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20 2 (107)
1. Transcriptomic Heterogeneity of Skin Across Different Anatomic Sites.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Yan Y, Tian J, Wang Y
2. Mendelian Randomization Studies in Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis: A Systematic Review.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Jin JQ, Elhage KG, Spencer RK
3. Diverse Role of OX40 on T Cells as a Therapeutic Target for Skin Diseases.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Iriki H, Takahashi H, Amagai M.
4. Decreasing GDF15 Promotes Inflammatory Signals and Neutrophil Infiltration in Psoriasis Models.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Zhang J, He L, Wang Z
5. Comorbidities in Patients with Vitiligo: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Lee JH, Ju HJ, Seo JM
6. P311 Promotes IL-4 Receptor‒Mediated M2 Polarization of Macrophages to Enhance Angiogenesis for Efficient Skin Wound Healing.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Chen C, Tang Y, Zhu X
7. IL-4/IL-13 Inhibitors for Atopic Dermatitis Induce Psoriatic Rash Transcriptionally Close to Pustular Psoriasis.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Grolleau C, Calugareanu A, Demouche S
8. Sunscreens: Misconceptions and Misinformation.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Moradi Tuchayi S, Wang Z, Yan J
9. Recent Advances of Basophils in Pruritic Skin Diseases.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Liu W, Xu R, Wang F.
10. Therapeutic Application of Cell Secretomes in Cutaneous Wound Healing.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Bormann D, Gugerell A, Ankersmit HJ
11. Primary Melanoma miRNA Trafficking Induces Lymphangiogenesis.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Leichner GS, Schweitzer I, Dror S
12. Chromatin Landscape Governing Murine Epidermal Differentiation.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Nayak S, Jiang K, Hope E
13. Live Imaging with Genetically Encoded Physiologic Sensors and Optogenetic Tools.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Zaver SA, Johnson CJ, Berndt A
14. Derivation and Use of Cell Lines from Mouse Models of Melanoma.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Aktary Z, Raymond JH, Pouteaux M
15. Current and Emerging Imaging Techniques for Neurofibromatosis Type 1-Associated Cutaneous Neurofibromas.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Li Y, Blakeley JO, Ly I
16. Existing and Developing Preclinical Models for Neurofibromatosis Type 1-Related Cutaneous Neurofibromas.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Staedtke V, Topilko P, Le LQ
17. Cutaneous Neurofibroma Heterogeneity: Factors that Influence Tumor Burden in Neurofibromatosis Type 1.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Jiang C, McKay RM, Lee SY
18. Impact of Gut Bacterial Metabolites on Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis: Current Status and Future Perspectives.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Lai Y, Wu X, Chao E
19. Target Product Profile for Cutaneous Neurofibromas: Clinical Trials to Prevent, Arrest, or Regress Cutaneous Neurofibromas.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Ly I, Romo CG, Gottesman S
20. An Assessment of Current Clinician-Reported and Patient-Reported Outcome Measures for Alopecia Areata: A Scoping Review.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Xia E, Li SJ, Drake L
21. Assessment of Treatment-Relevant Immune Biomarkers in Psoriasis and Atopic Dermatitis: Toward Personalized Medicine in Dermatology.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Mortlock RD, Ma EC, Cohen JM
22. Clinical Pathobiology of Radiotherapy-Induced Alopecia: A Guide toward More Effective Prevention and Hair Follicle Repair.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Lin SJ, Yue Z, Paus R.
23. HIV-Associated Immune Dysregulation in the Skin: A Crucible for Exaggerated Inflammation and Hypersensitivity.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Chimbetete T, Buck C, Choshi P
24. IFN-γ Signaling Sensitizes Melanoma Cells to BH3 Mimetics.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Ming Z, Lim SY, Stewart A
25. Multiplatform Analysis of Intratumoral PTEN Heterogeneity in Melanoma.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Chagani S, De Macedo MP, Carapeto F
26. RAS Signaling Gone Awry in the Skin: The Complex Role of RAS in Cutaneous Neurofibroma Pathogenesis, Emerging Biological Insights.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Rhodes SD, McCormick F, Cagan RL
27. IFNγ Causes Keratinocyte Necroptosis in Acute Graft-Versus-Host Disease.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Freund L, Oehrl S, Schwingen J
28. Improving Artificial Intelligence-Based Diagnosis on Pediatric Skin Lesions.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Mehta PP, Sun M, Betz-Stablein B
29. Neuroanatomic Signatures in Brachioradial Pruritus, Chronic Prurigo, and Atopic Dermatitis.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Wallengren J.
