期刊文献 > Neural Netw期刊 选择月份
2023 Sep (19)
2023 Aug (40)
2023 Jul (1)
20 2 (341)
1. A survey on neural-symbolic learning systems.
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20 2 3
Yu D, Yang B, Liu D
2. A feedforward unitary equivariant neural network.
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Ma PW, Chan TH.
3. Reinforced mixture learning.
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Le Y, Zhou F, Bai Y.
4. Partial label learning: Taxonomy, analysis and outlook.
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Tian Y, Yu X, Fu S.
5. Stereoscopic scalable quantum convolutional neural networks.
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Baek H, Yun WJ, Park S
6. A survey of sum-product networks structural learning.
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Xia R, Zhang Y, Liu X
7. Domain-adaptive message passing graph neural network.
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Shen X, Pan S, Choi KS
8. Generalized image outpainting with U-transformer.
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Gao P, Yang X, Zhang R
9. Video summarization for event-centric videos.
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Li Q, Chen J, Xie Q
10. Co-attention enabled content-based image retrieval.
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Hu Z, Bors AG.
11. Lifelong Text-Audio Sentiment Analysis learning.
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Lin Y, Ji P, Chen X
12. Revisiting the fragility of influence functions.
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Epifano JR, Ramachandran RP, Masino AJ
13. Tucker network: Expressive power and comparison.
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Liu Y, Pan J, Ng MK.
14. Generative negative replay for continual learning.
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Graffieti G, Maltoni D, Pellegrini L
15. Graph contrastive learning with implicit augmentations.
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Liang H, Du X, Zhu B
16. Self-attention learning network for face super-resolution.
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Zeng K, Wang Z, Lu T
17. TL-ADA: Transferable Loss-based Active Domain Adaptation.
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Han K, Kim Y, Han D
18. Balance guided incomplete multi-view spectral clustering.
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Sun L, Wen J, Liu C
19. ATNAS: Automatic Termination for Neural Architecture Search.
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Sakamoto K, Ishibashi H, Sato R
20. Towards global neural network abstractions with locally-exact reconstruction.
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Manino E, Bessa I, Cordeiro LC.
21. CLAD: A realistic Continual Learning benchmark for Autonomous Driving.
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Verwimp E, Yang K, Parisot S
22. Remix: Towards the transferability of adversarial examples.
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Zhao H, Hao L, Hao K
23. Online continual learning with declarative memory.
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Xiao Z, Du Z, Wang R
24. Contrast sensitivity function in deep networks.
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Akbarinia A, Morgenstern Y, Gegenfurtner KR.
25. Continual Object Detection: A review of definitions, strategies, and challenges.
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Menezes AG, de Moura G, Alves C
26. One-shot Federated Learning without server-side training.
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Su S, Li B, Xue X.
27. A general framework for robust stability analysis of neural networks with discrete time delays.
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Solak M, Faydasicok O, Arik S.
28. Long short-term memory with activation on gradient.
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Qin C, Chen L, Cai Z
29. Few-shot human-object interaction video recognition with transformers.
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Li Q, Xie X, Zhang J
30. Motion perception based on ON/OFF channels: A survey.
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Fu Q.
31. Tree-structured neural networks: Spatiotemporal dynamics and optimal control.
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He J, Xiao M, Zhao J
32. Hierarchical neural network with efficient selection inference.
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Mi JX, Li N, Huang KY
33. Learning defense transformations for counterattacking adversarial examples.
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Li J, Zhang S, Cao J
34. Eigen value based loss function for training attractors in iterated autoencoders.
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Nouri A, Seyyedsalehi SA.
35. Evolution-communication spiking neural P systems with energy request rules.
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Wang L, Liu X, Sun M
36. Approximation bounds for convolutional neural networks in operator learning.
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Franco NR, Fresca S, Manzoni A
37. Deterministic learning-based neural network control with adaptive phase compensation.
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Fei Y, Li D, Li Y
38. Deep learning in random neural fields: Numerical experiments via neural tangent kernel.
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Watanabe K, Sakamoto K, Karakida R
39. Attribute-driven streaming edge partitioning with reconciliations for distributed graph neural network training.
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Mu Z, Tang S, Zhuang Y
40. DropAGG: Robust Graph Neural Networks via Drop Aggregation.
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Jiang B, Chen Y, Wang B
41. Multi-granularity graph pooling for video-based person re-identification.
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Pan H, Chen Y, He Z.
42. A learnable sampling method for scalable graph neural networks.
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Zhao W, Guo T, Yu X
43. Meta attention for Off-Policy Actor-Critic.
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Huang J, Huang W, Lan L
44. An accelerated end-to-end method for solving routing problems.
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Zhu T, Shi X, Xu X
45. Feature relocation network for fine-grained image classification.
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Zhao P, Li Y, Tang B
46. Learning to Generate Tips from Song Reviews.
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Zang J, Gao C, Chen Y
47. CrimeNet: Neural Structured Learning using Vision Transformer for violence detection.
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Rendón-Segador FJ, Álvarez-García JA, Salazar-González JL
48. Enhanced covertness class discriminative universal adversarial perturbations.
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Gao H, Zhang H, Zhang X
49. VISAL-A novel learning strategy to address class imbalance.
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S SRV, Sivapuram AK, Ravi V
50. Model-free forecasting of partially observable spatiotemporally chaotic systems.
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Gupta V, Li LKB, Chen S
51. A bio-inspired positional embedding network for transformer-based models.
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Tang XS, Hao K, Wei H.
