期刊文献 > Microb Ecol期刊 选择月份
2023 Sep (7)
2023 Aug (15)
2023 Jul (19)
2023 Jun (9)
2023 May (11)
20 2 (207)
1. Skin Microbiota and the Cosmetic Industry.
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Carvalho MJ, S Oliveira AL, Santos Pedrosa S
2. Environmental Effects on Bee Microbiota.
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Nguyen PN, Rehan SM.
3. Human Gut Microbiota and Drug Metabolism.
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Pant A, Maiti TK, Mahajan D
4. The Roles of Microbes in Stream Restorations.
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Hilderbrand RH, Bambakidis T, Crump BC.
5. The Next Generation of Microbial Ecology and Its Importance in Environmental Sustainability.
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Lemke M, DeSalle R.
6. An Environmental DNA Primer for Microbial and Restoration Ecology.
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Tessler M, Cunningham SW, Ingala MR
7. Microbial Metabolites Beneficial to Plant Hosts Across Ecosystems.
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Mathur V, Ulanova D.
8. On Holobionts, Holospecies, and Holoniches: the Role of Microbial Symbioses in Ecology and Evolution.
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Koide RT.
9. A Comprehensive Insight of Current and Future Challenges in Large-Scale Soil Microbiome Analyses.
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Legeay J, Hijri M.
10. Speleomycology of Air in Stopića Cave (Serbia).
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Stupar M, Savković Ž, Popović S
11. High Microeukaryotic Diversity in the Cold-Seep Sediment.
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Xu Z, Chen J, Li Y
12. Fishing for the Microbiome of Tropical Tuna.
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Gadoin E, Desnues C, d'Orbcastel ER
13. Multifarious Responses of Forest Soil Microbial Community Toward Climate Change.
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Meena M, Yadav G, Sonigra P
14. Implications of Soil Microbial Community Assembly for Ecosystem Restoration: Patterns, Process, and Potential.
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Graham EB, Knelman JE.
15. Captivity and Animal Microbiomes: Potential Roles of Microbiota for Influencing Animal Conservation.
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Dallas JW, Warne RW.
16. Predator Presence Alters Intestinal Microbiota in Mussel.
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Xie Z(#), Xu G(#), Miao F
17. Soil Conditioner Affects Tobacco Rhizosphere Soil Microecology.
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Yu X(#), Zhang Y(#), Shen M
18. Bacillus spp. as Bio-factories for Antifungal Secondary Metabolites: Innovation Beyond Whole Organism Formulations.
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Salazar B, Ortiz A, Keswani C
19. Mini-review: Current and Future Perspectives on Microbially Focused Restoration Strategies in Tallgrass Prairies.
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Badger Hanson E, Docherty KM.
20. Snow Microorganisms Colonise Arctic Soils Following Snow Melt.
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Malard LA, Bergk-Pinto B, Layton R
21. A Metagenomic and Amplicon Sequencing Combined Approach Reveals the Best Primers to Study Marine Aerobic Anoxygenic Phototrophs.
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Gazulla CR, Cabello AM, Sánchez P
22. Uncovering the Yeast Communities in Fungus-Growing Ant Colonies.
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Bizarria R Jr, de Castro Pietrobon T, Rodrigues A.
23. Diversity of Microbiomes Across a 13,000-Year-Old Amazon Sediment.
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Thompson CC, Tschoeke D, Coutinho FH
24. Single Cell Analysis Reveals a New Microsporidia-Host Association in a Freshwater Lake.
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Chauvet M(#), Monjot A(#), Moné A
25. Current Scenario and Future Prospects of Endophytic Microbes: Promising Candidates for Abiotic and Biotic Stress Management for Agricultural and Environmental Sustainability.
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Anand U, Pal T, Yadav N
26. Interactions of Fungi and Algae from the Greenland Ice Sheet.
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Perini L, Gostinčar C, Likar M
27. The Upper Respiratory Tract Microbiome Network Impacted by SARS-CoV-2.
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Li W, Ma ZS.
28. Bacterial Communities Along Environmental Gradients in Tropical Soda Lakes.
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Pellegrinetti TA, Cotta SR, Sarmento H
29. Phage Infection Benefits Marine Diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum by Regulating the Associated Bacterial Community.
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Zhang Z, Zhao H, Mou S
30. Red Mangrove Propagule Bacterial Communities Vary With Geographic, But Not Genetic Distance.
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Scherer BP, Mast A.
31. Host Species and Environment Shape the Gut Microbiota of Cohabiting Marine Bivalves.
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Akter S, Wos-Oxley ML, Catalano SR
32. Seasonal Dynamics of Zygnema (Zygnematophyceae) Mats from the Austrian Alps.
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Trumhová K, Klimešová V, Pichrtová M.
33. Dysbiosis and Predicted Functions of the Dental Biofilm of Dairy Goats with Periodontitis.
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Borsanelli AC, Athayde FRF, Saraiva JR
34. Plant Seeds Commonly Host Bacillus spp., Potential Antagonists of Phytopathogens.
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Newcombe G, Marlin M, Barge E
35. A Broad-Host-Range Phage Cocktail Selectively and Effectively Eliminates Vibrio Species from Shrimp Aquaculture Environment.
