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2023 Sep (12)
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2022 Jul (69)
2022 Jun (58)
2022 May (62)
2022 Apr (49)
2022 Mar (54)
2022 Feb (50)
2022 Jan (59)
2021 Dec (53)
1. EIF4A3-induced circFIP1L1 represses miR-1253 and promotes radiosensitivity of nasopharyngeal carcinoma.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2022 Jun 9
Zhou X, Yuan G, Wu Y
2. Upregulation of MDH1 acetylation by HDAC6 inhibition protects against oxidative stress-derived neuronal apoptosis following intracerebral hemorrhage.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2022 Jun 9
Wang M(#), Zhou C(#), Yu L
3. The protective effect of selenoprotein M on non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: the role of the AMPKα1-MFN2 pathway and Parkin mitophagy.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2022 Jun 9
Cai J, Huang J, Yang J
4. Comparative interactome analysis of the PRE DNA-binding factors: purification of the Combgap-, Zeste-, Psq-, and Adf1-associated proteins.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2022 Jun 9
Chetverina D, Vorobyeva NE, Mazina MY
5. Recirculating Foxp3(+) regulatory T cells are restimulated in the thymus under Aire control.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2022 Jun 9
Charaix J(#), Borelli A(#), Santamaria JC
6. Microencapsulation-based cell therapies.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2022 Jun 8
Marikar SN, El-Osta A, Johnston A
7. Inhibition of ALG3 stimulates cancer cell immunogenic ferroptosis to potentiate immunotherapy.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2022 Jun 8
Liu P, Lin C, Liu Z
8. Biological aspects in controlling angiogenesis: current progress.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2022 Jun 7
Akbarian M, Bertassoni LE, Tayebi L.
9. Circulating SSEA-1(+) stem cell-mediated tissue repair in allergic airway inflammation.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2022 Jun 7
Chiu CJ, Liao CC, Hsu YH
10. Loss of core-fucosylation of SPARC impairs collagen binding and contributes to COPD.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2022 Jun 7
Wu TJ, Wang SH, Chen ES
11. Potential neuroprotective effect of stem cells from apical papilla derived extracellular vesicles enriched by lab-on-chip approach during retinal degeneration.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2022 Jun 7
Hadady H, Karamali F, Ejeian F
12. SETD2: from chromatin modifier to multipronged regulator of the genome and beyond.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2022 Jun 6
Molenaar TM, van Leeuwen F.
13. Early human trophoblast development: from morphology to function.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2022 Jun 5
Gauster M, Moser G, Wernitznig S
14. Tip-end fusion of a rod-shaped secretory organelle.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2022 Jun 4
Naß J(#), Koerdt SN(#), Biesemann A(#)
15. Glycation of α-synuclein hampers its binding to synaptic-like vesicles and its driving effect on their fusion.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2022 Jun 4
Uceda AB, Frau J, Vilanova B
16. Contact-dependent signaling triggers tumor-like proliferation of CCM3 knockout endothelial cells in co-culture with wild-type cells.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2022 Jun 4
Rath M(#), Schwefel K(#), Malinverno M
17. HGprt deficiency disrupts dopaminergic circuit development in a genetic mouse model of Lesch-Nyhan disease.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2022 Jun 4
Witteveen JS, Loopstok SR, Ballesteros LL
18. BRD2 interconnects with BRD3 to facilitate Pol II transcription initiation and elongation to prime promoters for cell differentiation.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2022 Jun 4
Wang C(#), Xu Q(#), Zhang X
19. Essential role of CK2α for the interaction and stability of replication fork factors during DNA synthesis and activation of the S-phase checkpoint.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2022 Jun 4
Guerra B(#), Doktor TK(#), Frederiksen SB
20. HIF-1-dependent heme synthesis promotes gemcitabine resistance in human non-small cell lung cancers via enhanced ABCB6 expression.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2022 Jun 4
Xiang L, Wang Y, Lan J
21. EWI2 prevents EGFR from clustering and endocytosis to reduce tumor cell movement and proliferation.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2022 Jun 30
Fu C(#), Wang J(#), Pallikkuth S
22. Integrating intracellular nanovesicles into integrin trafficking pathways and beyond.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2022 Jun 3
Larocque G, Royle SJ.
23. Brain proteome profiling implicates the complement and coagulation cascade in multiple system atrophy brain pathology.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2022 Jun 3
Rydbirk R(#), Østergaard O(#), Folke J
24. Transcription factor networks in trophoblast development.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2022 Jun 3
Papuchova H, Latos PA.
25. Vitamin K1 inhibits ferroptosis and counteracts a detrimental effect of phenprocoumon in experimental acute kidney injury.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2022 Jun 28
Kolbrink B(#), von Samson-Himmelstjerna FA(#), Messtorff ML
26. Maternal gut microbiota Bifidobacterium promotes placental morphogenesis, nutrient transport and fetal growth in mice.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2022 Jun 28
Lopez-Tello J(#), Schofield Z(#), Kiu R
27. Single-cell RNA-sequencing of zebrafish hair cells reveals novel genes potentially involved in hearing loss.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2022 Jun 26
Qian F(#), Wei G(#), Gao Y(#)
28. Modelling human placental villous development: designing cultures that reflect anatomy.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2022 Jun 26
James JL, Lissaman A, Nursalim YNS
29. The distinct phenotype of primary adipocytes and adipocytes derived from stem cells of white adipose tissue as assessed by Raman and fluorescence imaging.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2022 Jun 25
Stanek E, Pacia MZ, Kaczor A
30. LINC00313 facilitates osteosarcoma carcinogenesis and metastasis through enhancing EZH2 mRNA stability and EZH2-mediated silence of PTEN expression.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2022 Jun 25
Xing CY, Zhang YZ, Hu W
31. Effects of pH alterations on stress- and aging-induced protein phase separation.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2022 Jun 24