52. Low-rank discrete multi-view spectral clustering.
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Yun Y, Li J, Gao Q
53. Cost-effective framework for gradual domain adaptation with multifidelity.
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Sagawa S, Hino H.
54. SP-GNN: Learning structure and position information from graphs.
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Chen Y, You J, He J
55. U-SPDNet: An SPD manifold learning-based neural network for visual classification.
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Wang R, Wu XJ, Xu T
56. Neural network model for imprecise regression with interval dependent variables.
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Tretiak K, Schollmeyer G, Ferson S.
57. Dynamic event-triggered controller design for nonlinear systems: Reinforcement learning strategy.
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Wang Z, Wang X, Pang N.
58. Multi-relational graph convolutional networks: Generalization guarantees and experiments.
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Li X, Ng MK, Xu G
59. NLS: An accurate and yet easy-to-interpret prediction method.
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Coscrato V, Inácio MHA, Botari T
60. Dual memory model for experience-once task-incremental lifelong learning.
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Ma G, Jiang R, Wang L
61. Prediction of common labels for universal domain adaptation.
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Shan X, Ma T, Wen Y.
62. COM: Contrastive Masked-attention model for incomplete multimodal learning.
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Qian S, Wang C.
63. Hierarchical Attention Master-Slave for heterogeneous multi-agent reinforcement learning.
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Wang J, Yuan M, Li Y
64. SuperFormer: Continual learning superposition method for text classification.
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Zeman M, Pucer JF, Kononenko I
65. Memory-efficient Transformer-based network model for Traveling Salesman Problem.
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Yang H, Zhao M, Yuan L
66. Topological biclustering ARTMAP for identifying within bicluster relationships.
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Yelugam R, Brito da Silva LE, Wunsch Ii DC.
67. TIToK: A solution for bi-imbalanced unsupervised domain adaptation.
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Wang Y, Chen Q, Liu Y
68. Traffic forecasting with graph spatial-temporal position recurrent network.
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Chen Y, Li K, Yeo CK
69. Cross-modal hashing with missing labels.
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Ni H, Zhang J, Kang P
70. An interpretive constrained linear model for ResNet and MgNet.
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He J, Xu J, Zhang L
71. Global synchronization of complex-valued neural networks with unbounded time-varying delays.
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Sheng Y, Gong H, Zeng Z.
72. Regularizing transformers with deep probabilistic layers.
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Aguilera AC, Olmos PM, Artés-Rodríguez A
73. Stable invariant models via Koopman spectra.
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Konishi T, Kawahara Y.
74. Collaborative bi-aggregation for directed graph embedding.
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Liu L, Chen KJ, Liu Z.
75. Toward a cerebello-thalamo-cortical computational model of spinocerebellar ataxia.
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Kumar G, Ma CHE.
76. Capsule neural tensor networks with multi-aspect information for Few-shot Knowledge Graph Completion.
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Li Q, Yao J, Tang X
77. Bounded synchronization for uncertain master-slave neural networks: An adaptive impulsive control approach.
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Guo Y, Liu C, Liu Y
78. Adaptive closed-loop paradigm of electrophysiology for neuron models.
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Yang M, Wang J, Li S
79. EPC-DARTS: Efficient partial channel connection for differentiable architecture search.
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Cai Z, Chen L, Liu HL.
80. Improved disturbance observer-based fixed-time adaptive neural network consensus tracking for nonlinear multi-agent systems.
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Zhang N, Xia J, Park JH
81. Basis operator network: A neural network-based model for learning nonlinear operators via neural basis.
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Hua N, Lu W.
82. Accelerating gradient descent and Adam via fractional gradients.
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Shin Y, Darbon J, Karniadakis GE.
83. Adaptive neural-network-based sliding mode control of switching distributed delay systems with Markov jump parameters.
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Jiang B, Karimi HR, Zhang X
84. Input-to-state stability of positive delayed neural networks via impulsive control.
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Chen WH, Li X, Niu S
85. A subgradient-based neurodynamic algorithm to constrained nonsmooth nonconvex interval-valued optimization.
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Liu J, Liao X, Dong JS
86. Adaptive fixed-time output synchronization for complex dynamical networks with multi-weights.
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Cao Y, Zhao L, Zhong Q
87. Quantum recurrent neural networks for sequential learning.
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Li Y, Wang Z, Han R
88. Resilient fixed-time stabilization of switched neural networks subjected to impulsive deception attacks.
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Bao Y, Zhang Y, Zhang B.
89. Uncertainty maximization in partially observable domains: A cognitive perspective.
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Ramicic M, Bonarini A.
90. Discriminative analysis dictionary learning with adaptively ordinal locality preserving.
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Dong J, Wu K, Liu C
91. SCL: Self-supervised contrastive learning for few-shot image classification.
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Lim JY, Lim KM, Lee CP
92. Adams-based hierarchical features fusion network for image dehazing.
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Yin S, Hu S, Wang Y
93. Adaptive pseudo-Siamese policy network for temporal knowledge prediction.
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Shao P, Liu T, Che F
94. Domain adaptive object detection with model-agnostic knowledge transferring.
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Tian K, Zhang C, Wang Y
95. Enhanced tensor low-rank representation learning for multi-view clustering.
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Xie D, Gao Q, Yang M.