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Lomelí-Ortega CO, Barajas-Sandoval DR, Martínez-Villalobos JM
36. Analysis of Bacterial Microbiota of Aerated Compost Teas and Effect on Tomato Growth.
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Martínez-Yáñez MG, Silva-Ortega CO, Hernández-Aranda VA
37. Correlation Between Microbial Community and Hatching Failure in Loggerhead Sea Turtle Caretta caretta.
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Capri FC, Prazzi E, Casamento G
38. The Mycobiome of Bats in the American Southwest Is Structured by Geography, Bat Species, and Behavior.
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Kearns PJ, Winter AS, Woodhams DC
39. Significant Effects of Associated Microorganisms on the Community of Photosynthetic Picoeukaryotes.
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Li S(#), Peng H(#), Shi X
40. Impact of Sublethal Concentrations of Nitrite on Goldfish (Carassius auratus) Microbiomes.
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Ortiz WE, Carlos-Shanley C, Huertas M.
41. Antibiotic Activity Altered by Competitive Interactions Between Two Coral Reef-Associated Bacteria.
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Mascuch SJ, Demko A, Viulu S
42. Environmental and Anthropogenic Factors Shape the Skin Bacterial Communities of a Semi-Arid Amphibian Species.
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Bates KA, Friesen J(#), Loyau A(#)
43. Host-Associated Bacterial Communities Vary Between Daphnia galeata Genotypes but Not by Host Genetic Distance.
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Rajarajan A, Wolinska J, Walser JC
44. Plant Host Traits Mediated by Foliar Fungal Symbionts and Secondary Metabolites.
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Sandy M, Bui TI, Abá KS
45. High-CO(2) Levels Rather than Acidification Restrict Emiliania huxleyi Growth and Performance.
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Vázquez V, León P, Gordillo FJL
46. Chironomus riparius Larval Gut Bacteriobiota and Its Potential in Microplastic Degradation.
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Janakiev T, Milošević Đ, Petrović M
47. Microbial Community Succession Along a Chronosequence in Constructed Salt Marsh Soils.
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Kim C, Staver LW, Chen X
48. Schoolyard Biodiversity Determines Short-Term Recovery of Disturbed Skin Microbiota in Children.
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Mills JG, Selway CA, Thomas T
49. Prolonged Effect of Forest Soil Compaction on Methanogen and Methanotroph Seasonal Dynamics.
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Changey F, Aissaoui G, Plain C
50. Multilayer Networks Assisting to Untangle Direct and Indirect Pathogen Transmission in Bats.
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Alcantara DMC, Ikeda P, Souza CS
51. Inter-annual Persistence of Canopy Fungi Driven by Abundance Despite High Spatial Turnover.
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Cook K, Taylor AD, Sharma J
52. Serious Risk of Tigecycline Resistance in Escherichia coli Isolated from Swine Manure.
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Chen T, Zhao M, Tang X
53. Bacterial Skin Assemblages of Sympatric Salamanders Are Primarily Shaped by Host Genus.
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Hill AJ, Grisnik M, Walker DM.
54. Degradation Reduces Microbial Richness and Alters Microbial Functions in an Australian Peatland.
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Birnbaum C, Wood J, Lilleskov E
55. Cropping System Diversification Influences Soil Microbial Diversity in Subtropical Dryland Farming Systems.
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Williams A, Birt HWG, Raghavendra A
56. Microbial Mediation of Carbon, Nitrogen, and Sulfur Cycles During Solid Waste Decomposition.
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Song L, Wang Y, Zhang R
57. Distinct Nitrification Rates and Nitrifiers in Needleleaf and Evergreen Broadleaf Forest Soils.
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Zhou X, Lee J, Yun J
58. First Report of Culturable Skin Bacteria in Melanophryniscus admirabilis (Admirable Redbelly Toad).
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Ienes-Lima J, Prichula J, Abadie M
59. Estuarine Sediment Microbiomes from a Chronosequence of Restored Urban Salt Marshes.
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Morris N, Alldred M, Zarnoch C
60. Impact of Cultivation and Origin on the Fruit Microbiome of Apples and Blueberries and Implications for the Exposome.
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Wicaksono WA, Buko A, Kusstatscher P
61. Microbial Communities Are Shaped by Different Ecological Processes in Subtropical Reservoirs of Different Trophic States.
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Zhang Y, Xia X, Wan L
62. Different Responses of Bacteria and Microeukaryote to Assembly Processes and Co-occurrence Pattern in the Coastal Upwelling.
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Zhu W, Zhu M, Liu X
63. Obligate Gut Symbiotic Association with Caballeronia in the Mulberry Seed Bug Paradieuches dissimilis (Lygaeoidea: Rhyparochromidae).
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Ishigami K, Jang S, Itoh H
64. Bacterial Diversity in Egg Capsular Fluid of the Spotted Salamander Ambystoma maculatum Decreases with Embryonic Development.
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Burgess WL, Bishop CD.
65. Host-Adapted Strains of Spodoptera frugiperda Hold and Share a Core Microbial Community Across the Western Hemisphere.
