期刊文献 > Cell Mol Life Sci期刊 选择月份
2023 Sep (12)
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2023 May (32)
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2022 May (62)
2022 Apr (49)
2022 Mar (54)
2022 Feb (50)
2022 Jan (59)
2021 Dec (53)
1. Lysine deserts prevent adventitious ubiquitylation of ubiquitin-proteasome components.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2023 May 9
Kampmeyer C(#), Grønbæk-Thygesen M(#), Oelerich N
2. Darwin's agential materials: evolutionary implications of multiscale competency in developmental biology.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2023 May 8
Levin M.
3. Peptide aptamer targeting Aβ-PrP-Fyn axis reduces Alzheimer's disease pathologies in 5XFAD transgenic mouse model.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2023 May 7
Ali T(#), Klein AN(#), Vu A
4. Proteomics analysis of prefrontal cortex of Alzheimer's disease patients revealed dysregulated proteins in the disease and novel proteins associated with amyloid-β pathology.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2023 May 7
Montero-Calle A, Coronel R, Garranzo-Asensio M
5. Neuronal progenitors of the dentate gyrus express the SARS-CoV-2 cell receptor during migration in the developing human hippocampus.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2023 May 7
Hernandez-Lopez JM(#), Hernandez-Medina C(#), Medina-Corvalan C
6. Microglial P2X4 receptors promote ApoE degradation and contribute to memory deficits in Alzheimer's disease.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2023 May 5
Hua J, Garcia de Paco E, Linck N
7. Cell density-dependent membrane distribution of ganglioside GM3 in melanoma cells.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2023 May 30
Murate M, Yokoyama N, Tomishige N
8. Intestinal infection triggers mitochondria-mediated α-synuclein pathology: relevance to Parkinson's disease.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2023 May 30
D Magalhães J, Candeias E, Melo-Marques I
9. Tumor cell-intrinsic and tumor microenvironmental conditions co-determine signaling by the glycoimmune checkpoint receptor Siglec-7.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2023 May 30
van Houtum EJH, Kers-Rebel ED, Looman MW
10. TRIM21 ameliorates hepatic glucose and lipid metabolic disorders in type 2 diabetes mellitus by ubiquitination of PEPCK1 and FASN.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2023 May 30
Zhang K(#), Yang C(#), Zhou X(#)
11. TREM2 promotes cholesterol uptake and foam cell formation in atherosclerosis.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2023 May 3
Guo X(#), Li B(#), Wen C
12. G6PD activation in TNBC cells induces macrophage recruitment and M2 polarization to promote tumor progression.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2023 May 27
Li Y, Han X, Lin Z
13. Generation of nanobodies acting as silent and positive allosteric modulators of the α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2023 May 25
Li Q, Nemecz Á, Aymé G
14. The summating potential polarity encodes the ear health condition.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2023 May 24
Hakizimana P.
15. The role of blood flow in vessel remodeling and its regulatory mechanism during developmental angiogenesis.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2023 May 23
Wen L, Yan W, Zhu L
16. Poly (ADP-ribose) polymerases 16 triggers pathological cardiac hypertrophy via activating IRE1α-sXBP1-GATA4 pathway.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2023 May 23
Su H, Xu J, Su Z
17. Biased activation of the receptor tyrosine kinase HER2.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2023 May 20
Catapano C, Rahm JV, Omer M
18. Excessive iron inhibits insulin secretion via perturbing transcriptional regulation of SYT7 by OGG1.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2023 May 20
Zhao X, Ma Y, Shi M
19. Phosphorylation of STAT3 at Tyr705 contributes to TFEB-mediated autophagy-lysosomal pathway dysfunction and leads to ischemic injury in rats.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2023 May 20
Liu Y, Che X, Yu X
20. In vivo secondary structural analysis of Influenza A virus genomic RNA.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2023 May 2
Mirska B, Woźniak T, Lorent D
21. Dietary intake of α-ketoglutarate ameliorates α-synuclein pathology in mouse models of Parkinson's disease.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2023 May 19
Zhang W(#), Ding L(#), Zhang M(#)
22. Tetraspanin Tspan8 restrains interferon signaling to stabilize intestinal epithelium by directing endocytosis of interferon receptor.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2023 May 19
Min J, Yang S(#), Cai Y(#)
23. CSNK1D-mediated phosphorylation of HNRNPA2B1 induces miR-25-3p/miR-93-5p maturation to promote prostate cancer cell proliferation and migration through m(6)A-dependent manner.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2023 May 19
Qi F(#), Shen W(#), Wei X(#)
24. Serine-arginine protein kinases and their targets in viral infection and their inhibition.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2023 May 17
Zheng K, Ren Z, Wang Y.
25. The C-terminal 32-mer fragment of hemoglobin alpha is an amyloidogenic peptide with antimicrobial properties.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2023 May 17
Olari LR, Bauer R, Gil Miró M
26. BBOF1 is required for sperm motility and male fertility by stabilizing the flagellar axoneme in mice.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2023 May 17
Cao H(#), Xu H(#), Zhou Y(#)
27. Neurofilament accumulations in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients' motor neurons impair axonal initial segment integrity.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2023 May 15
Lefebvre-Omar C, Liu E, Dalle C
28. Development of VHL-recruiting STING PROTACs that suppress innate immunity.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2023 May 14
Zhu Z(#), Johnson RL(#), Zhang Z
29. The pathogenesis of common Gjb2 mutations associated with human hereditary deafness in mice.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2023 May 13
Li Q(#), Cui C(#), Liao R(#)
30. Single-cell molecular profiling using ex vivo functional readouts fuels precision oncology in glioblastoma.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2023 May 12
Panovska D, Nazari P, Cole B
31. Injury activated alveolar progenitors (IAAPs): the underdog of lung repair.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2023 May 11
Chong L(#), Ahmadvand N(#), Noori A
32. MicroRNA regulation of phenotypic transformations in vascular smooth muscle: relevance to vascular remodeling.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2023 May 10
Wang G(#), Luo Y(#), Gao X
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