期刊文献 > Biophys J期刊 选择月份
2023 Sep (29)
2023 Aug (44)
2023 Jul (32)
2023 Jun (52)
2023 May (21)
2023 Apr (34)
2023 Mar (30)
2023 Feb (10)
1. Shear-induced phenotypic transformation of microglia in vitro.
Biophys J
2023 May 2
Park E, Ahn SI, Park JS
2. (★)Track: Inferred counting and tracking of replicating DNA loci.
Biophys J
2023 May 2
Köhler R, Sadhir I, Murray SM.
3. Active mesh and neural network pipeline for cell aggregate segmentation.
Biophys J
2023 May 2
Smith MB, Sparks H, Almagro J
4. Inferring equilibrium transition rates from nonequilibrium protocols.
Biophys J
2023 May 2
Kuznets-Speck B, Limmer DT.
5. Structural reorganization and relaxation dynamics of axially stressed chromosomes.
Biophys J
2023 May 2
Ruben BS, Brahmachari S, Contessoto VG
6. Competition between deformation and free volume quantified by 3D image analysis of red blood cell.
Biophys J
2023 May 2
Babaki M, Fedosov DA, Gholivand A
7. The maximum solubility product marks the threshold for condensation of multivalent biomolecules.
Biophys J
2023 May 2
Chattaraj A, Loew LM.
8. Molecular contacts in the Cren7-DNA complex: A quantitative investigation for electrostatic interaction.
Biophys J
2023 May 2
K G, Verma A, Mondal P
9. Loading dynamics of one SARS-CoV-2-derived peptide into MHC-II revealed by kinetic models.
Biophys J
2023 May 2
Song K, Xu H, Da LT.
10. Thermodynamic bounds on ultrasensitivity in covalent switching.
Biophys J
2023 May 16
Owen JA, Talla P, Biddle JW
11. Correlated particle transport enables biological free energy transduction.
Biophys J
2023 May 16
Terai K, Yuly JL, Zhang P
12. Role of surfactants in electron cryo-microscopy film preparation.
Biophys J
2023 May 16
Michon B, López-Sánchez U, Degrouard J
13. Facilitating flip-flop: Structural tuning of molecule-membrane interactions in living bacteria.
Biophys J
2023 May 16
Blake MJ, Castillo HB, Curtis AE
14. Coarse-grained modeling of polystyrene-modified CNTs and their interactions with lipid bilayers.
Biophys J
2023 May 16
Gul G, Faller R, Ileri-Ercan N.
15. Activity-dependent glassy cell mechanics Ⅰ: Mechanical properties measured with active microrheology.
Biophys J
2023 May 16
Ebata H, Umeda K, Nishizawa K
16. Label-free and noninvasive analysis of microorganism surface epistructures at the single-cell level.
Biophys J
2023 May 16
Lin YS, Sun CL, Tsang S
17. Phase transitions of the pulmonary surfactant film at the perfluorocarbon-water interface.
Biophys J
2023 May 16
Li G, Xu X, Zuo YY.
18. Assembly path dependence of telomeric DNA compaction by TRF1, TIN2, and SA1.
Biophys J
2023 May 16
Liu M, Pan H, Kaur P
19. High curvature promotes fusion of lipid membranes: Predictions from continuum elastic theory.
Biophys J
2023 May 16
Golani G, Schwarz US.
20. Domain- and state-specific shape of the electric field tunes voltage sensing in voltage-gated sodium channels.
Biophys J
2023 May 16
Kostritskii AY, Machtens JP.
21. Stability of asymmetric cell division: A deformable cell model of cytokinesis applied to C. elegans.
Biophys J
2023 May 16
Cuvelier M, Vangheel J, Thiels W
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