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Oliveira NC, Rodrigues PAP, Cônsoli FL.
66. Strong Linkage Between Symbiotic Bacterial Community and Host Age and Morph in a Hemipteran Social Insect.
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Liu Q, Zhang H, Huang X.
67. Chemical Links Between Redox Conditions and Estimated Community Proteomes from 16S rRNA and Reference Protein Sequences.
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Dick JM, Tan J.
68. Factors Influencing Bacterial and Fungal Skin Communities of Montane Salamanders of Central Mexico.
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García-Sánchez JC, Arredondo-Centeno J, Segovia-Ramírez MG
69. Captive Breeding and Trichomonas gallinae Alter the Oral Microbiome of Bonelli's Eagle Chicks.
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Alba C, Sansano-Maestre J, Cid Vázquez MD
70. Host-associated and Environmental Microbiomes in an Open-Sea Mediterranean Gilthead Sea Bream Fish Farm.
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Quero GM(#), Piredda R(#), Basili M
71. Nectar-Inhabiting Bacteria Affect Olfactory Responses of an Insect Parasitoid by Altering Nectar Odors.
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Cusumano A, Bella P, Peri E
72. Soil Microbial Community Composition and Tolerance to Contaminants in an Urban Brownfield Site.
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Mejia MP, Rojas CA, Curd E
73. spa Types and Staphylococcal Enterotoxin Production of Staphylococcus aureus Isolated from Wild Boar.
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Banaszkiewicz S, Tabiś A, Wałecki B
74. Role of Fungi in Imparting General Disease Suppressiveness in Soil from Organic Field.
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Khatri S, Chaudhary P, Shivay YS
75. Rewilding in Miniature: Suburban Meadows Can Improve Soil Microbial Biodiversity and Soil Health.
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Tessler M, David FJ, Cunningham SW
76. Domestication of Lima Bean (Phaseolus lunatus) Changes the Microbial Communities in the Rhizosphere.
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da Silva JL, Mendes LW, Rocha SMB
77. Plant Gender Affects Soil Fungal Microbiota Associated with Welwitschia mirabilis, an Unusual Desert Gymnosperm.
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Doniger T, Kerfahi D, Wachtel C
78. Functional Redundancy in Bat Microbial Assemblage in the Presence of the White Nose Pathogen.
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Grisnik M, Grinath JB, Munafo JP Jr
79. Spatial and Seasonal Variations in the Bacterial Community of an Anthropogenic Impacted Urban Stream.
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Vignale FA(#), Bernal Rey D(#), Pardo AM(#)
80. The Effect of Residual Pesticide Application on Microbiomes of the Storage Mite Tyrophagus putrescentiae.
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Hubert J, Nesvorna M, Bostlova M
81. Sources of Fungal Symbionts in the Microbiome of a Mobile Insect Host, Spodoptera frugiperda.
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Watson M, May G, Bushley KE.
82. Effects of Phosphorus Limitation on the Bioavailability of DOM Released by Marine Heterotrophic Prokaryotes.
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Bouchachi N, Obernosterer I, Carpaneto Bastos C
83. New Insights for the Renewed Phytoplankton-Bacteria Coupling Concept: the Role of the Trophic Web.
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Lozano IL, González-Olalla JM, Medina-Sánchez JM.
84. Divergence of Biocrust Active Bacterial Communities in the Negev Desert During a Hydration-Desiccation Cycle.
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Baubin C, Ran N, Siebner H
85. Structure and Dynamics of Periphyton in a Neotropical Freshwater Lake, with Emphasis on Ciliates and Their Relationships with Bacterial Taxa.
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Giongo A(#), Dos Anjos Borges LG(#), Simão TLL
86. Does Host Plant Drive Variation in Microbial Gut Communities in a Recently Shifted Pest?
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Javal M, Terblanche JS, Benoit L
87. Acetaminophen Levels Found in Recycled Wastewater Alter Soil Microbial Community Structure and Functional Diversity.
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McLain NK, Gomez MY, Gachomo EW.
88. Predominant Clonal Reproduction with Infrequent Genetic Recombination of Phaeoacremonium minimum in Western Cape Vineyards.
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Havenga M, Halleen F, Baloyi A
89. Dissecting Light Sensing and Metabolic Pathways on the Millimeter Scale in High-Altitude Modern Stromatolites.
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Alonso-Reyes DG, Galván FS, Irazoqui JM
90. Extensive Carbon Contribution of Inundated Terrestrial Plants to Zooplankton Biomass in a Eutrophic Lake.
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Tang Y, Wang S, Jin X
91. Distinct and Temporally Stable Assembly Mechanisms Shape Bacterial and Fungal Communities in Vineyard Soils.
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Larsen S, Albanese D, Stegen J
92. Lemur Gut Microeukaryotic Community Variation Is Not Associated with Host Phylogeny, Diet, or Habitat.
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Donohue ME(#), Hert ZL(#), Karrick CE(#)
93. Soil Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungal Communities Differentially Affect Growth and Nutrient Uptake by Grapevine Rootstocks.
