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1. Online tree expansion could help solve the problem of scalability in Bayesian phylogenetics.
Syst Biol
2023 Jul 27
Truszkowski J, Perrigo A, Broman D
2. The Artefactual Branch Effect and Phylogenetic Conflict: Species Delimitation with Gene Flow in Mangrove Pit Vipers (Trimeresurus purpureomaculatus-erythrurus complex).
Syst Biol
2023 Jul 21
Chan KO, Mulcahy DG, Anuar S.
3. The non-dereliction in evolution: Trophic specialisation drives convergence in the radiation of red devil spiders (Araneae: Dysderidae) in the Canary Islands.
Syst Biol
2023 Jul 20
Bellvert A, Adrián-Serrano S, Macías-Hernández N
4. Scalable Bayesian divergence time estimation with ratio transformations.
Syst Biol
2023 Jul 17
Ji X, Fisher AA, Su S
5. Espalier: Efficient tree reconciliation and ARG reconstruction using maximum agreement forests.
Syst Biol
2023 Jul 17
Rasmussen DA, Guo F.
6. Nucleotide Substitution Model Selection is not Necessary for Bayesian Inference of Phylogeny with Well Behaved Priors.
Syst Biol
2023 Jul 17
Fabreti LG, Höhna S.
7. Phylogenomics reveals patterns ancient hybridization and differential diversification that contribute to phylogenetic conflict in willows, poplars, and close relatives.
Syst Biol
2023 Jul 14
Sanderson BJ, Ghambir D, Feng G
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