96. Knowledge-Preserving continual person re-identification using Graph Attention Network.
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Liu Z, Feng C, Chen S
97. Learning matrix factorization with scalable distance metric and regularizer.
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Wang S, Zhang Y, Lin X
98. Generalized zero-shot domain adaptation via coupled conditional variational autoencoders.
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Wang Q, Breckon TP.
99. Distributional generative adversarial imitation learning with reproducing kernel generalization.
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Zhou Y, Lu M, Liu X
100. Exploring personalization via federated representation Learning on non-IID data.
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Jing C, Huang Y, Zhuang Y
101. BrainS: Customized multi-core embedded multiple scale neuromorphic system.
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Gong B, Wang J, Lu M
102. Robust data hiding for JPEG images with invertible neural network.
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Shang F, Lan Y, Yang J
103. Feature flow regularization: Improving structured sparsity in deep neural networks.
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Wu Y, Lan Y, Zhang L
104. Two-timescale recurrent neural networks for distributed minimax optimization.
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Xia Z, Liu Y, Wang J
105. Growing dendrites enhance a neuron's computational power and memory capacity.
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Levy WB, Baxter RA.
106. Epicasting: An Ensemble Wavelet Neural Network for forecasting epidemics.
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Panja M, Chakraborty T, Kumar U
107. Domain-informed graph neural networks: A quantum chemistry case study.
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Morgan JP, Paiement A, Klinke C.
108. Auditory perception architecture with spiking neural network and implementation on FPGA.
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Deng B, Fan Y, Wang J
109. Quasi-synchronization of drive-response systems with parameter mismatch via event-triggered impulsive control.
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Zheng H, Yu N, Zhu W.
110. Successes and critical failures of neural networks in capturing human-like speech recognition.
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Adolfi F, Bowers JS, Poeppel D.
111. Collaborative neurodynamic optimization for solving nonlinear equations.
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Guan H, Liu Y, Kou KI
112. High speed human action recognition using a photonic reservoir computer.
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Picco E, Antonik P, Massar S.
113. VLAD: Task-agnostic VAE-based lifelong anomaly detection.
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Faber K, Corizzo R, Sniezynski B
114. A novel semi-supervised meta learning method for subject-transfer brain-computer interface.
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Li J, Wang F, Huang H
115. Graph structure learning layer and its graph convolution clustering application.
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He X, Wang B, Li R
116. Imitating the oracle: Towards calibrated model for class incremental learning.
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Zhu F, Cheng Z, Zhang XY
117. Retinal vessel segmentation via a Multi-resolution Contextual Network and adversarial learning.
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Khan TM, Naqvi SS, Robles-Kelly A
118. Task guided representation learning using compositional models for zero-shot domain adaptation.
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Liu S, Ozay M.
119. A transformer-based deep neural network model for SSVEP classification.
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Chen J, Zhang Y, Pan Y
120. Episodic task agnostic contrastive training for multi-task learning.
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Zhou F, Chen Y, Wen J
121. On joint parameterizations of linear and nonlinear functionals in neural networks.
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Atto AM, Galichet S, Pastor D
122. A multi-modal deep neural network for multi-class liver cancer diagnosis.
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Khan RA, Fu M, Burbridge B
123. Lifelong learning with Shared and Private Latent Representations learned through synaptic intelligence.
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Yang Y, Huang J, Hu D.
124. Multi-UAV autonomous collision avoidance based on PPO-GIC algorithm with CNN-LSTM fusion network.
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Liang C, Liu L, Liu C.
125. Learning long-term motor timing/patterns on an orthogonal basis in random neural networks.
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Kawai Y, Park J, Tsuda I
126. SpikeSEE: An energy-efficient dynamic scenes processing framework for retinal prostheses.
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Wang C, Fang C, Zou Y
127. Few-shot Molecular Property Prediction via Hierarchically Structured Learning on Relation Graphs.
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Ju W, Liu Z, Qin Y
128. A domain-agnostic approach for characterization of lifelong learning systems.
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Baker MM, New A, Aguilar-Simon M
129. HybridBranchNet: A novel structure for branch hybrid convolutional neural networks architecture.
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Parcham E, Fateh M.
130. ProMask: Probability mask representation for skeleton detection.
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Bai X, Ye L, Liu Z
131. DF-UDetector: An effective method towards robust deepfake detection via feature restoration.
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Ke J, Wang L.
132. Joint feature selection and optimal bipartite graph learning for subspace clustering.
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Mei S, Zhao W, Gao Q
133. Interpretable local flow attention for multi-step traffic flow prediction.
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Huang X, Zhang B, Feng S
134. Robust fall detection in video surveillance based on weakly supervised learning.
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Wu L, Huang C, Zhao S
135. An effective knowledge graph entity alignment model based on multiple information.
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Zhu B, Bao T, Han R
136. Fractional derivative based weighted skip connections for satellite image road segmentation.
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Arora S, Suman HK, Mathur T
137. Adversarial feature hybrid framework for steganography with shifted window local loss.
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Li Z, Yang X, Shen K
138. A meta-framework for multi-label active learning based on deep reinforcement learning.
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Chen S, Wang R, Lu J.
139. BalanceHRNet: An effective network for bottom-up human pose estimation.
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Li Y, Jia S, Li Q.
140. Edge computing on TPU for brain implant signal analysis.
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Rokai J, Ulbert I, Márton G.
