期刊文献 > Virology期刊 选择月份
2023 Sep (7)
2023 Aug (19)
2023 Jul (10)
20 2 (90)
1. Molnupiravir, a ribonucleoside antiviral prodrug against SARS-CoV-2, alters the voltage-gated sodium current and causes adverse events.
2023 Aug 7
Shiau AL, Lee KH, Cho HY
2. The transcriptome of the parapoxvirus Orf virus reveals novel promoters for heterologous gene expression by poxvirus vectors.
2023 Aug 6
Joshi LR, do Nascimento GM, Diel DG.
3. In silico screening of SARS-CoV2 helicase using African natural products: Docking and molecular dynamics approaches.
2023 Aug 5
Knany HR, Elsabbagh SA, Shehata MA
4. Molecular breeding of livestock for disease resistance.
2023 Aug 4
Gao F, Li P, Yin Y
5. Cysteines 128 and 250 are essential for the functions of the baculovirus core gene ac109.
2023 Aug 4
Chen Y, Wu H, Li J
6. AMFR promotes innate immunity activation and proteasomal degradation of HMGCR in response to influenza virus infection in A549 cells.
2023 Aug 31
Tewari DN, Biswas A, Chakrabarti AK
7. Expression and immunogenicity of recombinant porcine epidemic diarrhea virus Nsp9.
2023 Aug 3
Liu S, Yu Q, Li S
8. Prevalence and characterization of seven-segmented influenza viruses in bovine respiratory disease complex.
2023 Aug 3
Uprety T, Sreenivasan CC, Thomas M
9. Alternative splicing impacts the rice stripe virus response transcriptome.
2023 Aug 28
Li S, Guo W, Wang C
10. Genomic epidemiology of SARS-CoV-2 variants in South Korea between January 2020 and February 2023.
2023 Aug 26
Kim IH, No JS, Kim JA
11. Development and application of reverse transcription-loop mediated isothermal amplification assay for sensitive detection of groundnut bud necrosis virus infecting potato.
2023 Aug 26
Raigond B, Pathania S, Verma G
12. A metatranscriptomic analysis of geothermal hot springs reveals diverse RNA viruses including the phylum Lenarviricota.
2023 Aug 24
Le Lay C, Stott MB, Shi M
13. hsa-miR-181-5p inhibits human immunodeficiency virus type 1 replication by downregulating DDX3X expression.
2023 Aug 22
Han D, Yin W, Zhang X
14. Development of a neutralization assay using a vesicular stomatitis virus expressing Nipah virus glycoprotein and a fluorescent protein.
2023 Aug 2
Jain S, Lo MK, Kainulainen MH
15. H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza clade in wild and domestic birds: Introductions into the United States and reassortments, December 2021-April 2022.
2023 Aug 2
Youk S, Torchetti MK, Lantz K
16. Creation and characterization of a recombinant mammalian orthoreovirus expressing σ1 fusion proteins encoding human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 peptides.
2023 Aug 19
Jandick NA, Miller CL.
17. Overview on century progress in research on mosaic disease of apple (Malus domestica Borkh) incited by apple mosaic virus/apple necrotic mosaic virus.
2023 Aug 11
Manzoor S, Nabi SU, Baranwal VK
18. Inhibitors of cannabinoid receptor 1 suppress the cellular entry of Lujo virus.
2023 Aug 10
Kimura M, Matsuoka R, Taniguchi S
19. Transient expression of cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) P6-GFP complements a defective CaMV replicon to facilitate viral gene expression, replication and virion formation.
2023 Aug 1
Adhab M, Zhang Y, Schoelz J.
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