期刊文献 > Plant Cell Physiol期刊 选择月份
2023 Sep (1)
2023 Aug (15)
2023 Jul (20)
2023 Jun (12)
2023 May (12)
2023 Apr (6)
2023 Mar (19)
2023 Feb (11)
1. Emerging Roles of FHY3 and FAR1 as System Integrators in Plant Development.
Plant Cell Physiol
2023 Jun 29
Zheng Y, Sun Y, Liu Y.
2. Nucleotide limitation results in impaired photosynthesis, reduced growth and seed yield together with massively altered gene expression.
Plant Cell Physiol
2023 Jun 17
Bellin L, Melzer M, Hilo A
3. A Polyphenol Oxidase Catalyzes Aurone Synthesis in Marchantia polymorpha.
Plant Cell Physiol
2023 Jun 15
Furudate H, Manabe M, Oshikiri H
4. Hyponastic Leaves 1 Interacts with RNA Pol II to Ensure Proper Transcription of MicroRNA Genes.
Plant Cell Physiol
2023 Jun 15
Bielewicz D, Dolata J, Bajczyk M
5. OsRbohI Regulates Rice Growth and Development via Jasmonic Acid Signalling.
Plant Cell Physiol
2023 Jun 15
Qi J, Yang S, Salam A
6. Target Landscape of Conserved Plant MicroRNAs and the Complexities of Their Ancient MicroRNA-Binding Sites.
Plant Cell Physiol
2023 Jun 15
Wong GY, Millar AA.
7. The Heat Shock Transcription Factor PtHSF1 Mediates Triacylglycerol and Fucoxanthin Synthesis by Regulating the Expression of GPAT3 and DXS in Phaeodactylum tricornutum.
Plant Cell Physiol
2023 Jun 15
Song J, Zhao H, Zhang L
8. Accumulation of Cyanobacterial Photosystem II Containing the 'Rogue' D1 Subunit Is Controlled by FtsH Protease and Synthesis of the Standard D1 Protein.
Plant Cell Physiol
2023 Jun 15
Masuda T, Bečková M, Turóczy Z
9. OsMFT1 Inhibits Seed Germination by Modulating Abscisic Acid Signaling and Gibberellin Biosynthesis under Salt Stress in Rice.
Plant Cell Physiol
2023 Jun 15
Lu K, Guo Z, Di S
10. Loss of CpFTSY Reduces Photosynthetic Performance and Affects Insertion of PsaC of PSI in Diatoms.
Plant Cell Physiol
2023 Jun 14
Nymark M, Finazzi G, Volpe C
11. RNA Polymerase III-Dependent BoNR8 and AtR8 lncRNAs Contribute to Hypocotyl Elongation in Response to Light and Abscisic Acid.
Plant Cell Physiol
2023 Jun 14
Zhang N, Xu K, Liu S
12. Exploring the Evolvability of Plant Specialized Metabolism: Uniqueness Out of Uniformity and Uniqueness Behind Uniformity.
Plant Cell Physiol
2023 Jun 12
Ono E, Murata J.
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