141. Attention guided learnable time-domain filterbanks for speech depression detection.
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Yang W, Liu J, Cao P
142. RAFNet: Restricted attention fusion network for sleep apnea detection.
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Chen Y, Yue H, Zou R
143. Fixed-time synchronization of delayed memristive neural networks with impulsive effects via novel fixed-time stability theorem.
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Wang D, Li L.
144. Spatial-temporal recurrent reinforcement learning for autonomous ships.
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Waltz M, Okhrin O.
145. Framework for Segmented threshold ℓ(0) gradient approximation based network for sparse signal recovery.
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V V, Mishra D.
146. Origin of the efficiency of spike timing-based neural computation for processing temporal information.
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Jiang Z, Xu J, Zhang T
147. Visual information processing through the interplay between fine and coarse signal pathways.
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Zou X, Ji Z, Zhang T
148. Energy scheduling for DoS attack over multi-hop networks: Deep reinforcement learning approach.
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Yang L, Tao J, Liu YH
149. Differential evolution based dual adversarial camouflage: Fooling human eyes and object detectors.
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Sun J, Yao W, Jiang T
150. A dynamical model of visual motion processing for arbitrary stimuli including type II plaids.
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Korai Y, Miura K.
151. Mitigate forgetting in few-shot class-incremental learning using different image views.
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Mazumder P, Singh P.
152. Prospective classification of Alzheimer's disease conversion from mild cognitive impairment.
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Park S, Hong CH, Lee DG
153. Fixed-time and prescribed-time synchronization of quaternion-valued neural networks: A control strategy involving Lyapunov functions.
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Peng T, Wu Y, Tu Z
154. De Rham compatible Deep Neural Network FEM.
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Longo M, Opschoor JAA, Disch N
155. Reconstructing controllable faces from brain activity with hierarchical multiview representations.
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Ren Z, Li J, Xue X
156. Event-triggered control for robust exponential synchronization of inertial memristive neural networks under parameter disturbance.
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Yao W, Wang C, Sun Y
157. SPIDE: A purely spike-based method for training feedback spiking neural networks.
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Xiao M, Meng Q, Zhang Z
158. Asynchronous dissipative stabilization for stochastic Markov-switching neural networks with completely- and incompletely-known transition rates.
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Tai W, Li X, Zhou J
159. Trustworthy Medical Image Segmentation with improved performance for in-distribution samples.
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Shukla S, Birla L, Gupta AK
160. SuperstarGAN: Generative adversarial networks for image-to-image translation in large-scale domains.
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Ko K, Yeom T, Lee M.
161. MI-CAT: A transformer-based domain adaptation network for motor imagery classification.
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Zhang D, Li H, Xie J.
162. Dual adaptive learning multi-task multi-view for graph network representation learning.
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Han B, Wei Y, Wang Q
163. Cooperative modular reinforcement learning for large discrete action space problem.
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Ming F, Gao F, Liu K
164. Cross-modal guiding and reweighting network for multi-modal RSVP-based target detection.
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Mao J, Qiu S, Wei W
165. A biologically inspired auto-associative network with sparse temporal population coding.
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Zhang Y, Shi K, Luo X
166. Achieving efficient interpretability of reinforcement learning via policy distillation and selective input gradient regularization.
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Xing J, Nagata T, Zou X
167. UDRN: Unified Dimensional Reduction Neural Network for feature selection and feature projection.
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Zang Z, Xu Y, Lu L
168. Multi-level Feature Interaction and Efficient Non-Local Information Enhanced Channel Attention for image dehazing.
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Sun H, Li B, Dan Z
169. DyVGRNN: DYnamic mixture Variational Graph Recurrent Neural Networks.
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Niknam G, Molaei S, Zare H
170. A multi-view co-training network for semi-supervised medical image-based prognostic prediction.
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Li H, Wang S, Liu B
171. H(∞) master-slave synchronization for delayed impulsive implicit hybrid neural networks based on memory-state feedback control.
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Wang Z, Zhuang G, Xie X
172. TCGAN: Convolutional Generative Adversarial Network for time series classification and clustering.
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Huang F, Deng Y.
173. A look into feedback neural computation upon collision selectivity.
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Chang Z, Fu Q, Chen H
174. Leveraging joint incremental learning objective with data ensemble for class incremental learning.
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Mazumder P, Karim MA, Joshi I
175. Few-shot link prediction for temporal knowledge graphs based on time-aware translation and attention mechanism.
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Zhang H, Bai L.
176. Emphasizing unseen words: New vocabulary acquisition for end-to-end speech recognition.
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Qu L, Weber C, Wermter S.
177. Inhibitory stabilized network behaviour in a balanced neural mass model of a cortical column.
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Zarei Eskikand P, Soto-Breceda A, Cook MJ
178. Vertex points are not enough: Monocular 3D object detection via intra- and inter-plane constraints.
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Yao H, Chen J, Wang Z
179. Variational gated autoencoder-based feature extraction model for inferring disease-miRNA associations based on multiview features.
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Guo Y, Zhou D, Ruan X
180. LCM-Captioner: A lightweight text-based image captioning method with collaborative mechanism between vision and text.
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Wang Q, Deng H, Wu X
181. A continuation method for image registration based on dynamic adaptive kernel.
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Ma Y, Wang B, Lin H
182. A spectral graph convolution for signed directed graphs via magnetic Laplacian.
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Ko T, Choi Y, Kim CK.