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Moukarzel R, Ridgway HJ, Waller L
94. Gut Site and Gut Morphology Predict Microbiome Structure and Function in Ecologically Diverse Lemurs.
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Greene LK(#), McKenney EA(#), Gasper W
95. Environments and Hosts Structure the Bacterial Microbiomes of Fungus-Gardening Ants and their Symbiotic Fungus Gardens.
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Bringhurst B(#), Allert M, Greenwold M
96. A Matter of Metals: Copper but Not Cadmium Affects the Microbial Alpha-Diversity of Soils and Sediments - a Meta-analysis.
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Signorini M, Midolo G, Cesco S
97. Intraspecific Competition Results in Reduced Evenness of Tuber melanosporum Mating-Type Abundance from the Nursery Stage.
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Gómez-Molina E, Sánchez S, Puig-Pey M
98. Hive Transplantation Has Minimal Impact on the Core Gut Microbiome of the Australian Stingless Bee, Tetragonula carbonaria.
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Mills TJT(#), Nelson TM(#), Pearson LA
99. Abundance of Live and Dead Bacteriopsammon Inhabiting Sandy Ecosystems of Recreational Marine Beaches of the Southern Baltic Sea.
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Perliński P, Mudryk ZJ, Zdanowicz M
100. Microbial Response to Coastal-Offshore Gradients in Taiwan Straits: Community Metabolism and Total Prokaryotic Abundance as Potential Proxies.
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Wan L(#), Caruso G(#), Cao X
101. Midgut Bacterial Microbiota of 12 Fish Species from a Marine Protected Area in the Aegean Sea (Greece).
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Kormas K, Nikouli E, Kousteni V
102. Functional, not Taxonomic, Composition of Soil Fungi Reestablishes to Pre-mining Initial State After 52 Years of Recultivation.
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Roy J, Reichel R, Brüggemann N
103. Eco-physiological Responses of Aquatic Fungi to Three Global Change Stressors Highlight the Importance of Intraspecific Trait Variability.
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Graça D, Fernandes I, Cássio F
104. Comparative Genomics Reveal the High Conservation and Scarce Distribution of Nitrogen Fixation nif Genes in the Plant-Associated Genus Herbaspirillum.
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Pedrolo AM, Matteoli FP, Soares CRFS
105. Seasonal Variation of Hypolithic Microbiomes in the Gobi Desert : Seasonal Variation of Hypolithic Microbiomes in the Gobi Desert.
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Wu MH, Li T, Zhang GS
106. Discrepant Effects of Flooding on Assembly Processes of Abundant and Rare Communities in Riparian Soils.
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Ye F, Sun Z, Moore SS
107. Local-Scale Damming Impact on the Planktonic Bacterial and Eukaryotic Assemblages in the upper Yangtze River.
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Li H, Li Z, Tang Q
108. Consistency and Variation in the Kelp Microbiota: Patterns of Bacterial Community Structure Across Spatial Scales.
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King NG, Moore PJ, Thorpe JM
109. Years After a Fire, Biocrust Microbial Communities are Similar to Unburned Communities in a Coastal Grassland.
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Palmer B, Lawson D, Lipson DA.
110. The Use of Raw Poultry Waste as Soil Amendment Under Field Conditions Caused a Loss of Bacterial Genetic Diversity Together with an Increment of Eutrophic Risk and Phytotoxic Effects.
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Pin Viso ND, Rizzo PF, Young BJ
111. An Insight into an Olive Scab on the "Istrska Belica" Variety: Host-Pathogen Interactions and Phyllosphere Mycobiome.
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Hladnik M, Unković N, Janakiev T
112. Microbial Community Structure and Metabolic Potential at the Initial Stage of Soil Development of the Glacial Forefields in Svalbard.
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Tian C, Lv Y, Yang Z
113. Screening of Phosphate Solubilization Identifies Six Pseudomonas Species with Contrasting Phytostimulation Properties in Arabidopsis Seedlings.
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López-Hernández J, García-Cárdenas E, López-Bucio JS
114. Distinct Denitrifying Phenotypes of Predominant Bacteria Modulate Nitrous Oxide Metabolism in Two Typical Cropland Soils.
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Wu Q, Ji M, Yu S
115. Moss and Liverwort Covers Structure Soil Bacterial and Fungal Communities Differently in the Icelandic Highlands.
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Ortiz-Rivero J, Garrido-Benavent I, Heiðmarsson S
116. RNA Viruses Are Prevalent and Active Tenants of the Predatory Mite Phytoseiulus persimilis (Acari: Phytoseiidae).
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Berman TS, Izraeli Y, Lalzar M
117. Novel Extrapolymeric Substances Biocoating on Polyvinylidene Fluoride Membrane for Enhanced Attached Growth of Navicula incerta.
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Tong CY, Derek CJC.
118. Divergence of the Host-Associated Microbiota with the Genetic Distance of Host Individuals Within a Parthenogenetic Daphnia Species.
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Ichige R, Urabe J.
119. Changes in Bacterial Community Structure Across the Different Life Stages of Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens).
