期刊文献 > J Exp Bot期刊 选择月份
2023 Sep (23)
2023 Aug (91)
2023 Jul (48)
2023 Jun (42)
2023 May (27)
2023 Apr (46)
2023 Mar (57)
2023 Feb (10)
1. Temperature regulation of auxin-related gene expression and its implications for plant growth.
J Exp Bot
2023 Jul 9
Bianchimano L, De Luca MB, Borniego MB
2. Signal communication during microbial modulation of root system architecture.
J Exp Bot
2023 Jul 8
Li Y, Chen Y, Fu Y
3. Conventional and new genetic resources for an eggplant breeding revolution.
J Exp Bot
2023 Jul 8
Gramazio P, Alonso D, Arrones A
4. TWAS coupled with eQTL analysis reveals the genetic connection between gene expression and flowering time in Arabidopsis.
J Exp Bot
2023 Jul 8
Chien PS, Chen PH, Lee CR
5. Chlorophyll-a fluorescence induction on new grounds: quantum efficiency versus the light-adapted state of photosystem II.
J Exp Bot
2023 Jul 6
Garab G, Magyar M, Sipka G
6. Spatial regulation of plant hormone action.
J Exp Bot
2023 Jul 4
Wong C, Alabadí D, Blázquez MA.
7. Advances in cis-Element and Natural Variations Mediated Transcriptional Regulation and Applications in Gene Editing of Major Crops.
J Exp Bot
2023 Jul 4
Cui Y, Cao Q, Li Y
8. A single amino acid change led to structural and functional differentiation of PvHd1 to control flowering in switchgrass.
J Exp Bot
2023 Jul 4
Choi S, Prabhakar PK, Chowdhury R
9. Strigolactones promote the localisation of the ABA exporter ABCG25 at the plasma membrane in root epidermal cells of Arabidopsis thaliana.
J Exp Bot
2023 Jul 31
Russo G, Capitanio S, Trasoletti M
10. Regulation of climacteric fruit ripening in melon, recent advances and future challenges.
J Exp Bot
2023 Jul 3
Pujol M, Garcia-Mas J.
11. Salicylic acid regulates phenolic acid biosynthesis via SmNPR1-SmTGA2/SmNPR4 modules in Salvia miltiorrhiza.
J Exp Bot
2023 Jul 28
Ding M, Xie Y, Zhang Y
12. The nuclear lamina is required for proper development and nuclear shape distortion in tomato.
J Exp Bot
2023 Jul 28
Blunt EL, Choi J, Sussman H
13. SPL13 mediates strigolactone suppression of shoot branching by inhibiting cytokinin synthesis in Solanum lycopersicum.
J Exp Bot
2023 Jul 28
Chen S, Song X, Zheng Q
14. The ratio of auxin to cytokinin controls leaf development and meristem initiation in Physcomitrium patens.
J Exp Bot
2023 Jul 27
Cammarata J, Roeder AHK, Scanlon MJ.
15. Roles of auxin pathways in maize biology.
J Exp Bot
2023 Jul 26
Cowling CL, Dash L, Kelley DR.
16. Defective kernel 66 encodes a GTPase essential for kernel development in maize.
J Exp Bot
2023 Jul 25
Wei YM, Wang BH, Shao DJ
17. A roadmap of haustorium morphogenesis in parasitic plants.
J Exp Bot
2023 Jul 24
Kirschner GK, Xiao TT, Jamil M
18. Photorespiration: regulation and new insights on the potential role of persulfidation.
J Exp Bot
2023 Jul 24
Aroca A, García-Díaz I, García-Calderón M
19. A phospho-dawn of protein modification anticipates light onset in the picoeukaryote O. tauri.
J Exp Bot
2023 Jul 22
Noordally ZB, Hindle MM, Martin SF
20. LESION MIMIC MUTANT 1 confers basal resistance to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in rapeseed via a salicylic acid-dependent pathway.
J Exp Bot
2023 Jul 22
Yu M, Fan Y, Li X
21. Crops under past diversification and ongoing climate change: More than selection on nuclear genes for flowering.
J Exp Bot
2023 Jul 22
Tiwari LD, Kurtz-Sohn A, Bdolach E
22. Multi-scale analysis provides insights into the roles of ureide permeases in wheat nitrogen use efficiency.
J Exp Bot
2023 Jul 21
Meng X, Zhang Z, Wang H
23. StHAB1, a negative regulatory factor in abscisic acid signaling, plays crucial roles in potato drought tolerance and shoot branching.
J Exp Bot
2023 Jul 21
Liu T, Dong L, Wang E
24. The wheat VQ motif-containing protein TaVQ4-D positively regulates drought tolerance in transgenic plants.
J Exp Bot
2023 Jul 20
Zhang LL, Zheng Y, Xiong XX
25. Auxins and Grass Shoot Architecture: How the Most Important Hormone Makes the Most Important Plants.
J Exp Bot
2023 Jul 20
Wakeman A, Bennett T.
