期刊文献 > Mol Biol Cell期刊 选择月份
2023 Sep (2)
2023 Aug (4)
2023 Jul (2)
2023 Jun (1)
2023 May (2)
1. The Arf-GAP Age2 localizes to the late-Golgi via a conserved amphipathic helix.
Mol Biol Cell
2023 Sep 6
Manzer KM, Fromme JC.
2. Intermediate filament dysregulation in astrocytes in the human disease model of KLHL16 mutation in giant axonal neuropathy (GAN).
Mol Biol Cell
2023 Sep 6
Battaglia R, Faridounnia M, Beltran A
3. Exploring the consequences of redirecting an exocytic Rab onto endocytic vesicles.
Mol Biol Cell
2023 May 1
Li X, Liu D, Griffis E
4. Distinct Aurora B pools at the inner centromere and kinetochore have different contributions to meiotic and mitotic chromosome segregation.
Mol Biol Cell
2023 May 1
Cairo G, Greiwe C, Jung GI
5. Woronin body hitchhiking on early endosomes is dispensable for septal localization in Aspergillus nidulans.
Mol Biol Cell
2023 Jun 1
Songster LD, Bhuyan D, Christensen JR
6. Microtubule competition and cell growth recenter the nucleus after anaphase in fission yeast.
Mol Biol Cell
2023 Jul 1
Bellingham-Johnstun K, Thorn A, Belmonte JM
7. Polychaetoid/ZO-1 strengthens cell junctions under tension while localizing differently than core adherens junction proteins.
Mol Biol Cell
2023 Jul 1
Peifer M, Schmidt A, Finegan T
8. Nucleolar structure connects with global nuclear organization.
Mol Biol Cell
2023 Aug 23
Wang C, Ma H, Baserga SJ
9. Design principles of Cdr2 node patterns in fission yeast cells.
Mol Biol Cell
2023 Aug 23
Opalko H, Geng S, Hall AR
10. Membrane binding of endocytic myosin-1s is inhibited by a class of ankyrin repeat proteins.
Mol Biol Cell
2023 Aug 2
Willet AH, Chen JS, Ren L
11. FARL-11 (STRIP1/2) is required for sarcomere and sarcoplasmic reticulum organization in C. elegans.
Mol Biol Cell
2023 Aug 1
Martin SCT, Qadota H, Oberhauser AF
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