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2023 Sep (12)
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2021 Dec (53)
1. The origin of brain malignancies at the blood-brain barrier.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2023 Sep 9
McDonald B, Barth K(#), Schmidt MHH(#).
2. Functions of the RIP kinase family members in the skin.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2023 Sep 9
Urwyler-Rösselet C, Tanghe G, Devos M
3. Energetics and dynamics of the proton shuttle of carbonic anhydrase II.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2023 Sep 9
Raum HN, Fisher SZ, Weininger U.
4. Metformin induces tolerogenicity of dendritic cells by promoting metabolic reprogramming.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2023 Sep 9
Liu X, Yu P, Xu Y
5. Synapses do not facilitate prion-like transfer of alpha-synuclein: a quantitative study in reconstructed unidirectional neural networks.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2023 Sep 9
Courte J, Le NA, Pan T
6. Identification of sodium channel toxins from marine cone snails of the subgenera Textilia and Afonsoconus.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2023 Sep 9
McMahon KL(#), O'Brien H(#), Schroeder CI
7. Cyclin D1-Cdk4 regulates neuronal activity through phosphorylation of GABAA receptors.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2023 Sep 8
Pedraza N(#), Monserrat MV(#), Ferrezuelo F
8. The ubiquitin specific protease 7 stabilizes HPV16E7 to promote HPV-mediated carcinogenesis.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2023 Sep 8
Xia C, Xiao C, Luk HY
9. The proper interplay between the expression of Spo11 splice isoforms and the structure of the pseudoautosomal region promotes XY chromosomes recombination.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2023 Sep 8
Giannattasio T, Testa E, Faieta M
10. Human myofibroblasts increase the arrhythmogenic potential of human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2023 Sep 5
Johnson RD, Lei M, McVey JH
11. Tensin-3 is involved in osteogenic versus adipogenic fate of human bone marrow stromal cells.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2023 Sep 5
Zhang S, van de Peppel J, Koedam M
12. Upregulation of HDAC9 in hippocampal neurons mediates depression-like behaviours by inhibiting ANXA2 degradation.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2023 Sep 10
Dai Y(#), Wei T(#), Huang Y(#)
13. Lysine deserts prevent adventitious ubiquitylation of ubiquitin-proteasome components.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2023 May 9
Kampmeyer C(#), Grønbæk-Thygesen M(#), Oelerich N
14. Darwin's agential materials: evolutionary implications of multiscale competency in developmental biology.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2023 May 8
Levin M.
15. Peptide aptamer targeting Aβ-PrP-Fyn axis reduces Alzheimer's disease pathologies in 5XFAD transgenic mouse model.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2023 May 7
Ali T(#), Klein AN(#), Vu A
16. Proteomics analysis of prefrontal cortex of Alzheimer's disease patients revealed dysregulated proteins in the disease and novel proteins associated with amyloid-β pathology.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2023 May 7
Montero-Calle A, Coronel R, Garranzo-Asensio M
17. Neuronal progenitors of the dentate gyrus express the SARS-CoV-2 cell receptor during migration in the developing human hippocampus.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2023 May 7
Hernandez-Lopez JM(#), Hernandez-Medina C(#), Medina-Corvalan C
18. Microglial P2X4 receptors promote ApoE degradation and contribute to memory deficits in Alzheimer's disease.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2023 May 5
Hua J, Garcia de Paco E, Linck N
19. Cell density-dependent membrane distribution of ganglioside GM3 in melanoma cells.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2023 May 30
Murate M, Yokoyama N, Tomishige N
20. Intestinal infection triggers mitochondria-mediated α-synuclein pathology: relevance to Parkinson's disease.
Cell Mol Life Sci
2023 May 30
D Magalhães J, Candeias E, Melo-Marques I
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