期刊文献 > Chromosome Res期刊 选择月份
2023 Sep (1)
2023 Aug (6)
2023 Jul (1)
2023 Jun (1)
2023 Apr (3)
2023 Mar (1)
2023 Feb (2)
1. Meiotic segregation and post-meiotic drive of the Festuca pratensis B chromosome.
Chromosome Res
2023 Sep 2
Ebrahimzadegan R, Fuchs J, Chen J
2. Characterization of centromeric DNA of Gossypium anomalum reveals sequence-independent enrichment dynamics of centromeric repeats.
Chromosome Res
2023 Mar 27
Ding W, Zhu Y, Han J
3. Chromosomal conservatism vs chromosomal megaevolution: enigma of karyotypic evolution in Lepidoptera.
Chromosome Res
2023 Jun 10
Pazhenkova EA, Lukhtanov VA.
4. Twenty years of merotelic kinetochore attachments: a historical perspective.
Chromosome Res
2023 Jul 19
Cimini D.
5. A Cre-LoxP-based approach for combinatorial chromosome rearrangements in human HAP1 cells.
Chromosome Res
2023 Feb 26
Khabarova A, Koksharova G, Salnikov P
6. Fold-back mechanism originating inv-dup-del rearrangements in chromosomes 13 and 15.
Chromosome Res
2023 Feb 24
Burssed B, Zamariolli M, Favilla BP
7. Modeling specific aneuploidies: from karyotype manipulations to biological insights.
Chromosome Res
2023 Aug 29
Truong MA(#), Cané-Gasull P(#), Lens SMA.
8. Consequences of gaining an extra chromosome.
Chromosome Res
2023 Aug 25
Torres EM.
9. Genome composition in Brassica interspecific hybrids affects chromosome inheritance and viability of progeny.
Chromosome Res
2023 Aug 19
Katche E, Katche EI, Vasquez-Teuber P
10. Replication stress causes delayed mitotic entry and chromosome 12 fragility at the ANKS1B large neuronal gene in human induced pluripotent stem cells.
Chromosome Res
2023 Aug 19
Kislova AV(#), Zheglo D(#), Pozhitnova VO
11. Exploiting a living biobank to delineate mechanisms underlying disease-specific chromosome instability.
Chromosome Res
2023 Aug 17
Nelson L, Barnes BM, Tighe A
12. Chromosomal instability and inflammation: a catch-22 for cancer cells.
Chromosome Res
2023 Aug 10
van den Brink A, Suárez Peredo Rodríguez MF, Foijer F.
13. Mechanisms of chromosomal instability (CIN) tolerance in aggressive tumors: surviving the genomic chaos.
Chromosome Res
2023 Apr 14
Dhital B, Rodriguez-Bravo V.
14. Chromosome-length genome assemblies and cytogenomic analyses of pangolins reveal remarkable chromosome counts and plasticity.
Chromosome Res
2023 Apr 12
Houck ML, Koepfli KP, Hains T
15. An essential role for the Ino80 chromatin remodeling complex in regulation of gene expression during cellular quiescence.
Chromosome Res
2023 Apr 12
Zahedi Y, Zeng S, Ekwall K.
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