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1. Magnetic Soft Materials and Robots.
Chem Rev
2022 Mar 9
Kim Y, Zhao X.
2. Ultrasound-Responsive Systems as Components for Smart Materials.
Chem Rev
2022 Mar 9
Athanassiadis AG, Ma Z, Moreno-Gomez N
3. Hydrogen-Bonded Supramolecular Liquid Crystal Polymers: Smart Materials with Stimuli-Responsive, Self-Healing, and Recyclable Properties.
Chem Rev
2022 Mar 9
Lugger SJD, Houben SJA, Foelen Y
4. Exchangeable Liquid Crystalline Elastomers and Their Applications.
Chem Rev
2022 Mar 9
Saed MO, Gablier A, Terentjev EM.
5. Chemical and Biomolecular Strategies for STING Pathway Activation in Cancer Immunotherapy.
Chem Rev
2022 Mar 23
Garland KM, Sheehy TL, Wilson JT.
6. Intrinsically Disordered Proteins: Critical Components of the Wetware.
Chem Rev
2022 Mar 23
Kulkarni P, Bhattacharya S, Achuthan S
7. Heterogeneous Trimetallic Nanoparticles as Catalysts.
Chem Rev
2022 Mar 23
Crawley JWM, Gow IE, Lawes N
8. Rare Earth Starting Materials and Methodologies for Synthetic Chemistry.
Chem Rev
2022 Mar 23
Ortu F.
9. Conformational Dynamics of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins Regulate Biomolecular Condensate Chemistry.
Chem Rev
2022 Mar 23
Abyzov A, Blackledge M, Zweckstetter M.
10. Rational Design of Photocatalysts for Controlled Polymerization: Effect of Structures on Photocatalytic Activities.
Chem Rev
2022 Mar 23
Wu C, Corrigan N, Lim CH
11. Replacement of Less-Preferred Dipolar Aprotic and Ethereal Solvents in Synthetic Organic Chemistry with More Sustainable Alternatives.
Chem Rev
2022 Mar 23
Jordan A, Hall CGJ, Thorp LR
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