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Querejeta M, Hervé V, Perdereau E
120. The Ecological Differentiation of Particle-Attached and Free-Living Bacterial Communities in a Seasonal Flooding Lake-the Poyang Lake.
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Ma Y(#), Li P(#), Zhong H
121. Nitrogen Fertilization Increases Soil Microbial Biomass and Alters Microbial Composition Especially Under Low Soil Water Availability.
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Li W, Xie L, Zhao C
122. Anaerobic Degradation of Naphthalene and Pyrene by Sulfate-Reducing Cultures Enriched from Former Manufactured Gas Plant Soil.
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Dhar K, Panneerselvan L, Subashchandrabose SR
123. Cover Crop Amendments and Lettuce Plant Growth Stages Alter Rhizobacterial Properties and Roles in Plant Performance.
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Chinta YD, Araki H.
124. Core Community Persistence Despite Dynamic Spatiotemporal Responses in the Associated Bacterial Communities of Farmed Pacific Oysters.
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King NG, Smale DA, Thorpe JM
125. DNA Metabarcoding Reveals Cryptic Diversity in Forest Soils on the Isolated Brazilian Trindade Island, South Atlantic.
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Câmara PEAS, Bones FLV, Lopes FAC
126. Nutritional Profile and Ecological Interactions of Yeast Symbionts Associated with North American Spruce Beetle (Dendroctonus rufipennis).
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Davis TS, Stewart JE, Clark C
127. A Variety of Fungal Species on the Green Frogs' Skin (Pelophylax esculentus complex) in South Banat.
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Stupar M, Savković Ž, Breka K
128. Biosynthetic Profile in the Co-culture of Aspergillus sydowii and Bacillus subtilis to Produce Novel Benzoic Derivatives.
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Sun Y, Shi X, He LY
129. Successional Changes of Microbial Communities and Host-Microbiota Interactions Contribute to Dietary Adaptation in Allodiploid Hybrid Fish.
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Li W(#), Zhou Z(#), Li H(#)
130. Genetic Evidence for Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Transmission Between the Invasive Plant Ageratina adenophora and Co-occurring Neighbor Plants.
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Zeng Z, Yang Z, Yang A
131. Impact of Sulfoxaflor Exposure on Bacterial Community and Developmental Performance of the Predatory Ladybeetle Propylea japonica.
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Li W, Li X, Wang W
132. The Responses of Ammonia-Oxidizing Microorganisms to Different Environmental Factors Determine Their Elevational Distribution and Assembly Patterns.
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Kou Y, Li C, Tu B
133. Forest Fire Influence on Tomicus piniperda-Associated Fungal Communities and Phloem Nutrient Availability of Colonized Pinus sylvestris.
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Kluting K(#), Strid Y(#), Six D
134. Temperature Sensitivity of Microbial Litter Decomposition in Freshwaters: Role of Leaf Litter Quality and Environmental Characteristics.
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Monroy S, Larrañaga A, Martínez A
135. Microbial Composition of Freshwater Marsh Sediment Responds more Strongly to Microcosm Seawater Addition than Simulated Nitrate or Phosphate Eutrophication.
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Weingarten EA, Jackson CR.
136. Disruption of Genes Encoding Putative Zwitterionic Capsular Polysaccharides of Diverse Intestinal Bacteroides Reduces the Induction of Host Anti-Inflammatory Factors.
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Arnolds KL(#), Yamada E(#), Neff CP
137. Faecal Microbiota Divergence in Allopatric Populations of Podarcis lilfordi and P. pityusensis, Two Lizard Species Endemic to the Balearic Islands.
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Alemany I, Pérez-Cembranos A, Pérez-Mellado V
138. Correlation between Bacterial Cell Density and Abundance of Antibiotic Resistance on Milking Machine Surfaces Assessed by Cultivation and Direct qPCR Methods.
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Weber M, Göpfert B, von Wezyk S
139. Impact of a Microbial Pest Control Product Containing Bacillus thuringiensis on Brood Development and Gut Microbiota of Apis mellifera Worker Honey Bees.
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Steinigeweg C, Alkassab AT, Erler S
140. Experimental Evidence for Manure-Borne Bacteria Invasion in Soil During a Coalescent Event: Influence of the Antibiotic Sulfamethazine.
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Billet L, Pesce S, Martin-Laurent F
141. Bacterial Communities Are Less Diverse in a Strepsipteran Endoparasitoid than in Its Fruit Fly Hosts and Dominated by Wolbachia.
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Towett-Kirui S, Morrow JL, Close S
142. Alterations in the Microbiota of Caged Honeybees in the Presence of Nosema ceranae Infection and Related Changes in Functionality.
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Alberoni D, Di Gioia D, Baffoni L.
143. Comparative Transcriptomic and Proteomic Analyses Provide New Insights into the Tolerance to Cyclic Dehydration in a Lichen Phycobiont.
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Del Campo EM, Gasulla F, Hell AF
144. Disentangling the Ecological Processes and Driving Forces Shaping the Seasonal Pattern of Halobacteriovorax Communities in a Subtropical Estuary.