30. Cancer-Associated Fibroblasts Exert Proangiogenic Activity in Merkel Cell Carcinoma.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Albertini S, Martuscelli L, Borgogna C
31. TAP2 Drives HLA-B∗13:01‒Linked Dapsone Hypersensitivity Syndrome Tolerance and Reactivity.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Sun L, Wang Z, Liu T
32. Divergent BRAF Inhibitor Resistance Mechanisms Revealed through Epigenetic Mapping.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Kang Y, Ji Z, Li H
33. Mouse Models of Allergic Contact Dermatitis: Practical Aspects.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Schwarz A, Philippsen R, Schwarz T.
34. Ectodysplasin Signaling through XEDAR Is Required for Mammary Gland Morphogenesis.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Wark AR, Aldea D, Tomizawa RR
35. Studying Hair Growth Cycle and its Effects on Mouse Skin.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Wang WH, Ramos R, Tai KY
36. Genetic Variants in Telomerase Reverse Transcriptase Contribute to Solar Lentigines.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Peng Q, Liu Y, Huels A
37. Best Practices for Clinical Skin Image Acquisition in Translational Artificial Intelligence Research.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Phung M, Muralidharan V, Rotemberg V
38. Disease Endotypes Predict the Severity of Mucous Membrane Pemphigoid.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Fairley JA, Crowe TP, Fakhimi M
39. Involucrin Modulates Vitamin D Receptor Activity in the Epidermis.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Schmidt AD, Miciano C, Zheng Q
40. Multitissue Integrative Analysis Identifies Susceptibility Genes for Atopic Dermatitis.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Wu H, Ke X, Huang W
41. S100A9 Drives the Chronification of Psoriasiform Inflammation by Inducing IL-23/Type 3 Immunity.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Silva de Melo BM, Veras FP, Zwicky P
42. PANX3 Channels Regulate Architecture, Adhesion, Barrier Function, and Inflammation in the Skin.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
O'Donnell BL, Sanchez-Pupo RE, Sayedyahossein S
43. Excess KLHL24 Impairs Skin Wound Healing through the Degradation of Vimentin.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Liu Y, Cui J, Zhang J
44. IL-17 Signaling in Keratinocytes Orchestrates the Defense against Staphylococcus aureus Skin Infection.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Moos S, Regen T, Wanke F
45. IL17A Blockade with Ixekizumab Suppresses MuvB Signaling in Clinical Psoriasis.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Ochsner SA, Pedroza M, Pillich RT
46. Cutaneous Hormone Production Is Distinct between Anatomical Sites and between Males and Females.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Pineider J, Eckert KM, McDonald JG
47. Relief of Extracellular Matrix Deposition Repression by Downregulation of IRF1-Mediated TWEAK/Fn14 Signaling in Keloids.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Gu JJ, Deng CC, Feng QL
48. FGF4 Promotes Skin Wound Repair through p38 MAPK and GSK3β-Mediated Stabilization of Slug.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Sun J, Zhou J, Zhou J
49. Met-Signaling Controls Dendritic Cell Migration in Skin by Regulating Podosome Formation and Function.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Hamouda AEI, Schalla C, Sechi A
50. Chromosomal Aberrations Accumulate during Metastasis of Virus-Negative Merkel Cell Carcinoma.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Robb TJ, Ward Z, Houseman P
51. Automated Mass Screening for Comorbidities of Vitiligo Using the National Health Insurance Database.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Han JH, Lee S, Ju HJ
52. Mindin (SPON2) Is Essential for Cutaneous Fibrogenesis in a Mouse Model of Systemic Sclerosis.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Rana I, Kataria S, Tan TL
53. Neutrophil-Specific Syk Expression Is Crucial for Skin Disease in Experimental Epidermolysis Bullosa Acquisita.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Németh T, Balogh L, Káposztás E
54. UBE2L3 Reduces TRIM21 Expression and IL-1β Secretion in Epidermal Keratinocytes and Improves Psoriasis-Like Skin.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Chen XY, Xu F, Chen JQ
55. NPTX2 Promotes Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition in Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma through METTL3-Mediated N6-Methyladenosine Methylation of SNAIL.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Kang T, Zhang C, Lei H
56. Cell-Specific and Variant-Linked Alterations in Expression of ERAP1, ERAP2, and LNPEP Aminopeptidases in Psoriasis.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Marusina AI, Ji-Xu A, Le ST
