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2023 Sep (12)
2023 Aug (32)
2023 Jul (26)
2023 Jun (30)
2023 May (32)
2023 Apr (23)
2023 Mar (29)
2023 Feb (24)
1. ZFP92, a KRAB domain zinc finger protein enriched in pancreatic islets, binds to B1/Alu SINE transposable elements and regulates retroelements and genes.
PLoS Genet
2023 May 8
Osipovich AB, Dudek KD, Trinh LT
2. Genetic variation in chromatin state across multiple tissues in Drosophila melanogaster.
PLoS Genet
2023 May 5
Huynh K, Smith BR, Macdonald SJ
3. XRN2 suppresses aberrant entry of tRNA trailers into argonaute in humans and Arabidopsis.
PLoS Genet
2023 May 5
Wilson B, Su Z, Kumar P
4. Bacillus subtilis encodes a discrete flap endonuclease that cleaves RNA-DNA hybrids.
PLoS Genet
2023 May 5
Lowder FC, Simmons LA.
5. On the causes of gene-body methylation variation in Arabidopsis thaliana.
PLoS Genet
2023 May 4
Pisupati R, Nizhynska V, Mollá Morales A
6. Structural variation underlies functional diversity at methyl salicylate loci in tomato.
PLoS Genet
2023 May 4
Sapkota M, Pereira L, Wang Y
7. Characterization of a pathway of genomic instability induced by R-loops and its regulation by topoisomerases in E. coli.
PLoS Genet
2023 May 4
Brochu J, Vlachos-Breton É, Irsenco D
8. Interacting bactofilins impact cell shape of the MreB-less multicellular Rhodomicrobium vannielii.
PLoS Genet
2023 May 31
Richter P, Melzer B, Müller FD.
9. Sex modifies the effect of genetic risk scores for polycystic ovary syndrome on metabolic phenotypes.
PLoS Genet
2023 May 31
Actkins KV, Jean-Pierre G, Aldrich MC
10. Changes in locus wide repression underlie the evolution of Drosophila abdominal pigmentation.
PLoS Genet
2023 May 3
Méndez-González ID, Williams TM, Rebeiz M.
11. Evolutionary trade-off and mutational bias could favor transcriptional over translational divergence within paralog pairs.
PLoS Genet
2023 May 26
Aubé S, Nielly-Thibault L, Landry CR.
12. Hsp90 mutants with distinct defects provide novel insights into cochaperone regulation of the folding cycle.
PLoS Genet
2023 May 25
Mercier R, Yama D, LaPointe P
13. Transcriptome-wide gene-gene interaction associations elucidate pathways and functional enrichment of complex traits.
PLoS Genet
2023 May 22
Evans LM, Arehart CH, Grotzinger AD
14. Canonical correlation analysis for multi-omics: Application to cross-cohort analysis.
PLoS Genet
2023 May 22
Jiang MZ, Aguet F, Ardlie K
15. Pbp1 associates with Puf3 and promotes translation of its target mRNAs involved in mitochondrial biogenesis.
PLoS Genet
2023 May 22
van de Poll F, Sutter BM, Acoba MG
16. Taste and pheromonal inputs govern the regulation of time investment for mating by sexual experience in male Drosophila melanogaster.
PLoS Genet
2023 May 22
Lee SG, Sun D, Miao H
17. Arabidopsis FIN219/JAR1 interacts with phytochrome A under far-red light and jasmonates in regulating hypocotyl elongation via a functional demand manner.
PLoS Genet
2023 May 22
Jiang HW, Peng KC, Hsu TY
18. Functional analysis of three new alpha-thalassemia deletions involving MCS-R2 reveals the presence of an additional enhancer element in the 5' boundary region.
PLoS Genet
2023 May 22
Capasso S, Cardiero G, Musollino G
19. Correction: Suppression of class I compensated cell enlargement by xs2 mutation is mediated by salicylic acid signaling.
PLoS Genet
2023 May 19
Fujikura U, Ezaki K, Horiguchi G
20. Functional screening of lysosomal storage disorder genes identifies modifiers of alpha-synuclein neurotoxicity.
PLoS Genet
2023 May 18
Yu M, Ye H, De-Paula RB
21. Combining Mendelian randomization and network deconvolution for inference of causal networks with GWAS summary data.
PLoS Genet
2023 May 18
Lin Z, Xue H, Pan W.
22. Changing course: Glucose starvation drives nuclear accumulation of Hexokinase 2 in S. cerevisiae.
PLoS Genet
2023 May 17
Lesko MA, Chandrashekarappa DG, Jordahl EM
23. Paths to adaptation under fluctuating nitrogen starvation: The spectrum of adaptive mutations in Saccharomyces cerevisiae is shaped by retrotransposons and microhomology-mediated recombination.
PLoS Genet
2023 May 16
Hays M, Schwartz K, Schmidtke DT
24. Hydrophobic cue-induced appressorium formation depends on MoSep1-mediated MoRgs7 phosphorylation and internalization in Magnaporthe oryzae.
PLoS Genet
2023 May 15
Xu J, Liu X, Zhang W
25. Rab8, Rab11, and Rab35 coordinate lumen and cilia formation during zebrafish left-right organizer development.
PLoS Genet
2023 May 15
Aljiboury AA, Ingram E, Krishnan N
26. Evolution, persistence, and host adaption of a gonococcal AMR plasmid that emerged in the pre-antibiotic era.
PLoS Genet
2023 May 15
Yee WX, Yasir M, Turner AK
27. Regulation by cyclic di-GMP attenuates dynamics and enhances robustness of bimodal curli gene activation in Escherichia coli.
PLoS Genet
2023 May 15
Lamprecht O, Ratnikava M, Jacek P
28. The molecular mechanism for carbon catabolite repression of the chitin response in Vibrio cholerae.
PLoS Genet
2023 May 12
Green VE, Klancher CA, Yamamoto S
29. TORC1 regulation of dendrite regrowth after pruning is linked to actin and exocytosis.
PLoS Genet
2023 May 11
Sanal N, Keding L, Gigengack U
30. Integration of a multi-omics stem cell differentiation dataset using a dynamical model.
PLoS Genet
2023 May 11
van den Berg PR, Bérenger-Currias NMLP, Budnik B
31. Substrate-specific effects of natural genetic variation on proteasome activity.
PLoS Genet
2023 May 1
Collins MA, Avery R, Albert FW.
32. The MOV10 RNA helicase is a dosage-dependent host restriction factor for LINE1 retrotransposition in mice.
PLoS Genet
2023 May 1
Guan Y, Gao H, Leu NA
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