期刊文献 > Biophys J期刊 选择月份
2023 Sep (29)
2023 Aug (44)
2023 Jul (32)
2023 Jun (52)
2023 May (21)
2023 Apr (34)
2023 Mar (30)
2023 Feb (10)
1. Aromatic and arginine content drives multiphasic condensation of protein-RNA mixtures.
Biophys J
2023 Jul 5
Chew PY, Joseph JA, Collepardo-Guevara R
2. Real-time measure of solvation free energy changes upon liquid-liquid phase separation of α-elastin.
Biophys J
2023 Jul 28
König B, Pezzotti S, Ramos S
3. The development of nucleic acids force fields: From an unchallenged past to a competitive future.
Biophys J
2023 Jul 25
Liebl K, Zacharias M.
4. Brownian dynamics simulations of mesoscale chromatin fibers.
Biophys J
2023 Jul 25
Li Z, Portillo-Ledesma S, Schlick T.
5. Structural effects of spike protein D614G mutation in SARS-CoV-2.
Biophys J
2023 Jul 25
Dokainish HM, Sugita Y.
6. Fostering discoveries in the era of exascale computing: How the next generation of supercomputers empowers computational and experimental biophysics alike.
Biophys J
2023 Jul 25
Melo MCR, Bernardi RC.
7. Fast prediction of antibiotic permeability through membrane channels using Brownian dynamics.
Biophys J
2023 Jul 25
Acharya A, Jana K, Gurvic D
8. An implementation of the Martini coarse-grained force field in OpenMM.
Biophys J
2023 Jul 25
MacCallum JL, Hu S, Lenz S
9. Engineering a membrane-binding protein to trimerize and induce high membrane curvature.
Biophys J
2023 Jul 25
Hakami Zanjani AA, Mularski A, Busk Heitmann AS
10. Protein dynamics provide mechanistic insights about epistasis among common missense polymorphisms.
Biophys J
2023 Jul 25
Ose NJ, Campitelli P, Patel R
11. LAWS: Local alignment for water sites-Tracking ordered water in simulations.
Biophys J
2023 Jul 25
Klyshko E, Kim JS, Rauscher S.
12. Correlation between chemical denaturation and the unfolding energetics of Acanthamoeba actophorin.
Biophys J
2023 Jul 25
Thota N, Quirk S, Zhuang Y
13. F(O)-F(1) coupling and symmetry mismatch in ATP synthase resolved in every F(O) rotation step.
Biophys J
2023 Jul 25
Kubo S, Niina T, Takada S.
14. Path sampling with memory reduction and replica exchange to reach long permeation timescales.
Biophys J
2023 Jul 25
Vervust W, Zhang DT, van Erp TS
15. Uncovering the folding mechanism of pertactin: A comparative study of isolated and vectorial folding.
Biophys J
2023 Jul 25
Pang YT, Hazel AJ, Gumbart JC.
16. Conformational ensemble of the NSP1 CTD in SARS-CoV-2: Perspectives from the free energy landscape.
Biophys J
2023 Jul 25
Dutta P, Kshirsagar A, Bibekar P
17. Surfactants or scaffolds? RNAs of varying lengths control the thermodynamic stability of condensates differently.
Biophys J
2023 Jul 25
Sanchez-Burgos I, Herriott L, Collepardo-Guevara R
18. Endospore pili: Flexible, stiff, and sticky nanofibers.
Biophys J
2023 Jul 11
Jonsmoen UL, Malyshev D, Öberg R
19. Automated simulation-based membrane protein refinement into cryo-EM data.
Biophys J
2023 Jul 11
Yvonnesdotter L, Rovšnik U, Blau C
20. Voxelotor does not inhibit sickle hemoglobin fiber formation upon complete deoxygenation.
Biophys J
2023 Jul 11
Worth EH, Fugate MK, Ferrone FA.
21. Calcium-induced compaction and clustering of vesicles tracked with molecular resolution.
Biophys J
2023 Jul 11
Saldanha O, Schiller L, Hauser K.
22. Modeling the effects of phosphorylation on phase separation of the FUS low-complexity domain.
Biophys J
2023 Jul 11
Li M, Chen G, Zhang Z.
23. Binding site plasticity regulation of the FimH catch-bond mechanism.
Biophys J
2023 Jul 11
Languin-Cattoën O, Sterpone F, Stirnemann G.
24. Molecular basis of PIP2-dependent conformational switching of phosphorylated CD44 in binding FERM.
Biophys J
2023 Jul 11
Ren M, Zhao L, Ma Z
25. Hybrid cellular Potts and bead-spring modeling of cells in fibrous extracellular matrix.
Biophys J
2023 Jul 11
Tsingos E, Bakker BH, Keijzer KAE
26. Deformability and collision-induced reorientation enhance cell topotaxis in dense microenvironments.
Biophys J
2023 Jul 11
van Steijn L, Wondergem JAJ, Schakenraad K
27. Dynamics of upstream ESCRT organization at the HIV-1 budding site.
Biophys J
2023 Jul 11
Hudait A, Hurley JH, Voth GA.
28. Modeling IP(3)-induced Ca(2+) signaling based on its interspike interval statistics.
Biophys J
2023 Jul 11
Friedhoff VN, Lindner B, Falcke M.
29. Stability of collagen heterotrimer with same charge pattern and different charged residue identities.
Biophys J
2023 Jul 11
Huang Y, Lan J, Wu C
30. Lipid packing in biological membranes governs protein localization and membrane permeability.
Biophys J
2023 Jul 11
Tripathy M, Srivastava A.
31. Membrane backtracking at the maximum capacity of nondigestible antigen phagocytosis in macrophages.
Biophys J
2023 Jul 11
Horonushi D, Yoshida A, Nakata Y
32. MaxCal can infer models from coupled stochastic trajectories of gene expression and cell division.
Biophys J
2023 Jul 11
Torres A, Cockerell S, Phillips M
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