57. AIRE Deficiency Leads to the Development of Alopecia Areata‒Like Lesions in Mice.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Maglakelidze N, Gao T, Feehan RP
58. The Critical Role of Galectin-12 in Modulating Lipid Metabolism in Sebaceous Glands.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Tsao CH, Hsieh WC, Lin FJ
59. Lysosomal Function and Intracellular Position Determine the Malignant Phenotype in Malignant Melanoma.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Eriksson I, Vainikka L, Wäster P
60. N6-methyladenosine RNA Methylation Correlates with Immune Microenvironment and Immunotherapy Response of Melanoma.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Wang G, Zeng D, Sweren E
61. Identification of Epigenetically Regulated Genes Distinguishing Intracranial from Extracranial Melanoma Metastases.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Westphal D, Meinhardt M, Grützmann K
62. TRPV4 Activation Increases the Expression of CD207 (Langerin) of Monocyte-Derived Langerhans Cells without Affecting their Maturation.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Alimohammadi S, Pénzes Z, Horváth D
63. A Positive Loop Formed by SOX11 and Periostin Upregulates TGF-β Signals Leading to Skin Fibrosis.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Nanri Y, Nunomura S, Honda Y
64. Altered RNA Editing in Atopic Dermatitis Highlights the Role of Double-Stranded RNA for Immune Surveillance.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Karmon M, Kopel E, Barzilai A
65. Cathelicidin Antimicrobial Peptide LL37 Induces Toll-Like Receptor 8 and Amplifies IL-36γ and IL-17C in Human Keratinocytes.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Miura S, Garcet S, Li X
66. All-Cause and Cause-Specific Mortality Risks among Patients with Hidradenitis Suppurativa: A Korean Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Lee S, Lee JY, Han JH
67. Endolysin Inhibits Skin Colonization by Patient-Derived Staphylococcus Aureus and Malignant T-Cell Activation in Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Pallesen EMH, Gluud M, Vadivel CK
68. PD-L1 Enhanced by cis-Urocanic Acid on Langerhans Cells Inhibits Vγ4(+) γδT17 Cells in Imiquimod-Induced Skin Inflammation.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Yeh CY, Su SH, Tan YF
69. Spatial Cancer Systems Biology Resolves Heterotypic Interactions and Identifies Disruption of Spatial Hierarchy as a Pathological Driver Event.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Filipp FV.
70. Tolerance to 2,4-Dinitrofluorobenzene‒Induced Contact Hypersensitivity Is Mediated by CD73-Expressing Tissue-Homing Regulatory T Cells.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Da M, Chen L, Enk A
71. Genomic and Transcriptomic Analyses of NF1-Mutant Melanoma Identify Potential Targeted Approach for Treatment.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Jour G, Illa-Bochaca I, Ibrahim M
72. Topical Photodynamic Therapy Generates Bioactive Microvesicle Particles: Evidence for a Pathway Involved in Immunosuppressive Effects.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Oyebanji OA, Brewer C, Bayless S
73. Identification of the BTN3A3 Gene as a Molecule Implicated in Generalized Pustular Psoriasis in a Chinese Population.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Zhang Q, Shi P, Wang Z
74. CXCL9 Links Skin Inflammation and Fibrosis through CXCR3-Dependent Upregulation of Col1a1 in Fibroblasts.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Richmond JM, Patel D, Watanabe T
75. Poly(I:C) Treatment Prevents Skin Tumor Formation in the Preclinical HPV8 Transgenic Mouse Model.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Hufbauer M, Rattay S, Hagen C
76. Pellino1 Restricts Herpes Simplex Virus Infections in the Epidermis and Dissemination to Sebaceous Glands.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Cai KQ, Shellhamer C, Akiyama T
77. The Long Noncoding RNA LINC00958 Is Induced in Psoriasis Epidermis and Modulates Epidermal Proliferation.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Luo L, Pasquali L, Srivastava A
78. Quantifying Inflammatory Response and Drug-Aided Resolution in an Atopic Dermatitis Model with Deep Learning.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Greenfield DA, Feizpour A, Evans CL.
79. FLG Deficiency in Mice Alters the Early-Life CD4(+) T-Cell Response to Skin Commensal Bacteria.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Gonzalez JR, Celli A, Weckel A
80. Discovery of the Effects of the Hemiprotonic Phenanthroline-Phenanthroline(+) against Trichophyton rubrum by Inducing Fungal Apoptosis.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Zhang Y, Li J, Zhao Z
81. Mutational Landscape of Normal Human Skin: Clues to Understanding Early-Stage Carcinogenesis in Keratinocyte Neoplasia.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Kim YS, Bang CH, Chung YJ.
