期刊文献 > J Exp Bot期刊 选择月份
2023 Sep (23)
2023 Aug (91)
2023 Jul (48)
2023 Jun (42)
2023 May (27)
2023 Apr (46)
2023 Mar (57)
2023 Feb (10)
1. Experimental validation of the mechanism of stomatal development diversification.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 9
Doll Y, Koga H, Tsukaya H.
2. The Transcript Factor EMB1444-like Affects Tomato Fruit Ripening by Regulating YELLOW-FRUITED TOMATO 1, a Core Component of Ethylene Signaling Transduction.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 9
Zhao W, Wang S, Li W
3. Leaf rolling precedes stomatal closure in rice (Oryza sativa) under drought conditions.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 8
Wang X, Huang J, Peng S
4. Gene editing of non-coding regulatory DNA and its application in crop improvement.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 7
Chen YH, Lu J, Yang X
5. Keep in touch: the soil-root hydraulic continuum and its role in drought resistance in crops.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 7
Affortit P, Ahmed M, Grondin A
6. Cell wall dynamics: novel tools and research questions.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 4
Alonso Baez L, Bacete L.
7. NtMYB1 and NtNCED1/2 control abscisic acid biosynthesis and tepal senescence in Chinese narcissus (Narcissus tazetta).
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 4
Yang J, Huang J, Wu X
8. Antagonistic or Compensatory: Crosstalk between ABA and Ethylene in Regulating Stomatal Behavior under High CO2 and Progressive Soil Drying.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 4
Liang K, Chen X, Liu F.
9. Genetic regulation and manipulation of nicotine biosynthesis in tobacco: Strategies to eliminate addictive alkaloids.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 30
Shoji T, Hashimoto T, Saito K.
10. An evo-devo view of the gynoecium.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 3
Reyes-Olalde JI, Aida M, de Folter S.
11. Flowering also has to end: knowns and unknowns of reproductive arrest in monocarpic plants.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 3
Balanzà V, Merelo P, Ferrándiz C.
12. Thermomorphogenesis: opportunities and challenges in post-transcriptional regulation.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 3
Reis RS.
13. A matter of time: auxin signaling dynamics and the regulation of auxin responses during plant development.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 3
Caumon H, Vernoux T.
14. Lessons from a century of apical dominance research.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 3
Beveridge CA, Rameau C, Wijerathna-Yapa A.
15. The dynamic duo: how DNA methylation and gene transcription help diatoms thrive in modern oceans.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 3
Lin X, Tirichine L, Zhang X.
16. The expanding role of RNA modifications in plant RNA polymerase II transcripts: highlights and perspectives.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 3
Zimna M, Dolata J, Szweykowska-Kulinska Z
17. Disruption of CHORISMATE SYNTHASE1 leads to yellow-green variegation in soybean leaves.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 3
Zhu X, Zheng K, Lu L
18. The Cm14-3-3μ protein and CCT transcription factor CmNRRa delay flowering in chrysanthemum.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 3
Cheng H, Zhang J, Zhang Y
19. Beauveria bassiana rewires molecular mechanisms related to growth and defense in tomato.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 3
Proietti S, Falconieri GS, Bertini L
20. The inability of barley to germinate after submergence depends on hypoxia-induced secondary dormancy.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 3
Gómez-Álvarez EM, Tondelli A, Nghi KN
21. Use of GWAS analysis in deciphering the inability of barley seeds to germinate after hypoxia.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 3
Fagerstedt KV.
22. A leaf-level spectral library to support high-throughput plant phenotyping: predictive accuracy and model transfer.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 3
Wijewardane NK, Zhang H, Yang J
23. Sense in sensitivity: difference in the meaning of photoperiod insensitivity between wheat and barley.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 3
Slafer GA, Casas AM, Igartua E.
24. Populus D-type cyclin gene PsnCYCD1;1 accelerates cell division and participates in secondary growth of vascular bundles.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 3
Zheng T, Dai L, Li S
25. The dynamics of H2A.Z on SMALL AUXIN UP RNAs regulate abscisic acid-auxin signaling crosstalk in Arabidopsis.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 3
Yin C, Sun A, Zhou Y
26. The swansong of petal cell death: insights into the mechanism and regulation of ethylene-mediated flower senescence.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 3
Parveen S, Altaf F, Farooq S
27. Protein phosphatase StTOPP6 negatively regulates potato bacterial wilt resistance by modulating MAPK signaling.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 3
Wang B, Huang M, He W
28. Enhanced Valsa canker resistance conferred by expression of MdLecRK-S.4.3 in Pyrus betulifolia is largely suppressed by PbePUB36.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 3
Sun E, Yu H, Chen Z
29. The ABI5-dependent down-regulation of mitochondrial ATP synthase OSCP subunit facilitates apple necrotic mosaic virus infection.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 3
He C, Xing F, Liang J
30. GOLVEN peptides regulate lateral root spacing as part of a negative feedback loop on the establishment of auxin maxima.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 3
Jourquin J, Fernandez AI, Wang Q
31. The transcription factor GhTCP7 suppresses petal expansion by interacting with the WIP-type zinc finger protein GhWIP2 in Gerbera hybrida.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 3
Ren G, Li L, Patra B
32. Characterization of the signalling pathways involved in the repression of root nitrate uptake by nitrate in Arabidopsis thaliana.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 3
Chaput V, Li J, Séré D
33. The role of chloroplast movement in C4 photosynthesis: a theoretical analysis using a three-dimensional reaction-diffusion model for maize.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 3
Retta MA, Yin X, Ho QT
34. NaWRKY3 is a master transcriptional regulator of the defense network against brown spot disease in wild tobacco.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 3
Xu Z, Zhang S, Wu J.
