期刊文献 > Cell Tissue Res期刊 选择月份
2023 Sep (1)
2023 Aug (12)
2023 Jul (8)
2023 Apr (1)
20 2 (99)
1. Repetitive and zonal expression profiles of absorption-related genes in the gastrointestinal tract of ascidian Ciona intestinalis type A.
Cell Tissue Res
2023 Sep 6
Iguchi R, Nakayama S, Sasakura Y
2. The benefits and pitfalls of machine learning for biomarker discovery.
Cell Tissue Res
2023 Jul 27
Ng S, Masarone S, Watson D
3. Exosomal microRNAs and long noncoding RNAs: as novel biomarkers for endometriosis.
Cell Tissue Res
2023 Jul 22
Soltani-Fard E(#), Asadi M(#), Taghvimi S
4. Zebrafish pancreatic β cell clusters undergo stepwise regeneration using Neurod1-expressing cells from different cell lineages.
Cell Tissue Res
2023 Jul 21
Matsuda H, Kubota Y.
5. Identification of the zebrafish homologues of IMPG2, a retinal proteoglycan.
Cell Tissue Res
2023 Jul 20
Castellini ME, Spagnolli G, Poggi L
6. Regeneration in calcareous sponge relies on 'purse-string' mechanism and the rearrangements of actin cytoskeleton.
Cell Tissue Res
2023 Jul 19
Skorentseva KV, Bolshakov FV, Saidova AA
7. Influence of type 2 diabetes and obesity on adipose mesenchymal stem/stromal cell immunoregulation.
Cell Tissue Res
2023 Jul 18
Mahmoud M, Abdel-Rasheed M.
8. Local coordination of epithelial planar polarity in the maintenance and regeneration of the adult rat airway.
Cell Tissue Res
2023 Jul 18
Oyagi S, Nakamura R, Katsuno T
9. Steps of spermiogenesis in the ostrich (Struthio camelus).
Cell Tissue Res
2023 Jul 11
Soley JT, du Plessis L, Sutovsky M
10. Tooth-derived stem cells integrated biomaterials for bone and dental tissue engineering.
Cell Tissue Res
2023 Aug 7
Vimalraj S, Saravanan S.
11. Missing pieces of the pituitary puzzle: participation of extra-adenohypophyseal placode-lineage cells in the adult pituitary gland.
Cell Tissue Res
2023 Aug 31
Kato Y, Yoshida S, Kato T.
12. Discovery of a novel marker for human granulocytes and tissue macrophages: RTL1 revisited.
Cell Tissue Res
2023 Aug 3
Mortezagholi S(#), Mahmoudi AR(#), Shojaeian S
13. The three-dimensional conformation and activity of mitochondria in syncytial male germ line-cysts of medicinal leeches.
Cell Tissue Res
2023 Aug 29
Diak N, Śliwińska MA, Student S
14. The fate of adipose tissue and adipose-derived stem cells in allograft.
Cell Tissue Res
2023 Aug 25
Farhana S, Kai YC, Kadir R
15. Regeneration of starfish radial nerve cord restores animal mobility and unveils a new coelomocyte population.
Cell Tissue Res
2023 Aug 22
Magalhães F, Andrade C, Simões B
16. The function of exosomes in ovarian granulosa cells.
Cell Tissue Res
2023 Aug 21
Zhou R, Liu D.
17. Beyond animal models: revolutionizing neurodegenerative disease modeling using 3D in vitro organoids, microfluidic chips, and bioprinting.
Cell Tissue Res
2023 Aug 12
Teli P, Kale V, Vaidya A.
18. Hutchinson-Gilford progeria patient-derived cardiomyocyte model of carrying LMNA gene variant c.1824 C > T.
Cell Tissue Res
2023 Aug 12
Perales S, Sigamani V, Rajasingh S
19. Human amnion-derived mesenchymal stem cells improve subclinical hypothyroidism by immunocompetence mediating apoptosis inhibition on thyroid cells in aged mice.
Cell Tissue Res
2023 Aug 12
Li C(#), Rui Q(#), Dong X
20. Evidence for RA-dependent meiosis onset in a turtle embryo.
Cell Tissue Res
2023 Aug 1
Wu K(#), Chen Q(#), Li F(#)
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