82. The p300/CBP Inhibitor A485 Normalizes Psoriatic Fibroblast Gene Expression In Vitro and Reduces Psoriasis-Like Skin Inflammation In Vivo.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Kim J, He Y, Tormen S
83. CD8+ T Cells Trigger Auricular Dermatitis and Blepharitis in Mice after Zika Virus Infection in the Absence of CD4+ T Cells.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Lee CY, Carissimo G, Teo TH
84. Investigations into the FLG Null Phenotype: Showcasing the Methodology for CRISPR/Cas9 Editing of Human Keratinocytes.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Smits JPH, van den Brink NJM, Meesters LD
85. Role of Type I Cannabinoid Receptor in Sensory Neurons in Psoriasiform Skin Inflammation and Pruritus.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Liu X, Li L, Jiang J
86. PTPN11 Mosaicism Causes a Spectrum of Pigmentary and Vascular Neurocutaneous Disorders and Predisposes to Melanoma.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Polubothu S, Bender N, Muthiah S
87. Apelin Receptor Can Act as a Specific Marker and Promising Therapeutic Target for Infantile Hemangioma.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Chen Q, Ying H, Yu Z
88. Matrix Metalloproteinase-1 Expression in Fibroblasts Accelerates Dermal Aging and Promotes Papilloma Development in Mouse Skin.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Quan T, Xia W, He T
89. Hypoxia Controls the Glycome Signature and Galectin-8-Ligand Axis to Promote Protumorigenic Properties of Metastatic Melanoma.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Chakraborty A, Perez M, Carroll JD
90. Risk of Nonkeratinocyte Skin Cancers in People Living with HIV during the Era of Antiretroviral Therapy.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Luu YT, Luo Q, Horner MJ
91. Cathelicidin LL-37 Activates Human Keratinocyte Autophagy through the P2X₇, Mechanistic Target of Rapamycin, and MAPK Pathways.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Ikutama R, Peng G, Tsukamoto S
92. MicroRNA-148a Controls Epidermal and Hair Follicle Stem/Progenitor Cells by Modulating the Activities of ROCK1 and ELF5.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Pickup ME, Hu A, Patel HJ
93. Loss of RhoE Function in Dermatofibroma Promotes Disorganized Dermal Fibroblast Extracellular Matrix and Increased Integrin Activation.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Endzhievskaya S, Hsu CK, Yang HS
94. Skin IL-17A and IFN-γ Production Correlate with Disease Severity in Patients with Psoriasis and Streptococcal Infection.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Della Bella C, Corrà A, Mantengoli E
95. Gasdermin A Is Required for Epidermal Cornification during Skin Barrier Regeneration and in an Atopic Dermatitis-Like Model.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Huang LY, Li ST, Lin SC
96. BRCA1/2 Pathogenic Variants Are Not Common in Merkel Cell Carcinoma: Comprehensive Molecular Study of 30 Cases and Meta-Analysis of the Literature.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Gaubert A, Kervarrec T, Montaudié H
97. Blockade of the Immune Checkpoint CD47 by TTI-621 Potentiates the Response to Anti-PD-L1 in Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Han Z, Wu X, Qin H
98. Atopic Polygenic Risk Score Is Associated with Paradoxical Eczema Developing in Patients with Psoriasis Treated with Biologics.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Al-Janabi A, Eyre S, Foulkes AC
99. Enhanced Spontaneous Skin Tumorigenesis and Aberrant Inflammatory Response to UVB Exposure in Immunosuppressed Human Papillomavirus Type 8‒Transgenic Mice.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Borgogna C, Martuscelli L, Olivero C
100. Keratinocyte Regnase-1, a Downregulator of Skin Inflammation, Contributes to Protection against Tumor Promotion by Limiting Cyclooxygenase-2 Expression.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Morisaka H, Takaishi M, Akira S
101. Topical Application of Adenosine A(2)-Type Receptor Agonists Prevents Contact Hypersensitivity Reactions in Mice by Affecting Skin Dendritic Cells.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Silva-Vilches C, Bolduan V, Alabdullah M
102. Skin Colonization with S. aureus Can Lead to Increased NLRP1 Inflammasome Activation in Patients with Atopic Dermatitis.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Vaher H, Kingo K, Kolberg P
103. Assessment of Spatial and Temporal Variation in the Skin Transcriptome of Atopic Dermatitis by Use of 1.5 mm Minipunch Biopsies.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Hu T, Todberg T, Ewald DA
104. Inhibition of Serum- and Glucocorticoid-Regulated Protein Kinase-1 Aggravates Imiquimod-Induced Psoriatic Dermatitis and Enhances Proinflammatory Cytokine Expression through the NF-kB Pathway.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Meng Q, Bai M, Guo M
105. Gene Expression-Based Molecular Test as Diagnostic Aid for the Differential Diagnosis of Psoriasis and Eczema in Formalin-Fixed and Paraffin-Embedded Tissue, Microbiopsies, and Tape Strips.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Fischer F, Doll A, Uereyener D
106. Association of Early Clinical Response to Laser Rejuvenation of Photoaged Skin with Increased Lipid Metabolism and Restoration of Skin Barrier Function.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Garza LA, Sheu M, Kim N
107. Significant Association of Poly-A and Fok1 Polymorphic Alleles of the Vitamin D Receptor with Vitamin D Serum Levels and Incidence of Squamous Cutaneous Neoplasia.
J Invest Dermatol
20 2 3
Bullock TA, Mack JA, Negrey J
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