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Zhao H, Yang S, Qin X
145. Bacterial and Fungal Symbionts in Pollen Provisions of a Native Solitary Bee in Urban and Rural Environments.
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Westreich LR, Westreich ST, Tobin PC.
146. Pathogenesis in Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 Biofilm-Associated Is Dependent on the Pyoverdine and Pyocyanin Siderophores by Quorum Sensing Modulation.
Microb Ecol
20 2 3
Díaz-Pérez SP, Solis CS, López-Bucio JS
147. The Microbiomes in Lichen and Moss Biocrust Contribute Differently to Carbon and Nitrogen Cycles in Arid Ecosystems.
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Tian C(#), Pang J(#), Bu C
148. Study on Effects of Probiotics on Gut Microbiome and Clinical Course in Patients with Critical Care Illnesses.
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Saikrishna K, Talukdar D, Das S
149. Soil Suppressiveness Against Pythium ultimum and Rhizoctonia solani in Two Land Management Systems and Eleven Soil Health Treatments.
Microb Ecol
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Kurm V, Visser J, Schilder M
150. Coexistence of Psychrophilic, Mesophilic, and Thermophilic Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria in a Deep Subsurface Aquifer Associated with Coal-Bed Methane Production.
Microb Ecol
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Karnachuk OV, Panova IA, Rusanov II
151. Two Complete Genomes of Male-Killing Wolbachia Infecting Ostrinia Moth Species Illuminate Their Evolutionary Dynamics and Association with Hosts.
Microb Ecol
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Muro T, Hikida H, Fujii T
152. Non-native Plant Species Invasion Increases the Importance of Deterministic Processes in Fungal Community Assembly in a Coastal Wetland.
Microb Ecol
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Ye G, Chen J, Yang P
153. Functional Guilds, Community Assembly, and Co-occurrence Patterns of Fungi in Metalliferous Mine Tailings Ponds in Mainland China.
Microb Ecol
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Feng SW, Lu JL, Liang JL
154. Coral and Seawater Metagenomes Reveal Key Microbial Functions to Coral Health and Ecosystem Functioning Shaped at Reef Scale.
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Lima LFO, Alker AT, Papudeshi B
155. Composition and Diversity of Gut Bacterial Community in Different Life Stages of a Leaf Beetle Gastrolina depressa.
Microb Ecol
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Ma M, Chen X, Li S
156. Lower Compositional Variation and Higher Network Complexity of Rhizosphere Bacterial Community in Constructed Wetland Compared to Natural Wetland.
Microb Ecol
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Hu S, He R, Zeng J
157. Metabarcoding of Soil Fungal Communities in Rupestrian Grassland Areas Preserved and Degraded by Mining: Implications for Restoration.
Microb Ecol
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Figueiredo MA, da Silva TH, Pinto OHB
158. Polychaete Bioturbation Alters the Taxonomic Structure, Co-occurrence Network, and Functional Groups of Bacterial Communities in the Intertidal Flat.
Microb Ecol
20 2 3
Fang J, Jiang W, Meng S
159. Temporal Changes in Gut Microbiota Composition and Pollen Diet Associated with Colony Weakness of a Stingless Bee.
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Haag KL, Caesar L, da Silveira Regueira-Neto M
160. Whole community and functional gene changes of biofilms on marine plastic debris in response to ocean acidification.
Microb Ecol
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Kerfahi D(#), Harvey BP(#), Kim H
161. Highlighting the Phototherapeutical Potential of Fungal Pigments in Various Fruiting Body Extracts with Informed Feature-Based Molecular Networking.
Microb Ecol
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Hammerle F, Quirós-Guerrero L, Wolfender JL
162. Identifying the Role of Elevation, Geography, and Species Identity in Structuring Turtle Ant (Cephalotes Latreille, 1802) Bacterial Communities.
Microb Ecol
20 2 3
Graber LC, Ramalho MO, Powell S
163. Chemical Stimulation of Heterocyte Differentiation by the Feather Moss Hylocomium splendens: a Potential New Step in Plant-Cyanobacteria Symbioses.
Microb Ecol
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Alvarenga DO, Elmdam IV, Timm AB
164. Organic Matter Decomposition in River Ecosystems: Microbial Interactions Influenced by Total Nitrogen and Temperature in River Water.
Microb Ecol
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Liu Y, Zhang B, Zhang Y
165. Relationships Between Soil Microbial Diversities Across an Aridity Gradient in Temperate Grasslands : Soil Microbial Diversity Relationships.
Microb Ecol
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Liu N, Hu H, Ma W
166. The Bacterial Microbiome of the Coral Skeleton Algal Symbiont Ostreobium Shows Preferential Associations and Signatures of Phylosymbiosis.
Microb Ecol
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Pushpakumara BLDU, Tandon K, Willis A
167. Epilithic Bacterial Assemblages on Subtidal Rocky Reefs: Variation Among Alternative Habitats at Ambient and Enhanced Nutrient Levels.
Microb Ecol
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Elsherbini J, Corzett C, Ravaglioli C
168. Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Shift Soil Bacterial Community Composition and Reduce Soil Ammonia Volatilization and Nitrous Oxide Emissions.
