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2021 Apr (11)
1. Charge detection mass spectrometry for the analysis of viruses and virus-like particles.
Essays Biochem
2022 Sep 5
Miller LM, Jarrold MF.
2. Evolution of resistance (R) gene specificity.
Essays Biochem
2022 Sep 30
Märkle H, Saur IML, Stam R.
3. Apoplastic and vascular defences.
Essays Biochem
2022 Sep 30
Darino M, Kanyuka K, Hammond-Kosack KE.
4. Transcriptional regulation of plant innate immunity.
Essays Biochem
2022 Sep 30
Aerts N, Chhillar H, Ding P(#)
5. Receptor-mediated nonhost resistance in plants.
Essays Biochem
2022 Sep 30
Oh S, Choi D.
6. Concerted actions of PRR- and NLR-mediated immunity.
Essays Biochem
2022 Sep 30
Rhodes J(#), Zipfel C, Jones JDG
7. Indirect recognition of pathogen effectors by NLRs.
Essays Biochem
2022 Sep 30
Ao K, Li X.
8. Plant immunity by damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs).
Essays Biochem
2022 Sep 30
De Lorenzo G, Cervone F.
9. NLR receptor networks in plants.
Essays Biochem
2022 Sep 30
Adachi H, Kamoun S.
10. Unconventional R proteins in the botanical tribe Triticeae.
Essays Biochem
2022 Sep 30
Athiyannan N, Aouini L, Wang Y
11. New molecules in plant defence against pathogens.
Essays Biochem
2022 Sep 30
Eccleston L, Brambilla A, Vlot AC.
12. Salicylic acid and jasmonic acid crosstalk in plant immunity.
Essays Biochem
2022 Sep 30
Hou S, Tsuda K.
13. Molecular plant immunity against biotrophic, hemibiotrophic, and necrotrophic fungi.
Essays Biochem
2022 Sep 30
McCombe CL, Greenwood JR, Solomon PS
14. Immune priming in plants: from the onset to transgenerational maintenance.
Essays Biochem
2022 Sep 30
Cooper A, Ton J.
15. Systemic acquired resistance-associated transport and metabolic regulation of salicylic acid and glycerol-3-phosphate.
Essays Biochem
2022 Sep 30
Kachroo A, Liu H, Yuan X
16. Direct recognition of pathogen effectors by plant NLR immune receptors and downstream signalling.
Essays Biochem
2022 Sep 30
Chen J, Zhang X, Rathjen JP
17. Harnessing adult-plant resistance genes to deploy durable disease resistance in crops.
Essays Biochem
2022 Sep 30
Dinglasan E, Periyannan S, Hickey LT.
18. What's new in protein kinase/phosphatase signalling in the control of plant immunity?
Essays Biochem
2022 Sep 30
Erickson J, Weckwerth P, Romeis T
19. Volatile uptake, transport, perception, and signaling shape a plant's nose.
Essays Biochem
2022 Sep 30
Wang L, Erb M.
20. Insight into the structure and molecular mode of action of plant paired NLR immune receptors.
Essays Biochem
2022 Sep 30
Xi Y, Cesari S, Kroj T.
21. Knowing me, knowing you: Self and non-self recognition in plant immunity.
Essays Biochem
2022 Sep 30
Ge D(#), Yeo IC(#), Shan L.
22. Show me your ID: NLR immune receptors with integrated domains in plants.
Essays Biochem
2022 Sep 30
Marchal C(#), Michalopoulou VA(#), Zou Z
23. Interplay between phytohormone signalling pathways in plant defence - other than salicylic acid and jasmonic acid.
Essays Biochem
2022 Sep 30
Gilroy E, Breen S.
24. Astrocytes in memory formation and maintenance.
Essays Biochem
2022 Sep 23
Bohmbach K(#), Henneberger C(#), Hirrlinger J(#).
25. WNT signaling and cancer stemness.
Essays Biochem
2022 Sep 16
Katoh M, Katoh M.
26. Biomechanics of cancer stem cells.
Essays Biochem
2022 Sep 16
Chen X, Tang K, Li X
27. Oncofetal proteins and cancer stem cells.
Essays Biochem
2022 Sep 16
Yan Q(#), Fang X(#), Li C
28. Targeting protein kinases in cancer stem cells.
Essays Biochem
2022 Sep 16
Chu CN, Lee TKW.
29. CRISPR screening in cancer stem cells.
Essays Biochem
2022 Sep 16
Wang B, Wong ASL.
30. IDH mutation and cancer stem cell.
Essays Biochem
2022 Sep 16
Zhang Y, Liu Y, Lang F
31. Panoramic view of microRNAs in regulating cancer stem cells.
Essays Biochem
2022 Sep 16
Zhao Y, Wei D, Zhang Y
32. A special issue of Essays in Biochemistry on cancer stem cells.
Essays Biochem
2022 Sep 16
Ying F, Lee TKW.
33. Mechanisms of resistance to tyrosine kinase inhibitors in liver cancer stem cells and potential therapeutic approaches.
Essays Biochem
2022 Sep 16
Man KF, Ma S.
34. Stochastic population dynamics of cancer stemness and adaptive response to therapies.
Essays Biochem
2022 Sep 16
Jain P, Duddu AS, Jolly MK.
35. Lipids and the cancer stemness regulatory system in acute myeloid leukemia.
Essays Biochem
2022 Sep 16
Lim INX, Nagree MS, Xie SZ.
36. Prostate cancer as a dedifferentiated organ: androgen receptor, cancer stem cells, and cancer stemness.
Essays Biochem
2022 Sep 16
Liu X, Li WJ, Puzanov I
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