期刊文献 > Microb Biotechnol期刊 选择月份
2023 Aug (12)
2023 Jul (8)
2023 Jun (3)
2023 May (2)
2023 Apr (1)
20 2 (92)
1. Weaponising microbes for peace.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Anand S, Hallsworth JE, Timmis J
2. Structure-activity relationships of antibacterial peptides.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Ciulla MG, Gelain F.
3. Fighting polymicrobial biofilms in bacterial vaginosis.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Sousa LGV, Pereira SA, Cerca N.
4. An electrogenetic toggle switch model.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Grozinger L, Heidrich E, Goñi-Moreno Á.
5. Food systems microbiome-related educational needs.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Olmo R, Wetzels SU, Berg G
6. Opportunities and obstacles in microbial synthesis of metal nanoparticles.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Carmona M, Poblete-Castro I, Rai M
7. Marinobacter: A case study in bioelectrochemical chassis evaluation.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Bird LJ, Mickol RL, Eddie BJ
8. Scientific novelty beyond the experiment.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Hallsworth JE, Udaondo Z, Pedrós-Alió C
9. Living electronics: A catalogue of engineered living electronic components.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Atkinson JT, Chavez MS, Niman CM
10. Derivation of the multiply-branched ergot alkaloid pathway of fungi.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Panaccione DG.
11. Towards the microbial home: An overview of developments in next-generation sustainable architecture.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Armstrong R.
12. Novel antimicrobial strategies to treat multi-drug resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Douglas EJA, Wulandari SW, Lovell SD
13. Allotropy of selenium nanoparticles: Colourful transition, synthesis, and biotechnological applications.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Ruiz-Fresneda MA, Staicu LC, Lazuén-López G
14. Production of biofuels from C(1) -gases with Clostridium and related bacteria-Recent advances.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Fernández-Blanco C, Robles-Iglesias R, Naveira-Pazos C
15. Fundamental insights in early-stage inclusion body formation.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Kopp J, Bayer B, Slouka C
16. Towards the diversification of lactococcal starter and non-starter species in mesophilic dairy culture systems.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Mahony J, Bottacini F, van Sinderen D.
17. Recent advances in producing food additive L-malate: Chassis, substrate, pathway, fermentation regulation and application.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Ding Q, Ye C.
18. A MAD7-based genome editing system for Escherichia coli.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Mund M, Weber W, Degreif D
19. A model industrial workhorse: Bacillus subtilis strain 168 and its genome after a quarter of a century.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Bremer E, Calteau A, Danchin A
20. Climate change is not just global warming: Multidimensional impacts on animal gut microbiota.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Williams CE, Williams CL, Logan ML.
21. Sensing preferences for prokaryotic solute binding protein families.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Cerna-Vargas JP, Sánchez-Romera B, Matilla MA
22. Modes-of-action of antifungal compounds: Stressors and (target-site-specific) toxins, toxicants, or toxin-stressors.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Noel D, Hallsworth JE, Gelhaye E
23. (Poly)phosphate biotechnology: Envisaged contributions to a sustainable P future.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Blank LM.
24. Will tomorrow's mineral materials be grown?
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Cosmidis J.
25. Microbe-Anode Interactions: Comparing the impact of genetic and material engineering approaches to improve the performance of microbial electrochemical systems (MES).
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Klein EM, Knoll MT, Gescher J.
26. The microbial landscape in bioturbated mangrove sediment: A resource for promoting nature-based solutions for mangroves.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Booth JM, Fusi M, Marasco R
27. Mechanisms of iron homeostasis in Pseudomonas aeruginosa and emerging therapeutics directed to disrupt this vital process.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Sánchez-Jiménez A, Marcos-Torres FJ, Llamas MA.
28. Nanohaloarchaea as beneficiaries of xylan degradation by haloarchaea.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
La Cono V, Messina E, Reva O
29. Delineation of a lactococcal conjugation system reveals a restriction-modification evasion system.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Ortiz Charneco G, Kelleher P, Buivydas A
30. Rio Tinto as a niche for acidophilus enzymes of industrial relevance.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Daddaoua A, Álvarez C, Oggerin M
31. Crosstalk between Pseudomonas aeruginosa antibiotic resistance and virulence mediated by phenylethylamine.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Muñoz-Cazalla A, Martínez JL, Laborda P.
32. Novel genetic modules encoding high-level antibiotic-free protein expression in probiotic lactobacilli.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Dey S, Blanch-Asensio M, Balaji Kuttae S
33. Microbial photoelectrosynthesis: Feeding purple phototrophic bacteria electricity to produce bacterial biomass.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Manchon C, Muniesa-Merino F, Llorente M
34. Metabolic engineering of thermophilic Bacillus methanolicus for riboflavin overproduction from methanol.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Klein VJ, Brito LF, Perez-Garcia F
35. Cell-to-cell non-conjugative plasmid transfer between Bacillus subtilis and lactic acid bacteria.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Morawska LP, Kuipers OP.