Microb Ecol
20 2 3
He T, Zhang X, Du J
169. Bacterial Resuscitation from Starvation-Induced Dormancy Results in Phenotypic Diversity Coupled with Translational Activity Depending on Carbon Substrate Availability.
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Kim SB, Lyou ES, Kim MS
170. Stronger Geographic Limitations Shape a Rapid Turnover and Potentially Highly Connected Network of Core Bacteria on Microplastics.
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Zhang W, Wan W, Liu X
171. Potential Impact of Chemical Fungicides on the Efficacy of Metarhizium rileyi and the Occurrence of Pandora gammae on Caterpillars in Soybean Crops.
Microb Ecol
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Lopes RB, Faria M, Souza DA
172. Amino Acids in the Root Exudates of Agave lechuguilla Torr. Favor the Recruitment and Enzymatic Activity of Nutrient-Improvement Rhizobacteria.
Microb Ecol
20 2 3
la Rosa GM, García-Oliva F, Ovando-Vázquez C
173. Influence of Honey bee Nutritive Jelly Type and Dilution on its Bactericidal Effect on Melissococcus plutonius, the Etiological Agent of European Foulbrood.
Microb Ecol
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de La Harpe M, Gütlin A, Chiang C
174. Long-Read Sequencing Analysis Revealed the Impact of Forest Conversion on Soil Fungal Diversity in Limu Mountain, Hainan.
Microb Ecol
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Fang FZ, Chen SL, Gui HY
175. Fungal Communities Are More Sensitive to the Simulated Environmental Changes than Bacterial Communities in a Subtropical Forest: the Single and Interactive Effects of Nitrogen Addition and Precipitation Seasonality Change.
Microb Ecol
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He D, Guo Z, Shen W
176. Short-Term Evaluation of the Spatial Distribution of Trophic Groups of Amoebae in the Rhizosphere of Zea mays Inoculated with Rhizophagus intraradices.
Microb Ecol
20 2 3
Cortés-Pérez S, Ferrera-Cerrato R, Rodríguez-Zaragoza S
177. Role of Bacterial Community Composition as a Driver of the Small-Sized Phytoplankton Community Structure in a Productive Coastal System.
Microb Ecol
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Costas-Selas C, Martínez-García S, Logares R
178. The Microbiota of a Mite Prey-Predator System on Different Host Plants Are Characterized by Dysbiosis and Potential Functional Redundancy.
Microb Ecol
20 2 3
Merlin BL, Moraes GJ, Cônsoli FL.
179. When Competitors Join Forces: Consortia of Entomopathogenic Microorganisms Increase Killing Speed and Mortality in Leaf- and Root-Feeding Insect Hosts.
Microb Ecol
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Spescha A(#), Zwyssig M(#), Hess Hermida M
180. Water Mass Controlled Vertical Stratification of Bacterial and Archaeal Communities in the Western Arctic Ocean During Summer Sea-Ice Melting.
Microb Ecol
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Vipindas PV, Venkatachalam S, Jabir T
181. Bacterial Metal-Scavengers Newly Isolated from Indonesian Gold Mine-Impacted Area: Bacillus altitudinis MIM12 as Novel Tools for Bio-Transformation of Mercury.
Microb Ecol
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Harsonowati W, Rahayuningsih S, Yuniarti E
182. Extraradical Mycorrhizal Hyphae Promote Soil Carbon Sequestration through Difficultly Extractable Glomalin-Related Soil Protein in Response to Soil Water Stress.
Microb Ecol
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Wang YJ, He XH, Meng LL
183. Microbiome Diversity and Cellulose Decomposition Processes by Microorganisms on the Ancient Wooden Seawall of Qiantang River of Hangzhou, China.
Microb Ecol
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Wang B, Qi M, Ma Y
184. Environmental DNA Sequencing to Monitor Restoration Practices on Soil Bacterial and Archaeal Communities in Soils Under Desertification in the Brazilian Semiarid.
Microb Ecol
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Araujo ASF, de Araujo Pereira AP, Melo VMM
185. Elevated O(3) Exerts Stronger Effects than Elevated CO(2) on the Functional Guilds of Fungi, but Collectively Increase the Structural Complexity of Fungi in a Paddy Soil.
Microb Ecol
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Wang J, Shi X, Tan Y
186. Spatial Variation and Environmental Parameters Affecting the Abundant and Rare Communities of Bacteria and Archaea in the Sediments of Tropical Urban Reservoirs.
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Pierangeli GMF, Domingues MR, Choueri RB
187. High-Throughput Absolute Quantification Sequencing Reveals that a Combination of Leguminous Shrubs Is Effective in Driving Soil Bacterial Diversity During the Process of Desertification Reversal.
Microb Ecol
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Liu W, Qiu K, Xie Y
188. Metagenomics Unveils Microbial Diversity and Their Biogeochemical Roles in Water and Sediment of Thermokarst Lakes in the Yellow River Source Area.
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Ren Z, Ma K, Jia X
189. Nonpoint Source Pollution (NPSP) Induces Structural and Functional Variation in the Fungal Community of Sediments in the Jialing River, China.
