期刊文献 > J Cell Biol期刊 选择月份
2023 Nov (6)
2023 Oct (11)
2023 Sep (13)
2023 Aug (14)
2023 Jul (15)
2023 Jun (15)
2023 May (17)
2023 Apr (16)
2023 Mar (12)
1. HSV-1 exploits host heterochromatin for nuclear egress.
J Cell Biol
2023 Sep 4
Lewis HC(#), Kelnhofer-Millevolte LE(#), Brinkley MR
2. Spatially coordinated cell cycle activity and motility govern bifurcation of mammary branches.
J Cell Biol
2023 Sep 4
Myllymäki SM, Kaczyńska B, Lan Q
3. PTEN is both an activator and a substrate of chaperone-mediated autophagy.
J Cell Biol
2023 Sep 4
Zhang KK, Burns CM, Skinner ME
4. Convergent and divergent mechanisms of peroxisomal and mitochondrial division.
J Cell Biol
2023 Sep 4
Subramani S, Shukla N, Farre JC.
5. CLPTM1L is a GPI-anchoring pathway component targeted by HCMV.
J Cell Biol
2023 Sep 4
Kol I, Rishiq A, Cohen M
6. Mechanical control of the mammalian circadian clock via YAP/TAZ and TEAD.
J Cell Biol
2023 Sep 4
Abenza JF(#), Rossetti L(#), Mouelhi M
7. Gbb glutathionylation promotes its proteasome-mediated degradation to inhibit synapse growth.
J Cell Biol
2023 Sep 4
Hossain MS(#), Yao A(#), Qiao X(#)
8. Polydom/SVEP1 binds to Tie1 and promotes migration of lymphatic endothelial cells.
J Cell Biol
2023 Sep 4
Sato-Nishiuchi R, Doiguchi M, Morooka N
9. Arf1-PI4KIIIβ positive vesicles regulate PI(3)P signaling to facilitate lysosomal tubule fission.
J Cell Biol
2023 Sep 4
Boutry M, DiGiovanni LF, Demers N
10. Kinesin-4 optimizes microtubule orientations for responsive tip growth guidance in moss.
J Cell Biol
2023 Sep 4
de Keijzer J, van Spoordonk R, van der Meer-Verweij JE
11. ER-localized Shr3 is a selective co-translational folding chaperone necessary for amino acid permease biogenesis.
J Cell Biol
2023 Sep 4
Myronidi I(#), Ring A(#), Wu F
12. Early proteostasis of caveolins synchronizes trafficking, degradation, and oligomerization to prevent toxic aggregation.
J Cell Biol
2023 Sep 4
Morales-Paytuví F, Fajardo A, Ruiz-Mirapeix C
13. A membrane-sensing mechanism links lipid metabolism to protein degradation at the nuclear envelope.
J Cell Biol
2023 Sep 4
Lee S, Carrasquillo Rodrı Guez JW, Merta H
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