183. STACoRe: Spatio-temporal and action-based contrastive representations for reinforcement learning in Atari.
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Lee YJ, Kim J, Kwak M
184. Miper-MVS: Multi-scale iterative probability estimation with refinement for efficient multi-view stereo.
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Zhou H, Zhao H, Wang Q
185. Incomplete multi-view clustering network via nonlinear manifold embedding and probability-induced loss.
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Huang C, Cui J, Fu Y
186. Feature Alignment by Uncertainty and Self-Training for Source-Free Unsupervised Domain Adaptation.
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Lee J, Lee G.
187. Multi-view subspace clustering via adaptive graph learning and late fusion alignment.
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Tang C, Sun K, Tang C
188. CSAST: Content self-supervised and style contrastive learning for arbitrary style transfer.
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Zhang Y, Tian Y, Hou J.
189. Forward propagation dropout in deep neural networks using Jensen-Shannon and random forest feature importance ranking.
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Heidari M, Moattar MH, Ghaffari H.
190. Observer-based state estimation for discrete-time semi-Markovian jump neural networks with round-robin protocol against cyber attacks.
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Sakthivel R, Kwon OM, Choi SG
191. A deep connectome learning network using graph convolution for connectome-disease association study.
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Yang Y, Ye C, Ma T.
192. ProductGraphSleepNet: Sleep staging using product spatio-temporal graph learning with attentive temporal aggregation.
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Einizade A, Nasiri S, Sardouie SH
193. An explainable artificial intelligence approach to spatial navigation based on hippocampal circuitry.
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Coppolino S, Migliore M.
194. Improving transparency and representational generalizability through parallel continual learning.
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20 2 3
Paknezhad M, Rengarajan H, Yuan C
195. An adaptive reinforcement learning-based multimodal data fusion framework for human-robot confrontation gaming.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Qi W, Fan H, Karimi HR
196. B-mode ultrasound based CAD for liver cancers via multi-view privileged information learning.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Han X, Gong B, Guo L
197. Multi-teacher knowledge distillation based on joint Guidance of Probe and Adaptive Corrector.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Shang R, Li W, Zhu S
198. Self-supervision assisted multimodal remote sensing image classification with coupled self-looping convolution networks.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Pande S, Banerjee B.
199. Sinogram upsampling using Primal-Dual UNet for undersampled CT and radial MRI reconstruction.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Ernst P, Chatterjee S, Rose G
200. Enhanced robust spatial feature selection and correlation filter learning for UAV tracking.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Wen J, Chu H, Lai Z
201. An unsupervised STDP-based spiking neural network inspired by biologically plausible learning rules and connections.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Dong Y, Zhao D, Li Y
202. LoyalDE: Improving the performance of Graph Neural Networks with loyal node discovery and emphasis.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Wei H, Zhu Y, Li X
203. Explainable hybrid word representations for sentiment analysis of financial news.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Adhikari S, Thapa S, Naseem U
204. Genetic data visualization using literature text-based neural networks: Examples associated with myocardial infarction.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Moon J, Posada-Quintero HF, Chon KH.
205. Deep learning-based open set multi-source domain adaptation with complementary transferability metric for mechanical fault diagnosis.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Tian J, Han D, Karimi HR
206. An effective low-rank compression with a joint rank selection followed by a compression-friendly training.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Eo M, Kang S, Rhee W.
207. Coexistence and local stability of multiple equilibrium points for fractional-order state-dependent switched competitive neural networks with time-varying delays.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Wu Z, Nie X, Cao B.
208. Synchronization of coupled switched neural networks subject to hybrid stochastic disturbances.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Long H, Ci J, Guo Z
209. Memristor-based spiking neural network with online reinforcement learning.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Vlasov D, Minnekhanov A, Rybka R
210. Rapid learning of spatial representations for goal-directed navigation based on a novel model of hippocampal place fields.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Alabi A, Vanderelst D, Minai AA.
211. Graph convolutional network with tree-guided anisotropic message passing.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Wang R, Wang Y, Zhang C
212. CHARLES: A C++ fixed-point library for Photonic-Aware Neural Networks.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Paolini E, De Marinis L, Maggiani L
213. Content preserving image translation with texture co-occurrence and spatial self-similarity for texture debiasing and domain adaptation.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Kang M, Won D, Luna M
214. InfraNet: Accurate forehead temperature measurement framework for people in the wild with monocular thermal infrared camera.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Zhou X, Lei D, Long C
215. Hybrid distributed finite-time neurodynamic optimization of electric vehicle charging schemes management in microgrid considering time-varying factors.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Qin H, Zhao G, Li Y
216. Few-shot remote sensing image scene classification based on multiscale covariance metric network (MCMNet).
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Chen X, Zhu G, Liu M
217. Deep learning-accelerated computational framework based on Physics Informed Neural Network for the solution of linear elasticity.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Roy AM, Bose R, Sundararaghavan V
218. Differentiating brain states via multi-clip random fragment strategy-based interactive bidirectional recurrent neural network.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Zhang S, Shi E, Wu L
219. Modeling limit order trading with a continuous action policy for deep reinforcement learning.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Tsantekidis A, Passalis N, Tefas A.
220. A novel sequential structure for lightweight multi-scale feature learning under limited available images.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Liu P, Du J, Vong CM.
221. Collaborative-guided spectral abundance learning with bilinear mixing model for hyperspectral subpixel target detection.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Zhu D, Du B, Hu M
222. An insect-inspired model facilitating autonomous navigation by incorporating goal approaching and collision avoidance.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Sun X, Fu Q, Peng J
223. Restoration and enhancement on low exposure raw images by joint demosaicing and denoising.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Ma J, Wang G, Zhang L
224. Generating post-hoc explanations for Skip-gram-based node embeddings by identifying important nodes with bridgeness.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Park H, Neville J.