36. Surface layer proteins in species of the family Lactobacillaceae.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Palomino MM, Allievi MC, Gordillo TB
37. Unlocking the strength of inducible promoters in Gram-negative bacteria.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Carrillo Rincón AF, Farny NG.
38. Biofilm formation on the surface of monazite and xenotime during bioleaching.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
van Alin A, Corbett MK, Fathollahzadeh H
39. Optimization of the molecular diagnosis of the acute hepatitis E virus infection.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Lopez-Lopez P, Frias M, Perez-Jimenez AB
40. Improving the catalytic activity of a detergent-compatible serine protease by rational design.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Wang X, Qin X, Tong L
41. 3D printing of microbial communities: A new platform for understanding and engineering microbiomes.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Krishna Kumar R, Foster KR.
42. The emerging role of auxins as bacterial signal molecules: Potential biotechnological applications.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Krell T, Gavira JA, Roca A
43. Rewiring the respiratory pathway of Lactococcus lactis to enhance extracellular electron transfer.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Gu L, Xiao X, Zhao G
44. NADH dehydrogenases drive inward electron transfer in Shewanella oneidensis MR-1.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Tefft NM, Ford K, TerAvest MA.
45. Screening of natural phenazine producers for electroactivity in bioelectrochemical systems.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Franco A, Elbahnasy M, Rosenbaum MA.
46. Salicylic acid promotes terpenoid synthesis in the fungi Sanghuangporus baumii.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Wang X, Sun J, Wang S
47. Identification of the EH CRISPR-Cas9 system on a metagenome and its application to genome engineering.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Esquerra-Ruvira B, Baquedano I, Ruiz R
48. Self-demise of soft rot bacteria by activation of microbial predators by pectin-based carriers.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Sason G, Yedidia I, Nussinovitch A
49. Three unrelated chemoreceptors provide Pectobacterium atrosepticum with a broad-spectrum amino acid sensing capability.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Velando F, Matilla MA, Zhulin IB
50. Endophytic Penicillium species secretes mycophenolic acid that inhibits the growth of phytopathogenic fungi.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Azar N, Liarzi O, Zavitan M
51. Microbial hydrogen cycling in agricultural systems - plant beneficial or detrimental?
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Islam ZF, Greening C, Hu HW.
52. Enhancing electrical outputs of the fuel cells with Geobacter sulferreducens by overexpressing nanowire proteins.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Wang Z, Hu Y, Dong Y
53. Rapid culture-independent loop-mediated isothermal amplification detection of antimicrobial resistance markers from environmental water samples.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Hassan MM, van Vliet AHM, Higgins O
54. Acetobacter pasteurianus BP2201 alleviates alcohol-induced hepatic and neuro-toxicity and modulate gut microbiota in mice.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Wen X, Wang Z, Liu Q
55. Improving the performance of bioelectrochemical sulfate removal by applying flow mode.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Dai S, Harnisch F, Bin-Hudari MS
56. Viral infections at the animal-human interface-Learning lessons from the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Brüssow H.
57. A short-chain carbonyl reductase mutant is an efficient catalyst in the production of (R)-1,3-butanediol.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Guo X, Gao Y, Liu F
58. Improving growth properties of Corynebacterium glutamicum by implementing an iron-responsive protocatechuate biosynthesis.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Thoma F, Appel C, Russ D
59. Engineering resource allocation in artificially minimized cells: Is genome reduction the best strategy?
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Marquez-Zavala E, Utrilla J.
60. Overflow metabolism at the thermodynamic limit of life: How carboxydotrophic acetogens mitigate carbon monoxide toxicity.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Allaart MT, Diender M, Sousa DZ
61. Saccharomyces cerevisiae responds similarly to co-culture or to a fraction enriched in Metschnikowia pulcherrima extracellular vesicles.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Mejias-Ortiz M, Mencher A, Morales P
62. Peptide MSI-1 inhibited MCR-1 and regulated outer membrane vesicles to combat immune evasion of Escherichia coli.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Ye X, Wang J, Xu P
63. Diamonds in the rough: Dryland microorganisms are ecological engineers to restore degraded land and mitigate desertification.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Marasco R, Ramond JB, Van Goethem MW
64. Enhancing tellurite and selenite bioconversions by overexpressing a methyltransferase from Aromatoleum sp. CIB.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Alonso-Fernandes E, Fernández-Llamosas H, Cano I
65. Left-Right-Position, party affiliation and regional differences explain low COVID-19 vaccination rates in Germany.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Jäckle S, Timmis JK.
66. First-in-human application of double-stranded RNA bacteriophage in the treatment of pulmonary Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Li L, Zhong Q, Zhao Y
67. Regulation of indole-3-acetic acid biosynthesis and consequences of auxin production deficiency in Serratia plymuthica.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Rico-Jiménez M, Muñoz-Mira S, Lomas-Martínez C
68. Pandemic potential of poxviruses: From an ancient killer causing smallpox to the surge of monkeypox.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Brüssow H.