26. The transcription factor BnaA9.WRKY47 coordinates leaf senescence and nitrogen remobilization in Brassica napus.
J Exp Bot
2023 Jul 20
Cui R, Feng Y, Yao J
27. The Bax inhibitor GmBI-1α interacts with a Nod factor receptor and plays a dual role in the legume-rhizobia symbiosis.
J Exp Bot
2023 Jul 20
Yuan S, Ke D, Liu B
28. A dominant-negative avirulence effector of the barley powdery mildew fungus provides mechanistic insight to barley MLA immune receptor activation.
J Exp Bot
2023 Jul 20
Crean EE, Bilstein-Schloemer M, Maekawa T
29. BRUTUS-LIKE (BTSL) E3 ligase-mediated fine-tuning of Fe regulation negatively affects Zn tolerance of Arabidopsis.
J Exp Bot
2023 Jul 2
Stanton C, Rodríguez-Celma J, Kraemer U
30. Plant protoplasts in the age of synthetic biology.
J Exp Bot
2023 Jul 18
Reyna-Llorens I, Ferro-Costa M, Burgess SJ.
31. Studying root-environment interactions in structured microdevices.
J Exp Bot
2023 Jul 18
Kaiser CF, Perilli A, Grossmann G
32. CRISPR/Cas-mediated in planta gene targeting: current advances and challenges.
J Exp Bot
2023 Jul 18
Guzmán-Benito I, Achkar NP, Bologna NG
33. Synthetic developmental biology: molecular tools to re-design plant shoots and roots.
J Exp Bot
2023 Jul 18
Kocaoglan EG, Radhakrishnan D, Nakayama N.
34. The design of synthetic gene circuits in plants: new components, old challenges.
J Exp Bot
2023 Jul 18
Vazquez-Vilar M, Selma S, Orzaez D.
35. Arabidopsis CPK6 regulates drought tolerance under high nitrogen by the phosphorylation of NRT1.1.
J Exp Bot
2023 Jul 18
Ma Q, Zhao C, Hu S
36. Challenges and advances towards the rational design of microalgal synthetic promoters in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.
J Exp Bot
2023 Jul 18
Milito A, Aschern M, McQuillan JL
37. Xylem embolism and bubble formation during freezing suggest complex dynamics of pressure in Betula pendula stems.
J Exp Bot
2023 Jul 18
Charra-Vaskou K, Lintunen A, Améglio T
38. Redox regulation, thioredoxins and glutaredoxins in retrograde signalling and in gene transcription.
J Exp Bot
2023 Jul 15
Sevilla M F, Martí C, De Brasi-Velasco S
39. Recent advances in cellular degradation and nuclear control of leaf senescence.
J Exp Bot
2023 Jul 15
Lei P, Yu F, Liu X.
40. Inhibition of RNA Degradation Integrates the Metabolic Signals Induced by Osmotic Stress into the Arabidopsis Circadian System.
J Exp Bot
2023 Jul 15
Prasetyaningrum P, Litthauer S, Vegliani F
41. Non-climacteric fruit development and ripening regulation. The Phytohormones Show.
J Exp Bot
2023 Jul 14
Perotti MF, Posé D, Martín-Pizarro C.
42. Regulation of plant immunity via small RNA-mediated control of NLR expression.
J Exp Bot
2023 Jul 14
López-Márquez D, Del-Espino A, Ruiz-Albert J
43. Game of Thrones among AUXIN RESPONSE FACTORs - over thirty years of MONOPTEROS research.
J Exp Bot
2023 Jul 14
Wójcikowska B, Belaidi S, Robert HS.
44. To bind or not to bind: how Auxin Response Factors select their target genes.
J Exp Bot
2023 Jul 11
Rienstra J, Hernández-García J, Weijers D.
45. From root to shoot; Quantifying nematode tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana by high-throughput phenotyping of plant development.
J Exp Bot
2023 Jul 11
Willig JJ, Sonneveld D, van Steenbrugge JJM
46. Suppression of NLR-mediated plant immune detection by bacterial pathogens.
J Exp Bot
2023 Jul 10
Rufián JS, Rueda-Blanco J, Beuzón CR
47. Brassicaceae display variation in efficiency of photorespiratory carbon recapturing mechanisms.
J Exp Bot
2023 Jul 1
Schlüter U, Bouvier JW, Guerreiro R
48. Light-mediated anthocyanin biosynthesis in rose petals involves a balanced regulatory module comprising transcription factors RhHY5, RhMYB114a, and RhMYB3b.
J Exp Bot
2023 Jul 1
Yan Y, Zhao J, Lin S
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