225. Nonconvex low-rank tensor approximation with graph and consistent regularizations for multi-view subspace learning.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Pan B, Li C, Che H.
226. Approximation of smooth functionals using deep ReLU networks.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Song L, Liu Y, Fan J
227. Mittag-Leffler stability of fractional-order quaternion-valued memristive neural networks with generalized piecewise constant argument.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Wang J, Zhu S, Liu X
228. Lightweight image super-resolution based multi-order gated aggregation network.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Gendy G, Sabor N, He G.
229. Lifelong learning on evolving graphs under the constraints of imbalanced classes and new classes.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Galke L, Vagliano I, Franke B
230. 3D graph neural network with few-shot learning for predicting drug-drug interactions in scaffold-based cold start scenario.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Lv Q, Zhou J, Yang Z
231. MonkeyNet: A robust deep convolutional neural network for monkeypox disease detection and classification.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Bala D, Hossain MS, Hossain MA
232. MSSPA-GC: Multi-Scale Shape Prior Adaptation with 3D Graph Convolutions for Category-Level Object Pose Estimation.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Zou L, Huang Z, Gu N
233. WDMNet: Modeling diverse variations of regional wind speed for multi-step predictions.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Ye R, Feng S, Li X
234. Quasi-projective and complete synchronization of discrete-time fractional-order delayed neural networks.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Zhang XL, Li HL, Yu Y
235. IASA: An IoU-aware tracker with adaptive sample assignment.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Yang K, Zhang H, Zhou D
236. Safe control of logical control networks with random impulses.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Zhou R, Guo Y, Wang Y
237. A super-resolution network for medical imaging via transformation analysis of wavelet multi-resolution.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Yu Y, She K, Liu J
238. Genetic hyperparameter optimization with Modified Scalable-Neighbourhood Component Analysis for breast cancer prognostication.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Alsubai S, Alqahtani A, Sha M.
239. Bat algorithm based control to decrease the control energy consumption and modified bat algorithm based control to increase the trajectory tracking accuracy in robots.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Rubio JJ.
240. Fixed-time periodic stabilization of discontinuous reaction-diffusion Cohen-Grossberg neural networks.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Kong F, Zhu Q, Karimi HR.
241. Learning task-agnostic and interpretable subsequence-based representation of time series and its applications in fMRI analysis.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Bai W, Yamashita O, Yoshimoto J.
242. Topology identification for stochastic multi-layer networks via graph-theoretic method.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Zhang C, Li R, Zhu Q
243. Fixed-time synchronization for quaternion-valued memristor-based neural networks with mixed delays.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Zhang Y, Yang L, Kou KI
244. Human-guided deep learning with ante-hoc explainability by convolutional network from non-image data for pregnancy prognostication.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Sufriyana H, Wu YW, Su EC.
245. MPGE and RootRank: A sufficient root cause characterization and quantification framework for industrial process faults.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Song P, Zhao C, Huang B.
246. Approximating Nash equilibrium for anti-UAV jamming Markov game using a novel event-triggered multi-agent reinforcement learning.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Feng Z, Huang M, Wu Y
247. MSCDA: Multi-level semantic-guided contrast improves unsupervised domain adaptation for breast MRI segmentation in small datasets.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Kuang S, Woodruff HC, Granzier R
248. Continual learning with invertible generative models.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Pomponi J, Scardapane S, Uncini A.
249. Decoding self-motion from visual image sequence predicts distinctive features of reflexive motor responses to visual motion.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Nakamura D, Gomi H.
250. Contrastive encoder pre-training-based clustered federated learning for heterogeneous data.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Tun YL, Nguyen MNH, Thwal CM
251. Adversarial Lagrangian integrated contrastive embedding for limited size datasets.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Jalali A, Lee M.
252. Class-imbalanced complementary-label learning via weighted loss.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Wei M, Zhou Y, Li Z
253. SiamDF: Tracking training data-free siamese tracker.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Cai H, Lan L, Zhang J
254. Predefined-time synchronization of coupled neural networks with switching parameters and disturbed by Brownian motion.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Zhou X, Cao J, Wang X.
255. Amortized Bayesian inference on generative dynamical network models of epilepsy using deep neural density estimators.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Hashemi M, Vattikonda AN, Jha J
256. 2DHeadPose: A simple and effective annotation method for the head pose in RGB images and its dataset.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Wang Y, Zhou W, Zhou J.
257. Credit assignment with predictive contribution measurement in multi-agent reinforcement learning.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Chen R, Tan Y.
258. Semi-supervised deep embedded clustering with pairwise constraints and subset allocation.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Wang Y, Zou J, Wang K
259. SNR: Symbolic network-based rectifiable learning framework for symbolic regression.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Liu J, Li W, Yu L
260. GBT: Two-stage transformer framework for non-stationary time series forecasting.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Shen L, Wei Y, Wang Y.
261. A novel framework of prescribed time/fixed time/finite time stochastic synchronization control of neural networks and its application in image encryption.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Wang X, Cao J, Zhou X
262. Stabilization of reaction-diffusion fractional-order memristive neural networks.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Li R, Cao J, Li N.