35. DNA methylation and gene transcription act cooperatively in driving the adaptation of a marine diatom to global change.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 3
Wan J, Zhou Y, Beardall J
36. Comparison of plastid proteomes points towards a higher plastidial redox turnover in vascular tissues than in mesophyll cells.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 3
Boussardon C, Carrie C, Keech O.
37. Knock out of amino acid transporter gene OsLHT1 accelerates leaf senescence and enhances resistance to rice blast fungus.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 3
Guo N, Qu H, Zhi Y
38. Triose phosphate utilisation in leaves is modulated by whole-plant sink-source ratios and nitrogen budgets in rice.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 29
Zhou Z, Zhang Z, van der Putten PEL
39. Efficient Bayesian automatic calibration of a functional-structural wheat model using an adaptive design and a metamodeling approach.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 26
Blanc E, Enjalbert J, Flutre T
40. Cracking the enigma: understanding strigolactone signalling in the rhizosphere.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 25
Clark J, Bennett T.
41. Molecular analysis of broad-spectrum induced resistance in rice by the green leaf volatile Z-3-hexenyl acetate.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 25
Desmedt W, Ameye M, Filipe O
42. Fine-tuning KCS3 and KCS12 activities in Arabidopsis is essential for maintaining cuticle integrity.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 24
Huang H, Yang X, Zheng M
43. Phosphate starvation: response mechanisms and solutions.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 23
Madison I, Gillan L, Peace J
44. How plant roots respond to waterlogging.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 23
Daniel K, Hartman S.
45. Modulation of potassium transport to increase abiotic stress tolerance in plants.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 23
Mulet JM, Porcel R, Yenush L.
46. Dissecting the promotional effect of zinc on cadmium translocation from roots to shoots in rice.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 23
Chang JD, Huang S, Wiseno I
47. Jasmonates, gibberellins and powdery mildew modify cell cycle progression and evoke differential spatiotemporal responses along the barley leaf.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 23
Krasauskas J, Ganie SA, Al-Husari A
48. Hierarchical Contribution Of Argonaute Proteins To Antiviral Protection.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 21
Ludman M, Szalai G, Janda T
49. Distinct early transcriptional regulations by turgor and osmotic potential in the root of Arabidopsis.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 21
Crabos A, Huang Y, Boursat T
50. Bearded or Smooth? Awns Improve Yield when Wheat Experiences Heat Stress During Grain Fill in the Southeastern United States.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 21
DeWitt N, Lyerly J, Guedira M
51. Ethylene inhibits ABA-induced stomatal closure via regulating NtMYB184-mediated flavonol biosynthesis in tobacco.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 2
Song Z, Zhao L, Ma W
52. Flowering Newsletter 2023.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 17
Melzer R.
53. Ubiquitination from the perspective of plant pathogens.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 17
Sharma S, Prasad A, Prasad M.
54. Plant biochemical genetics in the multiomics era.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 17
Alseekh S, Karakas E, Zhu F
55. Auxin and Abiotic Stress Responses.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 17
Jing H, Wilkinson EG, Sageman-Furnas K
56. Promoter editing for the genetic improvement of crops.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 17
Shi L, Su J, Cho MJ
57. Seven plant capacities to adapt to abiotic stress.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 17
Munns R, Millar AH.
58. The phenomenon of autonomous endosperm in sexual and apomictic plants.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 17
Rojek J, Ohad N.
59. PIN structures shed light on their mechanism of auxin efflux.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 17
Joshi C, Napier R.
60. The ARF2-MYB6 module mediates auxin-regulated petal expansion in rose.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 17
Chen C, Hussain N, Ma Y
61. Beyond skin-deep: targeting the plant surface for crop improvement.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 17
Jolliffe JB, Pilati S, Moser C
62. Sulfide promotes tolerance to drought through protein persulfidation in Arabidopsis.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 17
Jurado-Flores A, Aroca A, Romero LC
63. Deciphering transcriptional mechanisms of maize internodal elongation by regulatory network analysis.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 17
Ren Z, Liu Y, Li L
64. Anatomical and biophysical basis for graft incompatibility within the Solanaceae.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 17
Thomas HR, Gevorgyan A, Frank MH.