Microb Ecol
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Xu F, Zhu L, Wang J
190. Differences in Exudates Between Strains of Chlorella sorokiniana Affect the Interaction with the Microalga Growth-Promoting Bacteria Azospirillum brasilense : Differences in Exudates Between Strains of Chlorella sorokiniana Affect the Interaction with the Microalga Growth-Promoting Bacteria Azospirillum brasilense.
Microb Ecol
20 2 3
Palacios OA(#), Espinoza-Hicks JC(#), Camacho-Dávila AA
191. Niche Differentiation Among Canonical Nitrifiers and N(2)O Reducers Is Linked to Varying Effects of Nitrification Inhibitors DCD and DMPP in Two Arable Soils.
Microb Ecol
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Fan X, Chen H, Yan G
192. A Secondary Metabolite of Cercospora sp., Associated with Rosa damascena Mill., Inhibits Proliferation, Biofilm Production, Ergosterol Synthesis and Other Virulence Factors in Candida albicans.
Microb Ecol
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Bashir A, Ahmad T, Farooq S
193. Staphylococcus aureus Carriage in the Nasotracheal Cavities of White Stork Nestlings (Ciconia ciconia) in Spain: Genetic Diversity, Resistomes and Virulence Factors.
Microb Ecol
20 2 3
Abdullahi IN, Juárez-Fernández G, Höfle U
194. Effects of Reductive Soil Disinfestation Combined with Liquid-Readily Decomposable Compounds and Solid Plant Residues on the Bacterial Community and Functional Composition.
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Yan Y(#), Xie Y(#), Zhang J
195. First Study Case of Microbial Biocontrol Agents Isolated from Aquaponics Through the Mining of High-Throughput Sequencing Data to Control Pythium aphanidermatum on Lettuce.
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Stouvenakers G, Massart S(#), Jijakli MH(#).
196. Deciphering the Synergies of Reductive Soil Disinfestation Combined with Biochar and Antagonistic Microbial Inoculation in Cucumber Fusarium Wilt Suppression Through Rhizosphere Microbiota Structure.
Microb Ecol
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Ali A, Elrys AS, Liu L
197. Habitat and Host Species Drive the Structure of Bacterial Communities of Two Neotropical Trap-Jaw Odontomachus Ants : Habitat and Host Species Drive the Structure of Bacterial Communities of Two Neotropical Trap-Jaw Odontomachus Ants.
Microb Ecol
20 2 3
Rocha FP, Ronque MUV, Lyra ML
198. Social Interaction is Unnecessary for Hindgut Microbiome Transmission in Honey Bees: The Effect of Diet and Social Exposure on Tissue-Specific Microbiome Assembly.
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Anderson KE, Ricigliano VA, Copeland DC
199. Significant Differences in Planktonic Virus Communities Between "Cellular Fraction" (0.22 ~ 3.0 µm) and "Viral Fraction" (< 0.22 μm) in the Ocean.
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Zhao J(#), Wang Z(#), Li C
200. Sugar Concentration, Nitrogen Availability, and Phylogenetic Factors Determine the Ability of Acinetobacter spp. and Rosenbergiella spp. to Grow in Floral Nectar.
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Morales-Poole JR, de Vega C, Tsuji K
201. Changes in Soil Organic C Fractions and C Pool Stability Are Mediated by C-Degrading Enzymes in Litter Decomposition of Robinia pseudoacacia Plantations.
Microb Ecol
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Xu MP(#), Zhi RC(#), Jian JN
202. Effect of Chronic Exposure to Sublethal Doses of Imidacloprid and Nosema ceranae on Immunity, Gut Microbiota, and Survival of Africanized Honey Bees.
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Balbuena S, Castelli L, Zunino P
203. Microorganisms Associated with the Ambrosial Beetle Xyleborus affinis with Plant Growth-Promotion Activity in Arabidopsis Seedlings and Antifungal Activity Against Phytopathogenic Fungus Fusarium sp. INECOL_BM-06.
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Castillo-Esparza JF, Mora-Velasco KA, Rosas-Saito GH
204. Distinguishable Influence of the Delivery Mode, Feeding Pattern, and Infant Sex on Dynamic Alterations in the Intestinal Microbiota in the First Year of Life.
Microb Ecol
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Ma X(#), Ding J(#), Ren H(#)
205. Host Specificity and Seasonal Variation in the Colonization of Tubakia sensu lato Associated with Evergreen Oak Species in Eastern Japan.
Microb Ecol
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Matsumura E, Morinaga K, Fukuda K.
206. Soil Bacterial Assemblage Across a Production Landscape: Agriculture Increases Diversity While Revegetation Recovers Community Composition.
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Mason ARG, Cavagnaro TR, Guerin GR
207. Responses of Phytoplankton Benthic Propagules to Macronutrient Enrichment and Varying Light Intensities: Elucidation from Monsoon-Influenced Mandovi and Zuari Riverine System : Responses of Phytoplankton Benthic Propagules to Macronutrient Enrichment and Varying Light Intensities: Elucidation from Monsoon-Influenced Mandovi and Zuari Riverine System.
Microb Ecol
20 2 3
Patil JS, Sathish K.
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