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20 2 (4)
1. Latent factor model for multivariate functional data.
2023 Sep 4
Li R, Xiao L.
2. Regression-based multiple treatment effect estimation under covariate-adaptive randomization.
2023 Sep 12
Gu Y, Liu H, Ma W.
3. Pathological imaging-assisted cancer gene-environment interaction analysis.
2023 May 3
Fang K, Li J, Zhang Q
4. Correcting for bias due to mismeasured exposure history in longitudinal studies with continuous outcomes.
2023 May 24
Cai J, Zhang N, Zhou X
5. Instability of inverse probability weighting methods and a remedy for nonignorable missing data.
2023 May 23
Li P, Qin J, Liu Y.
6. Group variable selection for the Cox model with interval-censored failure time data.
2023 May 21
Wu Y, Zhao H, Sun J.
7. Imputation-based Q-learning for optimizing dynamic treatment regimes with right-censored survival outcome.
2023 May 2
Lyu L, Cheng Y, Wahed AS.
8. An accelerated failure time regression model for illness-death data: A frailty approach.
2023 May 17
Kats L, Gorfine M.
9. A case study of glucose levels during sleep using multilevel fast function on scalar regression inference.
2023 May 15
Sergazinov R, Leroux A, Cui E
10. Latent deformation models for multivariate functional data and time-warping separability.
2023 Mar 6
Carroll C, Müller HG.
11. A synthetic data integration framework to leverage external summary-level information from heterogeneous populations.
2023 Mar 6
Gu T, Taylor JMG, Mukherjee B.
12. Covariate-adjusted response-adaptive designs based on semiparametric approaches.
2023 Mar 4
Zhu H, Zhu H.
13. Identifying and estimating effects of sustained interventions under parallel trends assumptions.
2023 Mar 29
Renson A, Hudgens MG, Keil AP
14. Estimation of time-specific intervention effects on continuously distributed time-to-event outcomes by targeted maximum likelihood estimation.
2023 Mar 29
Rytgaard HCW, Eriksson F, van der Laan MJ.
15. Detecting the spatial clustering of exposure-response relationships with estimation error: a novel spatial scan statistic.
2023 Mar 25
Wang W, Li S, Zhang T
16. An efficient data integration scheme for synthesizing information from multiple secondary datasets for the parameter inference of the main analysis.
2023 Mar 24
Chen C, Wang M, Chen S.
17. Supervised convex clustering.
2023 Mar 23
Wang M, Yao T, Allen GI.
18. Longitudinal incremental propensity score interventions for limited resource settings.
2023 Mar 21
Sarvet AL, Wanis KN, Young JG
19. Nonparametric failure time: Time-to-event machine learning with heteroskedastic Bayesian additive regression trees and low information omnibus Dirichlet process mixtures.
2023 Mar 18
Sparapani RA, Logan BR, Maiers MJ
20. Information criteria for detecting change-points in the Cox proportional hazards model.
2023 Mar 13
Ozaki R, Ninomiya Y.
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