期刊文献 > J Cell Biol期刊 选择月份
2023 Nov (6)
2023 Oct (11)
2023 Sep (13)
2023 Aug (14)
2023 Jul (15)
2023 Jun (15)
2023 May (17)
2023 Apr (16)
2023 Mar (12)
1. Quality control ensures fidelity in ribosome assembly and cellular health.
J Cell Biol
2023 Apr 3
Parker MD, Karbstein K.
2. Nanoscale structural organization and stoichiometry of the budding yeast kinetochore.
J Cell Biol
2023 Apr 3
Cieslinski K(#), Wu YL(#), Nechyporenko L
3. The p97/VCP segregase is essential for arsenic-induced degradation of PML and PML-RARA.
J Cell Biol
2023 Apr 3
Jaffray EG, Tatham MH, Mojsa B
4. Tex2 is required for lysosomal functions at TMEM55-dependent ER membrane contact sites.
J Cell Biol
2023 Apr 3
Du Y, Chang W, Gao L
5. LGI3/2-ADAM23 interactions cluster Kv1 channels in myelinated axons to regulate refractory period.
J Cell Biol
2023 Apr 3
Kozar-Gillan N, Velichkova A, Kanatouris G
6. Hepatocyte apical bulkheads provide a mechanical means to oppose bile pressure.
J Cell Biol
2023 Apr 3
Bebelman MP(#), Bovyn MJ(#), Mayer CM
7. An interaction between β'-COP and the ArfGAP, Glo3, maintains post-Golgi cargo recycling.
J Cell Biol
2023 Apr 3
Xie B, Guillem C, Date SS
8. Septin-mediated RhoA activation engages the exocyst complex to recruit the cilium transition zone.
J Cell Biol
2023 Apr 3
Safavian D(#), Kim MS(#), Xie H
9. CSPP1 stabilizes growing microtubule ends and damaged lattices from the luminal side.
J Cell Biol
2023 Apr 3
van den Berg CM, Volkov VA, Schnorrenberg S
10. Semi-automated 3D fluorescence speckle analyzer (3D-Speckler) for microscope calibration and nanoscale measurement.
J Cell Biol
2023 Apr 3
Loi J, Qu X, Suzuki A.
11. Dynamin2 functions as an accessory protein to reduce the rate of caveola internalization.
J Cell Biol
2023 Apr 3
Larsson E, Morén B, McMahon KA
12. Unraveling the kinetochore nanostructure in Schizosaccharomyces pombe using multi-color SMLM imaging.
J Cell Biol
2023 Apr 3
Virant D(#), Vojnovic I(#), Winkelmeier J(#)
13. Antagonism between Prdm16 and Smad4 specifies the trajectory and progression of pancreatic cancer.
J Cell Biol
2023 Apr 3
Hurwitz E, Parajuli P, Ozkan S
14. Rapid profiling of DNA replication dynamics using mass spectrometry-based analysis of nascent DNA.
J Cell Biol
2023 Apr 3
Ashour ME, Byrum AK, Meroni A
15. Human atlastins are sufficient to drive the fusion of liposomes with a physiological lipid composition.
J Cell Biol
2023 Apr 3
Jang E(#), Moon Y(#), Yoon SY
16. Quantifying organellar ultrastructure in cryo-electron tomography using a surface morphometrics pipeline.
J Cell Biol
2023 Apr 3
Barad BA(#), Medina M(#), Fuentes D
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