期刊文献 > Plant Cell Physiol期刊 选择月份
2023 Sep (1)
2023 Aug (15)
2023 Jul (20)
2023 Jun (12)
2023 May (12)
2023 Apr (6)
2023 Mar (19)
2023 Feb (11)
1. The Roles of Functional Amino Acids in Plant Growth and Development.
Plant Cell Physiol
2023 Jul 4
Kawade K, Tabeta H, Ferjani A
2. CRISPR/Cas9 disruption of MYB134 and MYB115 in transgenic poplar leads to differential reduction of proanthocyanidin synthesis in roots and leaves.
Plant Cell Physiol
2023 Jul 31
Liu Y, Ma D, Constabel CP.
3. Genetic Interaction between Arabidopsis SUR2/CYP83B1 and GNOM Indicates the Importance of Stabilizing Local Auxin Accumulation in Lateral Root Initiation.
Plant Cell Physiol
2023 Jul 31
Goto C, Ikegami A, Goh T
4. Chloroplast Ribosome Biogenesis Factors.
Plant Cell Physiol
2023 Jul 27
Schmid LM, Manavski N, Chi W
5. A Small Compound, HYGIC, Promotes Hypocotyl Growth Through Ectopic Ethylene Response.
Plant Cell Physiol
2023 Jul 27
Murao M, Kato R, Kusano S
6. Calcium oxalate crystals, the plant "gemstones": Insights into their synthesis and physiological implications in plants.
Plant Cell Physiol
2023 Jul 27
Khan MI, Pandith SA, Shah MA
7. Role of potassium-dependent alternative splicing of MYB59 in maintenance of potassium concentration in shoots of Arabidopsis thaliana.
Plant Cell Physiol
2023 Jul 26
Enomoto T, Tanaka N, Toru F
8. PINOID and PIN-FORMED Paralogous Genes Are Required for Leaf Morphogenesis in Rice.
Plant Cell Physiol
2023 Jul 25
Liu J, Shi X, Zhong T
9. Circadian Clock Controls Root Hair Elongation through Long-Distance Communication.
Plant Cell Physiol
2023 Jul 19
Ikeda H, Uchikawa T, Kondo Y
10. Glucosinolate catabolism maintains glucosinolate profiles and transport in sulfur-starved Arabidopsis.
Plant Cell Physiol
2023 Jul 19
Zhang L, Kawaguchi R, Enomoto T
11. Current Insights into the Redox Regulation Network in Plant Chloroplasts.
Plant Cell Physiol
2023 Jul 17
Yoshida K, Hisabori T.
12. Evolution of Lipochitooligosaccharide Binding to a LysM-RLK for Nodulation in Medicago truncatula.
Plant Cell Physiol
2023 Jul 17
Cullimore J, Fliegmann J, Gasciolli V
13. JA-Regulated AaGSW1-AaYABBY5/AaWRKY9 Complex Regulates Artemisinin Biosynthesis in Artemisia annua.
Plant Cell Physiol
2023 Jul 17
Kayani SI, Yanan M, Fu X
14. MYB30 Regulates Submergence Tolerance by Repressing Ethylene Biosynthesis via ACS7 in Arabidopsis.
Plant Cell Physiol
2023 Jul 17
Zhang Y, Xie Y, Shi H
15. MpDWF5A-Encoded Sterol Δ7-Reductase Is Essential for the Normal Growth and Development of Marchantia polymorpha.
Plant Cell Physiol
2023 Jul 17
Hatada M, Akiyama R, Yamagishi M
16. Transcriptome Analysis Revealed that GhPP2C43-A Negatively Regulates Salinity Tolerance in an Introgression Line from a Semi-Wild Upland Cotton.
Plant Cell Physiol
2023 Jul 17
Cui C, Feng L, Zhou C
17. The Peroxisomal β-Oxidative Pathway and Benzyl Alcohol O-Benzoyltransferase HSR201 Cooperatively Contribute to the Biosynthesis of Salicylic Acid.
Plant Cell Physiol
2023 Jul 17
Kotera Y, Komori H, Tasaki K
18. Molecular Identification of UDP-Sugar-Dependent Glycosyltransferase and Acyltransferase Involved in the Phenylethanoid Glycoside Biosynthesis Induced by Methyl Jasmonate in Sesamum indicum L.
Plant Cell Physiol
2023 Jul 17
Fuji Y, Uchida K, Akashi T
19. Effects of Post-Anthesis High-Temperature Stress on Carbon Partitioning and Starch Biosynthesis in a Spring Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Adapted to Moderate Growth Temperatures.
Plant Cell Physiol
2023 Jul 17
Harris PJ, Burrell MM, Emes MJ
20. Stramenopile-Type Lipid Droplet Protein Functions as a Lipid Droplet Scaffold Protein in the Marine Diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum.
Plant Cell Physiol
2023 Jul 17
Yoneda K, Oishi R, Yoshida M
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