263. The deep arbitrary polynomial chaos neural network or how Deep Artificial Neural Networks could benefit from data-driven homogeneous chaos theory.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Oladyshkin S, Praditia T, Kroeker I
264. Automatized offline and online exploration to achieve a target dynamics in biohybrid neural circuits built with living and model neurons.
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20 2 3
Reyes-Sanchez M, Amaducci R, Sanchez-Martin P
265. Approximate spectral decomposition of Fisher information matrix for simple ReLU networks.
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20 2 3
Takeishi Y, Iida M, Takeuchi J.
266. Fixed/prescribed-time synchronization of BAM memristive neural networks with time-varying delays via convex analysis.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Yang J, Chen G, Zhu S
267. SCADA securing system using deep learning to prevent cyber infiltration.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Diaba SY, Anafo T, Tetteh LA
268. Node injection for class-specific network poisoning.
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20 2 3
Sharma AK, Kukreja R, Kharbanda M
269. The role of capacity constraints in Convolutional Neural Networks for learning random versus natural data.
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20 2 3
Tsvetkov C, Malhotra G, Evans BD
270. Novel adaptive zeroing neural dynamics schemes for temporally-varying linear equation handling applied to arm path following and target motion positioning.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Wu W, Zhang Y.
271. Long-range zero-shot generative deep network quantization.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Luo Y, Gao Y, Zhang Z
272. Performance estimation for the memristor-based computing-in-memory implementation of extremely factorized network for real-time and low-power semantic segmentation.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Dong S, Fan Z, Chen Y
273. Multi-granularity knowledge distillation and prototype consistency regularization for class-incremental learning.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Shi Y, Shi D, Qiao Z
274. Approximation of classifiers by deep perceptron networks.
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20 2 3
Kůrková V, Sanguineti M.
275. Decentralized ADMM with compressed and event-triggered communication.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Zhang Z, Yang S, Xu W.
276. Reachable set estimation and stochastic sampled-data exponential synchronization of Markovian jump neural networks with time-varying delays.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Wang L, Xia J, Park JH
277. Design of continuous-time recurrent neural networks with piecewise-linear activation function for generation of prescribed sequences of bipolar vectors.
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20 2 3
Takahashi N, Yamakawa T, Minetoma Y
278. A neurodynamic approach for nonsmooth optimal power consumption of intelligent and connected vehicles.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Liu J, Liao X, Dong JS
279. A unified semi-supervised model with joint estimation of graph, soft labels and latent subspace.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Dornaika F, Baradaaji A.
280. HARDC : A novel ECG-based heartbeat classification method to detect arrhythmia using hierarchical attention based dual structured RNN with dilated CNN.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Islam MS, Hasan KF, Sultana S
281. Robust exponential stability of discrete-time uncertain impulsive stochastic neural networks with delayed impulses.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Cai T, Cheng P, Yao F
282. Adaptive event-triggered extended dissipative synchronization of delayed reaction-diffusion neural networks under deception attacks.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Zhao FL, Wang ZP, Qiao J
283. Stochastic momentum methods for non-convex learning without bounded assumptions.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Liang Y, Liu J, Xu D.
284. Dual Distillation Discriminator Networks for Domain Adaptive Few-Shot Learning.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Liu X, Ji Z, Pang Y
285. DEFAEK: Domain Effective Fast Adaptive Network for Face Anti-Spoofing.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Lin JD, Han YH, Huang PH
286. A mathematical framework for improved weight initialization of neural networks using Lagrange multipliers.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
de Pater I, Mitici M.
287. CCGN: Centralized collaborative graphical transformer multi-agent reinforcement learning for multi-intersection signal free-corridor.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Mukhtar H, Afzal A, Alahmari S
288. Data augmentation with norm-AE and selective pseudo-labelling for unsupervised domain adaptation.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Wang Q, Meng F, Breckon TP.
289. A regularization perspective based theoretical analysis for adversarial robustness of deep spiking neural networks.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Zhang H, Cheng J, Zhang J
290. RegraphGAN: A graph generative adversarial network model for dynamic network anomaly detection.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Guo D, Liu Z, Li R.
291. Simultaneous approximation of a smooth function and its derivatives by deep neural networks with piecewise-polynomial activations.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Belomestny D, Naumov A, Puchkin N
292. Perceptual Contrastive Generative Adversarial Network based on image warping for unsupervised image-to-image translation.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Huang LC, Tsai HH.
293. A direct discretization recurrent neurodynamics method for time-variant nonlinear optimization with redundant robot manipulators.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Shi Y, Sheng W, Li S
294. Multi-view graph representation with similarity diffusion for general zero-shot learning.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Yu B, Xie C, Tang P
295. A wholistic view of continual learning with deep neural networks: Forgotten lessons and the bridge to active and open world learning.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Mundt M, Hong Y, Pliushch I
296. Nested relation extraction via self-contrastive learning guided by structure and semantic similarity.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Mai C, Luo K, Wang Y
297. MixGradient: A gradient-based re-weighting scheme with mixup for imbalanced data streams.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Peng X, Wang FY, Li L.
298. Value iteration for streaming data on a continuous space with gradient method in an RKHS.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Liu J, Xu W, Wang Y
299. Analytical interpretation of the gap of CNN's cognition between SAR and optical target recognition.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Feng Z, Ji H, Daković M
300. Multiclass skin lesion localization and classification using deep learning based features fusion and selection framework for smart healthcare.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Maqsood S, Damaševičius R.