69. Herbicolin A production and its modulation by quorum sensing in a Pantoea agglomerans rhizobacterium bioactive against a broad spectrum of plant-pathogenic fungi.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Matilla MA, Evans TJ, Martín J
70. MiGut: A scalable in vitro platform for simulating the human gut microbiome-Development, validation and simulation of antibiotic-induced dysbiosis.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Davis Birch WA, Moura IB, Ewin DJ
71. Modelling the physiological status of yeast during wine fermentation enables the prediction of secondary metabolism.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Moimenta AR, Henriques D, Minebois R
72. Development of genetic tools for heterologous protein expression in a pentose-utilizing environmental isolate of Pseudomonas putida.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Gauttam R, Eng T, Zhao Z
73. The influence of H(2) partial pressure on biogenic palladium nanoparticle production assessed by single-cell ICP-mass spectrometry.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Law CKY, Bolea-Fernandez E, Liu T
74. Abelmoschus Manihot ameliorates the levels of circulating metabolites in diabetic nephropathy by modulating gut microbiota in non-obese diabetes mice.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Shi R, Tao Y, Tang H
75. Identification of Nocardia and non-tuberculous Mycobacterium species by MALDI-TOF MS using the VITEK MS coupled to IVD and RUO databases.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Rodríguez-Temporal D, Zvezdánova ME, Benedí P
76. The core genome evolution of Lactobacillus crispatus as a driving force for niche competition in the human vaginal tract.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Tarracchini C(#), Argentini C(#), Alessandri G
77. Clinical evaluation of polymerase chain reaction coupled with quantum dot fluorescence analysis in the identification of bacteria and yeasts in patients with suspected bloodstream infections.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Li J, Fan W, Zou X
78. Patent landscape analysis-Contributing to the identification of technology trends and informing research and innovation funding policy.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
van Rijn T, Timmis JK.
79. Understanding the role of GRE3 in the erythritol biosynthesis pathway in Saccharomyces uvarum and its implication in osmoregulation and redox homeostasis.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Albillos-Arenal S, Minebois R, Querol A
80. Discovery of a bifunctional xylanolytic enzyme with arabinoxylan arabinofuranohydrolase-d3 and endo-xylanase activities and its application in the hydrolysis of cereal arabinoxylans.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Wang R, Zhang Y, Liu L
81. Exosomes released by Brucella-infected macrophages inhibit the intracellular survival of Brucella by promoting the polarization of M1 macrophages.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Wang Y, Li H, Xu Z
82. Developing a metabolic model-based fed-batch feeding strategy for Pichia pastoris fermentation through fine-tuning of the methanol utilization pathway.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Boojari MA, Rajabi Ghaledari F, Motamedian E
83. Revealing the role of the rhizosphere microbiota in reproductive growth for fruit productivity when inorganic fertilizer is partially replaced by organic fertilizer in pear orchard fields.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Shi CH, Wang XQ, Jiang S
84. Comparison of the colonization ability of Burkholderia strain B23 in the citrus rhizoplane and rhizosphere and assessment of the underlying mechanisms using full-length 16S rDNA amplicon and metatranscriptomic analyses.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Wang Y, Duan S, Xu J
85. Study of the persistence and dynamics of recombinant mCherry-producing Yarrowia lipolytica strains in the mouse intestine using fluorescence imaging.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Madzak C, Poiret S, Salomé Desnoulez S
86. Extensive identification of serum metabolites related to microbes in different gut locations and evaluating their associations with porcine fatness.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Liu Q, He M, Zeng Z
87. Engineered probiotics Clostridium butyricum-pMTL007-GLP-1 improves blood pressure via producing GLP-1 and modulating gut microbiota in spontaneous hypertension rat models.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Wang XL, Chen WJ, Jin R
88. Bursts in biosynthetic gene cluster transcription are accompanied by surges of natural compound production in the myxobacterium Sorangium sp.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Boldt J, Lukoševičiūtė L, Fu C
89. Production of selenium nanoparticles occurs through an interconnected pathway of sulphur metabolism and oxidative stress response in Pseudomonas putida KT2440.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Avendaño R, Muñoz-Montero S, Rojas-Gätjens D
90. De novo design of the global transcriptional factor Cra-regulated promoters enables highly sensitive glycolysis flux biosensor for dynamic metabolic control.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Zhu Y, Gao H, Zhang J
91. Universal two-dimensional labelled probe-mediated melting curve analysis based on multiplex PCR for rapid typing of Plasmodium in a single closed tube.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
Xu H, Sun Y, Zhang X
92. Impacts of abiotic factors on the fungal communities of 'Honeycrisp' apples in Canada.
Microb Biotechnol
20 2 3
McLaughlin MS, Yurgel SN, Abbasi PA
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