期刊文献 > Biophys J期刊 选择月份
2023 Sep (29)
2023 Aug (44)
2023 Jul (32)
2023 Jun (52)
2023 May (21)
2023 Apr (34)
2023 Mar (30)
2023 Feb (10)
1. Detergent headgroups control TolC folding in vitro.
Biophys J
2023 Apr 4
Ikujuni AP, Budiardjo SJ, Dhar R
2. Error-suppression mechanism of PCR by blocker strands.
Biophys J
2023 Apr 4
Aoyanagi H, Pigolotti S, Ono S
3. Exosome secretion kinetics are controlled by temperature.
Biophys J
2023 Apr 4
Mahmood A, Otruba Z, Weisgerber AW
4. TMAO: Protecting proteins from feeling the heat.
Biophys J
2023 Apr 4
Boob MM, Sukenik S, Gruebele M
5. Activation mechanism of the human Smoothened receptor.
Biophys J
2023 Apr 4
Bansal PD, Dutta S, Shukla D.
6. Rapid, inexpensive, sequence-independent fluorescent labeling of phosphorothioate DNA.
Biophys J
2023 Apr 4
Satusky MJ, Johnson CV, Erie DA.
7. Palmitate-mediated disruption of the endoplasmic reticulum decreases intracellular vesicle motility.
Biophys J
2023 Apr 4
Rayens NT, Cook KJ, McKinley SA
8. NAD(P)H binding configurations revealed by time-resolved fluorescence and two-photon absorption.
Biophys J
2023 Apr 4
Blacker TS, Duchen MR, Bain AJ.
9. Ligand-induced conformational changes enable intersubunit communications in D-dopachrome tautomerase.
Biophys J
2023 Apr 4
Parkins A, Chen E, Rangel VM
10. Super-exponential growth and stochastic size dynamics in rod-like bacteria.
Biophys J
2023 Apr 4
Cylke A, Banerjee S.
11. Binding, brightness, or noise? Extracting temperature-dependent properties of dye bound to DNA.
Biophys J
2023 Apr 4
DeJaco RF, Majikes JM, Liddle JA
12. Size-dependent response of cells in epithelial tissue modulated by contractile stress fibers.
Biophys J
2023 Apr 4
Fang C, Shao X, Tian Y
13. 2D-dwell-time analysis with simulations of ion-channel gating using high-performance computing.
Biophys J
2023 Apr 4
Oikonomou E, Gruber T, Chandra AR
14. FERM domains recruit ample PI(4,5)P(2)s to form extensive protein-membrane attachments.
Biophys J
2023 Apr 4
Ehret T, Heißenberg T, de Buhr S
15. Compartmentalization with nuclear landmarks yields random, yet precise, genome organization.
Biophys J
2023 Apr 4
Kamat K, Lao Z, Qi Y
16. Gating kinetics and pharmacological properties of small-conductance Ca(2+)-activated potassium channels.
Biophys J
2023 Apr 4
van Herck IGM, Seutin V, Bentzen BH
17. Huntingtin S421 phosphorylation increases kinesin and dynein engagement on early endosomes and lysosomes.
Biophys J
2023 Apr 4
Prowse ENP, Chaudhary AR, Sharon D
18. The effects of RNA.DNA-DNA triple helices on nucleosome structures and dynamics.
Biophys J
2023 Apr 4
Kohestani H, Wereszczynski J.
19. Effect of histidine covalent modification on strigolactone receptor activation and selectivity.
Biophys J
2023 Apr 4
Chen J, Shukla D.
20. Intrinsically disordered region of talin's FERM domain functions as an initial PIP(2) recognition site.
Biophys J
2023 Apr 4
Buhr J, Franz F, Gräter F.
21. Inner pore hydration free energy controls the activation of big potassium channels.
Biophys J
2023 Apr 4
Nordquist EB, Jia Z, Chen J.
22. Multiscale optical phase fluctuations link disorder strength and fractal dimension of cell structure.
Biophys J
2023 Apr 4
Rancu A, Chen CX, Price H
23. Computational modeling of TGF-β2:TβRI:TβRII receptor complex assembly as mediated by the TGF-β coreceptor betaglycan.
Biophys J
2023 Apr 4
Madamanchi A, Ingle M, Hinck AP
24. Fractal dynamics of individual mitochondrial oscillators measure local inter-mitochondrial coupling.
Biophys J
2023 Apr 18
Kurz FT, Aon MA, Schlemmer HP
25. Phonon-assisted electron-proton transfer in [FeFe] hydrogenases: Topological role of clusters.
Biophys J
2023 Apr 18
Chalopin Y, Cramer SP, Arragain S.
26. Influence of electronic polarization on the binding of anions to a chloride-pumping rhodopsin.
Biophys J
2023 Apr 18
Phan LX, Chamorro VC, Martinez-Seara H
27. Characterizing residual and passive force enhancements in cardiac myofibrils.
Biophys J
2023 Apr 18
Han SW, Boldt K, Joumaa V
28. Predicting 3D structures and stabilities for complex RNA pseudoknots in ion solutions.
Biophys J
2023 Apr 18
Wang X, Tan YL, Yu S
29. Mechanical memory stored through epigenetic remodeling reduces cell therapeutic potential.
Biophys J
2023 Apr 18
Scott AK, Casas E, Schneider SE
30. Red blood cell lingering modulates hematocrit distribution in the microcirculation.
Biophys J
2023 Apr 18
Rashidi Y, Simionato G, Zhou Q
31. The stress-free state of human erythrocytes: Data-driven inference of a transferable RBC model.
Biophys J
2023 Apr 18
Amoudruz L, Economides A, Arampatzis G
32. In silico modeling of patient-specific blood rheology in type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Biophys J
2023 Apr 18
Han K, Ma S, Sun J
33. Probing local changes to α-helical structures with 2D IR spectroscopy and isotope labeling.
Biophys J
2023 Apr 18
Webb KR, Hess KA, Shmidt A
34. Non-trivial dynamics in a model of glial membrane voltage driven by open potassium pores.
Biophys J
2023 Apr 18
Janjic P, Solev D, Kocarev L.
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