Jin X(#), Zhou M(#), Chen S
32. Can the administration of platelet lysates to the brain help treat neurological disorders?
Cell Mol Life Sci
2022 Jun 24
Nebie O, Buée L, Blum D
33. Persistent Escherichia coli infection in renal tubular cells enhances calcium oxalate crystal-cell adhesion by inducing ezrin translocation to apical membranes via Rho/ROCK pathway.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2022 Jun 24
Kanlaya R, Thongboonkerd V.
34. Bidirectional regulation of synaptic SUMOylation by Group 1 metabotropic glutamate receptors.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2022 Jun 23
Pronot M, Poupon G, Pizzamiglio L
35. Coupled fibromodulin and SOX2 signaling as a critical regulator of metastatic outgrowth in melanoma.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2022 Jun 23
Oria VO, Zhang H, Zito CR
36. miRNA-486-5p: signaling targets and role in non-malignant disease.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2022 Jun 22
Douvris A, Viñas J, Burns KD.
37. Inhibition of myostatin and related signaling pathways for the treatment of muscle atrophy in motor neuron diseases.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2022 Jun 21
Abati E(#), Manini A(#), Comi GP
38. Mitochondrial FAD shortage in SLC25A32 deficiency affects folate-mediated one-carbon metabolism.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2022 Jun 21
Peng MZ(#), Shao YX(#), Li XZ(#)
39. Neuronal microRNAs safeguard ER Ca(2+) homeostasis and attenuate the unfolded protein response upon stress.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2022 Jun 21
Paschou M, Papazafiri P, Charalampous C
40. Mitofusins: from mitochondria to fertility.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2022 Jun 20
Zhao S(#), Heng N(#), Wang H
41. Historical and current perspectives on blood endothelial cell heterogeneity in the brain.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2022 Jun 20
Matsuoka RL, Buck LD, Vajrala KP
42. Sulfavant A as the first synthetic TREM2 ligand discloses a homeostatic response of dendritic cells after receptor engagement.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2022 Jun 20
Gallo C(#), Manzo E(#), Barra G(#)
43. SHANK3 deficiency leads to myelin defects in the central and peripheral nervous system.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2022 Jun 20
Malara M(#), Lutz AK(#), Incearap B
44. Plant mitochondrial FMT and its mammalian homolog CLUH controls development and behavior in Arabidopsis and locomotion in mice.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2022 Jun 2
Ralevski A, Apelt F, Olas JJ
45. Reciprocal regulation of Daxx and PIK3CA promotes colorectal cancer cell growth.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2022 Jun 19
Huang YS, Wu CC, Chang CC
46. Restricting α-synuclein transport into mitochondria by inhibition of α-synuclein-VDAC complexation as a potential therapeutic target for Parkinson's disease treatment.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2022 Jun 19
Rajendran M, Queralt-Martín M, Gurnev PA(#)
47. Mechanisms of chronic alcohol exposure-induced aggressiveness in cellular model of HCC and recovery after alcohol withdrawal.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2022 Jun 17
Marié C, Fouquet G, Courtois A
48. Preclinical models of epithelial ovarian cancer: practical considerations and challenges for a meaningful application.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2022 Jun 16
Ciucci A(#), Buttarelli M(#), Fagotti A
49. Infection of lung megakaryocytes and platelets by SARS-CoV-2 anticipate fatal COVID-19.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2022 Jun 16
Zhu A(#), Real F(#), Capron C
50. Mechanisms that regulate the activities of TET proteins.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2022 Jun 15
Joshi K(#), Liu S(#), Breslin S J P
51. Overexpression of laminin-5 gamma-2 promotes tumorigenesis of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma through EGFR/ERK1/2/AKT/mTOR cascade.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2022 Jun 14
Kirtonia A, Pandey AK, Ramachandran B
52. Melatonin drugs inhibit SARS-CoV-2 entry into the brain and virus-induced damage of cerebral small vessels.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2022 Jun 13
Cecon E(#), Fernandois D(#), Renault N(#)
53. Role of tertiary lymphoid organs in the regulation of immune responses in the periphery.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2022 Jun 11
Bery AI, Shepherd HM, Li W
54. Phenazine derivatives attenuate the stemness of breast cancer cells through triggering ferroptosis.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2022 Jun 11
Yang Y(#), Lu Y(#), Zhang C
55. Environment-mediated mutagenetic interference on genetic stabilization and circadian rhythm in plants.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2022 Jun 10
Nidhi, Kumar P, Pathania D
56. Oxidative stress response pathways in fungi.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2022 Jun 1
Yaakoub H(#), Mina S(#), Calenda A
57. Impact of IL-21-associated peripheral and brain crosstalk on the Alzheimer's disease neuropathology.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2022 Jun 1
Agrawal S, Baulch JE, Madan S
58. Consequences of the Hsp110DE9 mutation in tumorigenesis and the 5-fluorouracil-based chemotherapy response in Msh2-deficient mice.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2022 Jun 1
Noel K, Bokhari A', Bertrand R
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