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2021 Jul (18)
2021 Apr (11)
1. Hemicellulolytic enzymes in lignocellulose processing.
Essays Biochem
2023 Apr 18
Østby H, Várnai A.
2. N-glycan breakdown by bacterial CAZymes.
Essays Biochem
2023 Apr 18
Crouch LI.
3. Enzyme synergy for plant cell wall polysaccharide degradation.
Essays Biochem
2023 Apr 18
Khamassi A, Dumon C.
4. Gut bacterial alginate degrading enzymes.
Essays Biochem
2023 Apr 18
Rønne ME, Madsen M, Tandrup T
5. The interplay between lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases and glycoside hydrolases.
Essays Biochem
2023 Apr 18
Sørlie M, Keller MB, Westh P.
6. Structure and function of microbial α-l-fucosidases: a mini review.
Essays Biochem
2023 Apr 18
Wu H, Owen CD, Juge N.
7. Mannuronate C-5 epimerases and their use in alginate modification.
Essays Biochem
2023 Apr 18
Petersen AB, Tøndervik A, Gaardløs M
8. Glycoside hydrolases active on microbial exopolysaccharide α-glucans: structures and function.
Essays Biochem
2023 Apr 18
Miyazaki T.
9. Effect of multimodularity and spatial organization of glycoside hydrolases on catalysis.
Essays Biochem
2023 Apr 18
Barba-Cedillo V, Montanier CY.
10. O-Mucin-degrading carbohydrate-active enzymes and their possible implication in inflammatory bowel diseases.
Essays Biochem
2023 Apr 18
Labourel A, Parrou JL, Deraison C
11. A special issue of Essays in Biochemistry on current advances about CAZymes and their impact and key role in human health and environment.
Essays Biochem
2023 Apr 18
Czjzek M, Ficko-Blean E, Berrin JG.
12. In silico modelling of the function of disease-related CAZymes.
Essays Biochem
2023 Apr 18
Nin-Hill A, Piniello B, Rovira C.
13. Carbohydrate esterases involved in deacetylation of food components by the human gut microbiota.
Essays Biochem
2023 Apr 18
La Rosa SL, Lindstad LJ, Westereng B.
14. Enzymatic systems for carbohydrate utilization and biosynthesis in Xanthomonas and their role in pathogenesis and tissue specificity.
Essays Biochem
2023 Apr 18
Giuseppe PO, Bonfim IM, Murakami MT.
15. Glycosyltransferase family 47 (GT47) proteins in plants and animals.
Essays Biochem
2023 Apr 14
Zhang L, Prabhakar PK, Bharadwaj VS
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