期刊文献 > Mol Plant期刊 选择月份
2023 Sep (10)
2023 Aug (6)
2023 Jul (9)
2023 Jun (5)
2023 May (7)
2023 Apr (6)
2023 Mar (4)
1. Co-chaperoning of chlorophyll and carotenoid biosynthesis by ORANGE family proteins in plants.
Mol Plant
2023 Jun 5
Sun T, Wang P, Rao S
2. Cytokinin signaling promotes salt tolerance by modulating shoot chloride exclusion in maize.
Mol Plant
2023 Jun 5
Yin P, Liang X, Zhao H
3. The RLCK-VND6 module coordinates secondary cell wall formation and adaptive growth in rice.
Mol Plant
2023 Jun 5
Cao S, Wang Y, Gao Y
4. Transcriptome-wide profiling of RNA N(4)-cytidine acetylation in Arabidopsis thaliana and Oryza sativa.
Mol Plant
2023 Jun 5
Li B, Li D, Cai L
5. Installing the neurospora carotenoid pathway in plants enables cytosolic formation of provitamin A and its sequestration in lipid droplets.
Mol Plant
2023 Jun 5
Zheng X, Zhang Y, Balakrishna A
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