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2021 Apr (11)
1. Biochemistry: one molecule at a time.
Essays Biochem
2021 Apr 16
Gruszka DT.
2. DNA hybridisation kinetics using single-molecule fluorescence imaging.
Essays Biochem
2021 Apr 16
Andrews R.
3. Nanopores: a versatile tool to study protein dynamics.
Essays Biochem
2021 Apr 16
Schmid S, Dekker C.
4. Label-free, mass-sensitive single-molecule imaging using interferometric scattering microscopy.
Essays Biochem
2021 Apr 16
Hundt N.
5. From folding to function: complex macromolecular reactions unraveled one-by-one with optical tweezers.
Essays Biochem
2021 Apr 16
Heidarsson PO, Cecconi C.
6. Modelling single-molecule kinetics of helicase translocation using high-resolution nanopore tweezers (SPRNT).
Essays Biochem
2021 Apr 16
Craig JM, Laszlo AH, Nova IC
7. Biology on track: single-molecule visualisation of protein dynamics on linear DNA substrates.
Essays Biochem
2021 Apr 16
Kaur G, Spenkelink LM.
8. Integrating single-molecule FRET and biomolecular simulations to study diverse interactions between nucleic acids and proteins.
Essays Biochem
2021 Apr 16
Sanders JC, Holmstrom ED.
9. Studying chromosome biology with single-molecule resolution in Xenopus laevis egg extracts.
Essays Biochem
2021 Apr 16
Cameron G, Yardimci H.
10. Challenges of analysing stochastic gene expression in bacteria using single-cell time-lapse experiments.
Essays Biochem
2021 Apr 16
Hardo G, Bakshi S.
11. Single-molecule optical genome mapping in nanochannels: multidisciplinarity at the nanoscale.
Essays Biochem
2021 Apr 16
Jeffet J(#), Margalit S(#), Michaeli Y
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