301. A reinforcement learning algorithm acquires demonstration from the training agent by dividing the task space.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Zu L, He X, Yang J
302. An octonion-based nonlinear echo state network for speech emotion recognition in Metaverse.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Daneshfar F, Jamshidi MB.
303. Aperiodic switching event-triggered stabilization of continuous memristive neural networks with interval delays.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Wang Y, Tuo H, Lyu H
304. Predictive hierarchical reinforcement learning for path-efficient mapless navigation with moving target.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Li H, Luo B, Song W
305. Effects of parity, frustration, and stochastic fluctuations on integrated conceptual information for networks with two small-sized loops.
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20 2 3
Hosaka T.
306. Disturbance rejection for multi-weighted complex dynamical networks with actuator saturation and deception attacks via hybrid-triggered mechanism.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Sakthivel R, Kwon OM, Park MJ
307. A simple and reliable instance selection for fast training support vector machine: Valid Border Recognition.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Tang L, Tian Y, Wang X
308. Optimal H(∞) tracking control of nonlinear systems with zero-equilibrium-free via novel adaptive critic designs.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Peng Z, Ji H, Zou C
309. Event-triggered fault-tolerant control for input-constrained nonlinear systems with mismatched disturbances via adaptive dynamic programming.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Zhao H, Wang H, Niu B
310. Tackling higher-order relations and heterogeneity: Dynamic heterogeneous hypergraph network for spatiotemporal activity prediction.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Tian C, Zhang Z, Yao F
311. A novel time series prediction method based on pooling compressed sensing echo state network and its application in stock market.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Wang Z, Zhao H, Zheng M
312. Sparser spiking activity can be better: Feature Refine-and-Mask spiking neural network for event-based visual recognition.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Yao M, Zhang H, Zhao G
313. Safe screening rules for multi-view support vector machines.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Wang H, Zhu J, Zhang S.
314. Unsupervised feature selection based on variance-covariance subspace distance.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Karami S, Saberi-Movahed F, Tiwari P
315. Stability analysis of stochastic gradient descent for homogeneous neural networks and linear classifiers.
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20 2 3
Paquin AL, Chaib-Draa B, Giguère P.
316. Neurodynamic optimization approaches with finite/fixed-time convergence for absolute value equations.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Ju X, Yang X, Feng G
317. Theoretical bounds of generalization error for generalized extreme learning machine and random vector functional link network.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Kim M.
318. Event-based fixed-time synchronization of neural networks under DoS attack and its applications.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Xing M, Lu J, Lou J
319. Adaptive event-triggered synchronization of neural networks under stochastic cyber-attacks with application to Chua's circuit.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Xu Y, Yang C, Zhou L
320. An adaptive neurodynamic approach for solving nonsmooth N-cluster games.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Wang M, Zhu S, Qin S.
321. Sparse solution of least-squares twin multi-class support vector machine using ℓ(0) and ℓ(p)-norm for classification and feature selection.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Moosaei H, Hladík M.
322. End-to-end neural speaker diarization with an iterative adaptive attractor estimation.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Hao F, Li X, Zheng C.
323. Block-level dependency syntax based model for end-to-end aspect-based sentiment analysis.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Xiang Y, Zhang J, Guo J.
324. Analysis on the inherent noise tolerance of feedforward network and one noise-resilient structure.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Lu W, Zhang Z, Qin F
325. Online dynamic ensemble deep random vector functional link neural network for forecasting.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Gao R, Li R, Hu M
326. On the value of label and semantic information in domain generalization.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Zhou F, Chen Y, Yang S
327. Adaptive pinning cluster synchronization of a stochastic reaction-diffusion complex network.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Lu B, Jiang H, Hu C
328. The Deep Learning Generative Adversarial Random Neural Network in data marketplaces: The digital creative.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Serrano W.
329. Warming up recurrent neural networks to maximise reachable multistability greatly improves learning.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Lambrechts G, De Geeter F, Vecoven N
330. Discrete-time robust event-triggered actuator fault-tolerant control based on adaptive networks and reinforcement learning.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Treesatayapun C.
331. Context and detail interaction network for stereo rain streak and raindrop removal.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Nie J, Xie J, Cao J
332. Strengthening transferability of adversarial examples by adaptive inertia and amplitude spectrum dropout.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Li H, Yu W, Huang H.
333. Adaptive prescribed settling time periodic event-triggered control for uncertain robotic manipulators with state constraints.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Chen Z, Zhang H, Liu J
334. Preassigned-time projective synchronization of delayed fully quaternion-valued discontinuous neural networks with parameter uncertainties.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Pu H, Li F, Wang Q
335. Lightweight image de-snowing: A better trade-off between network capacity and performance.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Chen Z, Sun Y, Bi X
336. Finite-time cluster synchronization for complex dynamical networks under FDI attack: A periodic control approach.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Li JY, Huang YC, Rao HX
337. Solving classification tasks by a receptron based on nonlinear optical speckle fields.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Paroli B, Martini G, Potenza MAC
338. PIPER: A logic-driven deep contrastive optimization pipeline for event temporal reasoning.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Zhang B, Li L.
339. A reliable anchor regenerative-based transformer model for x-small and dense objects recognition.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Vasanthi P, Mohan L.
340. Distance metric learning based on the class center and nearest neighbor relationship.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Zhao Y, Yang L.
341. Enhanced regularization for on-chip training using analog and temporary memory weights.
Neural Netw
20 2 3
Singhal R, Saraswat V, Deshmukh S
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