期刊文献 > Evol Comput期刊 选择月份
2023 Sep (6)
2023 Jul (4)
2023 Jun (8)
2023 May (2)
2023 Apr (5)
2023 Mar (4)
1. Contributions to Dynamic Analysis of Differential Evolution Algorithms.
Evol Comput
2023 Sep 1
Resende L, Takahashi RHC.
2. Characterizing Permutation-Based Combinatorial Optimization Problems in Fourier Space.
Evol Comput
2023 Sep 1
Elorza A, Hernando L, Lozano JA.
3. Approaching the Traveling Tournament Problem with Randomized Beam Search.
Evol Comput
2023 Sep 1
Frohner N, Neumann B, Pace G
4. Efficient Quality Diversity Optimization of 3D Buildings through 2D Pre-Optimization.
Evol Comput
2023 Sep 1
Hagg A, Kliemank ML, Asteroth A
5. Symmetry Breaking for Voting Mechanisms.
Evol Comput
2023 Sep 1
Sankineni P, Sutton AM.
6. Evolutionary and Estimation of Distribution Algorithms for Unconstrained, Constrained, and Multiobjective Noisy Combinatorial Optimisation Problems.
Evol Comput
2023 Sep 1
Aishwaryaprajna, Rowe JE.
7. Comparing Robot Controller Optimization Methods on Evolvable Morphologies.
Evol Comput
2023 May 18
van Diggelen F, Ferrante E, Eiben AE.
8. The Importance of Being Constrained: Dealing with Infeasible Solutions in Differential Evolution and Beyond.
Evol Comput
2023 May 15
Kononova AV, Vermetten D, Caraffini F
9. Using Decomposed Error for Reproducing Implicit Understanding of Algorithms.
Evol Comput
2023 Mar 9
Owen CA, Dick G, Whigham PA.
10. Hybridization of Evolutionary Operators with Elitist Iterated Racing for the Simulation Optimization of Traffic Lights Programs.
Evol Comput
2023 Mar 1
Cintrano C, Ferrer J, López-Ibáñez M
11. Stagnation Detection with Randomized Local Search.
Evol Comput
2023 Mar 1
Rajabi A, Witt C.
12. An Uncertainty Measure for Prediction of Non-Gaussian Process Surrogates.
Evol Comput
2023 Mar 1
Hu C, Zeng S, Li C.
13. On Single-Objective Sub-Graph-Based Mutation for Solving the Bi-Objective Minimum Spanning Tree Problem.
Evol Comput
2023 Jun 8
Bossek J, Grimme C.
14. Parameterless Gene-pool Optimal Mixing Evolutionary Algorithms.
Evol Comput
2023 Jun 30
Dushatskiy A, Virgolin M, Bouter A
15. Territorial Differential Meta-Evolution: An Algorithm for Seeking All the Desirable Optima of a Multivariable Function.
Evol Comput
2023 Jun 30
Wehr R, Saleska SR.
16. The Role of Morphological Variation in Evolutionary Robotics: Maximizing Performance and Robustness.
Evol Comput
2023 Jun 30
Carvalho JT, Nolfi S.
17. Evolutionary Algorithms for Parameter Optimization-Thirty Years Later.
Evol Comput
2023 Jun 1
Bäck THW, Kononova AV, van Stein B
18. Editorial: Reflecting on Thirty Years of ECJ.
Evol Comput
2023 Jun 1
De Jong K, Hart E.
19. A Personal Perspective on Evolutionary Computation: A 35-Year Journey.
Evol Comput
2023 Jun 1
Michalewicz Z.
20. Personal Reflections on Some Early Work in Evolving Strategies in the Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma.
Evol Comput
2023 Jun 1
Fogel DB.
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