rotavirus vaccination.
2023 Jun 1
Middleton BF, Danchin M, Cunliffe NA
86. Attitudes towards COVID-19 vaccination among incarcerated persons in the Federal Bureau of Prisons, June-July 2021.
2023 Jun 1
Fukunaga R, Kaplan ZE, Rodriguez T
87. Pneumococcal vaccination coverage at the initiation of chronic dialysis, and its association with mortality during the first year.
2023 Jun 1
Pierre É, Pladys A, Bayat-Makoei S
88. COVID-19 vaccination rates among adolescents (12-17 years) by immigrant background and sociodemographic factors: A nationwide registry study in Norway.
2023 Jun 1
Hussaini L, Labberton AS, Winje BA
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