65. An effector of 'Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus' manipulates autophagy to promote bacterial infection.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 17
Shi H, Yang Z, Huang J
66. Cauliflower mosaic virus disease spectrum uncovers novel susceptibility factor NCED9 in Arabidopsis thaliana.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 17
Hoffmann G, Shukla A, López-González S
67. Tissues and mechanisms associated with Verticillium wilt resistance in tomato using bi-grafted near-isogenic lines.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 17
Oh Y, Ingram T, Shekasteband R
68. Local phytochrome signalling limits root growth in light by repressing auxin biosynthesis.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 17
Spaninks K, Offringa R.
69. NICOTIANAMINE SYNTHASE activity affects nucleolar iron accumulation and impacts rDNA silencing and RNA methylation in Arabidopsis.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 17
Montacié C, Riondet C, Wei L
70. Cytokinin-inducible response regulator SlRR6 controls plant height through gibberellin and auxin pathways in tomato.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 17
Liu Y, Liu Y, He Y
71. Variations in amino acids caused by drought stress mediate the predisposition of Carya cathayensis to Botryosphaeria canker disease.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 17
Wang Y, Wu W, Zhang L
72. Population divergence in heat and drought responses of a coastal plant: from metabolic phenotypes to plant morphology and growth.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 17
Schrieber K, Glüsing S, Peters L
73. Acclimation strategies of the green alga Chlorella vulgaris to different light regimes revealed by physiological and comparative proteomic analyses.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 17
Cecchin M, Simicevic J, Chaput L
74. Maize LOST SUBSIDIARY CELL encoding a large subunit of ribonucleotide reductase is required for subsidiary cell development and plant growth.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 17
Cui Y, He M, Liu J
75. The translocase of the inner mitochondrial membrane 22-2 is required for mitochondrial membrane function during Arabidopsis seed development.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 17
Zhang Y, Hu Y, Wang Z
76. Plant species with larger extrafloral nectaries produce better quality nectar when needed and interact with the best ant partners.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 17
Alencar CLDS, Nogueira A, Vicente RE
77. Integrating biophysical crop growth models and whole genome prediction for their mutual benefit: a case study in wheat phenology.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 17
Jighly A, Weeks A, Christy B
78. Spatiotemporal patterns of wheat response to Pyrenophora tritici-repentis in asymptomatic regions revealed by transcriptomic and X-ray fluorescence microscopy analyses.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 17
Moolhuijzen P, Sanglard LMVP, Paterson DJ
79. Phytochrome-interacting factor PIF3 integrates phytochrome B and UV-B signaling pathways to regulate gibberellin- and auxin-dependent growth in cucumber hypocotyls.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 17
Zhao J, Bo K, Pan Y
80. Combination of in vivo proximity labeling and co-immunoprecipitation identifies the host target network of a tumor-inducing effector in the fungal maize pathogen Ustilago maydis.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 17
Shi W, Stolze SC, Nakagami H
81. Phosphatidylinositol-phospholipase C3 negatively regulates the hypersensitive response via complex signaling with MAP kinase, phytohormones, and reactive oxygen species in Nicotiana benthamiana.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 17
Takasato S, Bando T, Ohnishi K
82. Mutagenesis of the melon Prv gene by CRISPR/Cas9 breaks papaya ringspot virus resistance and generates an autoimmune allele with constitutive defense responses.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 17
Nizan S, Amitzur A, Dahan-Meir T
83. Molecular regulation of apple and grape ripening: exploring common and distinct transcriptional aspects of representative climacteric and non-climacteric fruits.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 17
Sara Z, Stefania S, Nicola B
84. Role of hydraulic traits in stomatal regulation of transpiration under different vapour pressure deficits across five Mediterranean tree crops.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 17
Hernandez-Santana V, Rodriguez-Dominguez CM, Sebastian-Azcona J
85. Deep learning-based high-throughput detection of in vitro germination to assess pollen viability from microscopic images.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 16
Zhang M, Zhao J, Hoshino Y.
86. Old poisons, new signaling molecules: the case of HCN.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 16
Díaz-Rueda P, Morales de Los Ríos L, Romero LC
87. RNA Pseudouridine Modification in Plants.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 15
Niu Y, Liu L.
88. SMALLER TRICHOMES WITH VARIABLE BRANCHES (SVB) and its homolog SVBL act downstream of transcription factor NAC089 and function redundantly in Arabidopsis unfolded protein response.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 14
Yu CY, Nakamura Y.
89. Leaf excision introduces limited and species-specific effects on photosynthetic parameters across crop functional types.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 11
Ferguson JN, Jithesh T, Lawson T
90. Trihelix transcription factor SlGT31 regulates fruit ripening mediated by ethylene in tomato.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 1
Fu M, Li F, Zhou S
91. Diversity and genetic architecture of agro-morphological traits in a Core Collection of European traditional tomato.
J Exp Bot
2023 Aug 1
Pons C, Casals J, Brower M
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