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2023 Sep (23)
2023 Aug (91)
2023 Jul (48)
2023 Jun (42)
2023 May (27)
2023 Apr (46)
2023 Mar (57)
2023 Feb (10)
1. Deciphering the protein ubiquitylation system in plants.
J Exp Bot
2023 Sep 9
Hua Z.
2. CEP and cytokinin hormone signaling intersect to promote shallow lateral root angles.
J Exp Bot
2023 Sep 9
Chapman K, Taleski M, Frank M
3. Drought survival in conifer species is related to the time required to cross the stomatal safety margin.
J Exp Bot
2023 Sep 8
Petek-Petrik A, Petrík P, Lamarque LJ
4. Aggregated gene co-expression networks predict transcription factor regulatory landscapes in grapevine.
J Exp Bot
2023 Sep 5
Orduña L, Santiago A, Navarro-Payá D
5. ROS- and nitric oxide-dependent regulation of ion and metal homeostasis in plants.
J Exp Bot
2023 Sep 5
Sandalio LM, Espinosa J, Shabala S
6. cZOGT1 interacts with TaZIP to regulate senescence by affecting cytokinin and abscisic acid levels in wheat.
J Exp Bot
2023 Sep 5
Wang W, Zhang G, Wang W
7. 13C-labeling reveals non-conventional pathways providing carbon for hydroxy fatty acid synthesis in Physaria fendleri.
J Exp Bot
2023 Sep 5
Cocuron JC, Alonso AP.
8. Barley shows reduced Fusarium Head Blight under drought and modular expression of differential expressed genes under combined stress.
J Exp Bot
2023 Sep 5
Hoheneder F, Steidele CE, Messerer M
9. Tracing the opposing assimilate and nutrient flows in live conifer needles.
J Exp Bot
2023 Sep 5
Gao C, Marker SJV, Gundlach C
10. What a tangled web it weaves: Auxin coordination of stem cell maintenance and flower production.
J Exp Bot
2023 Sep 4
Smith ES, Nimchuk ZL.
11. Combatting drought: a multi-dimensional challenge.
J Exp Bot
2023 Sep 2
Vadez V, Messina CD, Carminati A.
12. Water use efficiency across scales: from genes to landscapes.
J Exp Bot
2023 Sep 2
Vadez V, Pilloni R, Grondin A
13. The role of arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis in improving plant water status under drought.
J Exp Bot
2023 Sep 2
Abdalla M, Bitterlich M, Jansa J
14. Two decades of harnessing standing genetic variation for physiological traits to improve drought tolerance in maize.
J Exp Bot
2023 Sep 2
Messina CD, Gho C, Hammer GL
15. Stress-induced deeper rooting introgression enhances wheat yield under terminal drought.
J Exp Bot
2023 Sep 2
Bacher H, Montagu A, Herrmann I
16. Influence of management practices on water-related grain yield determinants.
J Exp Bot
2023 Sep 2
Echarte L, Alfonso CS, González H
17. Genetic and physiological responses to light quality in a deep ocean ecotype of Ostreococcus, an ecologically important photosynthetic picoeukaryote.
J Exp Bot
2023 Sep 2
Sands E, Davies S, Puxty RJ
18. Transpiration response to soil drying versus increasing vapor pressure deficit in crops: physical and physiological mechanisms and key plant traits.
J Exp Bot
2023 Sep 2
Koehler T, Wankmüller FJP, Sadok W
19. Limited-transpiration trait in response to high vapor pressure deficit from wild to cultivated species: study of the Lens genus.
J Exp Bot
2023 Sep 2
Rouichi S, Idrissi O, Sohail Q
20. Rapid leaf xylem acclimation diminishes the chances of embolism in grapevines.
J Exp Bot
2023 Sep 2
Sorek Y, Netzer Y, Cohen S
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