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2023 Sep (2)
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2023 Jul (29)
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2023 May (24)
2023 Apr (4)
2023 Mar (32)
2023 Feb (23)
20 2 (31)
1. Nucleolar stress: From development to cancer.
Semin Cell Dev Biol
2023 Feb 28
Lafita-Navarro MC, Conacci-Sorrell M.
2. Dynamic regulation of ribosome levels and translation during development.
Semin Cell Dev Biol
2023 Feb 28
Breznak SM, Kotb NM, Rangan P.
3. The homeostatic regulation of ribosome biogenesis.
Semin Cell Dev Biol
2023 Feb 28
Ni C, Buszczak M.
4. Mitochondrial stress and aging: Lessons from C. elegans.
Semin Cell Dev Biol
2023 Feb 28
Chen PX, Zhang L, Chen D
5. RNA Polymerases I and III in development and disease.
Semin Cell Dev Biol
2023 Feb 28
Watt KE, Macintosh J, Bernard G
6. Under the magnifying glass: The ups and downs of rDNA copy number.
Semin Cell Dev Biol
2023 Feb 28
Kindelay SM, Maggert KA.
7. How to save a bacterial ribosome in times of stress.
Semin Cell Dev Biol
2023 Feb 28
Zegarra V, Bedrunka P, Bange G
8. Mechanisms controlling metabolite concentrations of the Calvin Benson Cycle.
Semin Cell Dev Biol
2023 Feb 27
Zhu XG, Treves H, Zhao H.
9. Long noncoding RNAs regulate intrauterine adhesion and cervical cancer development and progression.
Semin Cell Dev Biol
2023 Feb 23
Wang X, Gu Y, Zhang L
10. The gut-brain axis and cognitive control: A role for the vagus nerve.
Semin Cell Dev Biol
2023 Feb 16
Décarie-Spain L, Hayes AMR, Lauer LT
11. Histone variant-specific post-translational modifications.
Semin Cell Dev Biol
2023 Feb 15
Joseph FM, Young NL.
12. Histone variants in archaea - An undiscovered country.
Semin Cell Dev Biol
2023 Feb 15
Stevens KM, Warnecke T.
13. Transcription-coupled H3.3 recycling: A link with chromatin states.
Semin Cell Dev Biol
2023 Feb 15
Delaney K, Almouzni G.
14. Evolution, structure and function of divergent macroH2A1 splice isoforms.
Semin Cell Dev Biol
2023 Feb 15
Guberovic I, Farkas M, Corujo D
15. Histone H2A variants: Diversifying chromatin to ensure genome integrity.
Semin Cell Dev Biol
2023 Feb 15
Oberdoerffer P, Miller KM.
16. Histone renegades: Unusual H2A histone variants in plants and animals.
Semin Cell Dev Biol
2023 Feb 15
Osakabe A, Molaro A.
17. The influence of epigenetics and inflammation on cardiometabolic risks.
Semin Cell Dev Biol
2023 Feb 15
Raghubeer S.
18. Spotlight on histone H2A variants: From B to X to Z.
Semin Cell Dev Biol
2023 Feb 15
Herchenröther A, Wunderlich TM, Lan J
19. The ins and outs of CENP-A: Chromatin dynamics of the centromere-specific histone.
Semin Cell Dev Biol
2023 Feb 15
Stirpe A, Heun P.
20. Contribution of the histone variant H2A.Z to expression of responsive genes in plants.
Semin Cell Dev Biol
2023 Feb 15
Long J, Carter B, Johnson ET
21. Seminars in cell and development biology on histone variants remodelers of H2A variants associated with heterochromatin.
Semin Cell Dev Biol
2023 Feb 15
Berger F, Muegge K, Richards EJ.
22. Mitochondrial recovery by the UPR(mt): Insights from C. elegans.
Semin Cell Dev Biol
2023 Feb 13
Dodge JD, Browder NJ, Pellegrino MW.
23. Apoptosis and beyond: A new era for programmed cell death in Caenorhabditis elegans.
Semin Cell Dev Biol
2023 Feb 13
Yarychkivska O, Sharmin R, Elkhalil A
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