期刊文献 > Evol Comput期刊 选择月份
2023 Sep (6)
2023 Jul (4)
2023 Jun (8)
2023 May (2)
2023 Apr (5)
2023 Mar (4)
1. On Single-Objective Sub-Graph-Based Mutation for Solving the Bi-Objective Minimum Spanning Tree Problem.
Evol Comput
2023 Jun 8
Bossek J, Grimme C.
2. Parameterless Gene-pool Optimal Mixing Evolutionary Algorithms.
Evol Comput
2023 Jun 30
Dushatskiy A, Virgolin M, Bouter A
3. Territorial Differential Meta-Evolution: An Algorithm for Seeking All the Desirable Optima of a Multivariable Function.
Evol Comput
2023 Jun 30
Wehr R, Saleska SR.
4. The Role of Morphological Variation in Evolutionary Robotics: Maximizing Performance and Robustness.
Evol Comput
2023 Jun 30
Carvalho JT, Nolfi S.
5. Evolutionary Algorithms for Parameter Optimization-Thirty Years Later.
Evol Comput
2023 Jun 1
Bäck THW, Kononova AV, van Stein B
6. Editorial: Reflecting on Thirty Years of ECJ.
Evol Comput
2023 Jun 1
De Jong K, Hart E.
7. A Personal Perspective on Evolutionary Computation: A 35-Year Journey.
Evol Comput
2023 Jun 1
Michalewicz Z.
8. Personal Reflections on Some Early Work in Evolving Strategies in the Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma.
Evol Comput
2023 Jun 1
Fogel DB.
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