期刊文献 > Biophys J期刊 选择月份
2023 Sep (29)
2023 Aug (44)
2023 Jul (32)
2023 Jun (52)
2023 May (21)
2023 Apr (34)
2023 Mar (30)
2023 Feb (10)
1. Structurally motivated models to explain the muscle's force-length relationship.
Biophys J
2023 Sep 5
Rode C, Tomalka A, Blickhan R
2. Push-pull mechanics of E-cadherin ectodomains in biomimetic adhesions.
Biophys J
2023 Sep 5
Nagendra K, Izzet A, Judd NB
3. Long ssRNA undergoes continuous compaction in the presence of polyvalent cations.
Biophys J
2023 Sep 5
Duran-Meza AL, Oster L, Sportsman R
4. Aha1 regulates Hsp90's conformation and function in a stoichiometry-dependent way.
Biophys J
2023 Sep 5
Mondol T, Silbermann LM, Schimpf J
5. Leveraging polymer modeling to reconstruct chromatin connectivity from live images.
Biophys J
2023 Sep 5
Dutta S, Ghosh A, Boettiger AN
6. Real-time detection of human telomerase DNA synthesis by multiplexed single-molecule FRET.
Biophys J
2023 Sep 5
Hentschel J, Badstübner M, Choi J
7. Nonlinear effects in optical trapping of titanium dioxide and diamond nanoparticles.
Biophys J
2023 Sep 5
Devi A, Neupane K, Jung H
8. Enhancing robustness, precision, and speed of traction force microscopy with machine learning.
Biophys J
2023 Sep 5
Kratz FS, Möllerherm L, Kierfeld J.
9. Eu(3+) detects two functionally distinct luminal Ca(2+) binding sites in ryanodine receptors.
Biophys J
2023 Sep 5
Magyar ZÉ, Bauer J, Bauerová-Hlinková V
10. Binding of viral nuclear localization signal peptides to importin-α nuclear transport protein.
Biophys J
2023 Sep 5
Delfing BM, Laracuente XE, Olson A
11. A machine learning approach to predict cellular mechanical stresses in response to chemical perturbation.
Biophys J
2023 Sep 5
SubramanianBalachandar V, Islam MM, Steward RL Jr.
12. Chiral growth of adherent filopodia.
Biophys J
2023 Sep 19
Li W, Chung WL, Kozlov MM
13. Understanding the driving force for cell migration plasticity.
Biophys J
2023 Sep 19
Chen J, Yan D, Chen Y.
14. What's past is prologue: FRAP keeps delivering 50 years later.
Biophys J
2023 Sep 19
Kenworthy AK.
15. From cells to form: A roadmap to study shape emergence in vivo.
Biophys J
2023 Sep 19
Ramos AP, Szalapak A, Ferme LC
16. Building the next generation of virtual cells to understand cellular biology.
Biophys J
2023 Sep 19
Johnson GT, Agmon E, Akamatsu M
17. Crawling, waving, inch worming, dilating, and pivoting mechanics of migrating cells: Lessons from Ken Jacobson.
Biophys J
2023 Sep 19
Mogilner A, Savinov M.
18. Nanoscale details of mitochondrial constriction revealed by cryoelectron tomography.
Biophys J
2023 Sep 19
Mageswaran SK, Grotjahn DA, Zeng X
19. Acute downregulation of emerin alters actomyosin cytoskeleton connectivity and function.
Biophys J
2023 Sep 19
Jin Q, Pandey D, Thompson CB
20. Rho MultiBinder, a fluorescent biosensor that reports the activity of multiple GTPases.
Biophys J
2023 Sep 19
Pimenta FM, Huh J, Guzman B
21. G-actin diffusion is insufficient to achieve F-actin assembly in fast-treadmilling protrusions.
Biophys J
2023 Sep 19
Appalabhotla R, Butler MT, Bear JE
22. Dectin-1 multimerization and signaling depends on fungal β-glucan structure and exposure.
Biophys J
2023 Sep 19
Anaya EU, Amin AE, Wester MJ
23. Distinct platelet F-actin patterns and traction forces on von Willebrand factor versus fibrinogen.
Biophys J
2023 Sep 19
Mollica MY, Beussman KM, Kandasamy A
24. Changes in cell surface excess are coordinated with protrusion dynamics during 3D motility.
Biophys J
2023 Sep 19
Kapustina M, Li D, Zhu J
25. The LDL receptor is regulated by membrane cholesterol as revealed by fluorescence fluctuation analysis.
Biophys J
2023 Sep 19
Morales SV, Mahmood A, Pollard J
26. Beyond analytic solution: Analysis of FRAP experiments by spatial simulation of the forward problem.
Biophys J
2023 Sep 19
Cowan AE, Loew LM.
27. Estimating the Probability of Early Afterdepolarizations and Predicting Arrhythmic Risk associated with Long QT Syndrome Type 1 Mutations.
Biophys J
2023 Sep 12
Jin Q, Greenstein JL, Winslow RL.
28. Subunit-specific inhibition of BK channels by piperine.
Biophys J
2023 Sep 11
Kshatri A, Rivero-Pérez B, Giraldez T.
29. Characterizing the transmembrane domains of ADAM10 and BACE1 and the impact of membrane composition.
Biophys J
2023 Sep 1
Abraham CB, Xu L, Pantelopulos GA
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