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1. Deep Learning from Phylogenies for Diversification Analyses.
Syst Biol
2023 Aug 9
Lambert S, Voznica J, Morlon H.
2. Compositionally Constrained Sites Drive Long-Branch Attraction.
Syst Biol
2023 Aug 7
Szánthó LL, Lartillot N, Szöllősi GJ
3. Increasing Information Content and Diagnosability in Family-Level Classifications.
Syst Biol
2023 Aug 7
Kuntner M, Čandek K, Gregorič M
4. Effect of Host-Switching on the Ecological and Evolutionary Patterns of Parasites.
Syst Biol
2023 Aug 7
D'Bastiani E, Princepe D, Marquitti FMD
5. Dispersal-Limited Symbionts Exhibit Unexpectedly Wide Variation in Host Specificity.
Syst Biol
2023 Aug 7
Matthews AE, Wijeratne AJ, Sweet AD
6. Estimation of species divergence times in presence of cross-species gene flow.
Syst Biol
2023 Aug 7
Tiley GP, Flouri T, Jiao X
7. Integrating Fossil Flowers into the Angiosperm Phylogeny Using Molecular and Morphological Evidence.
Syst Biol
2023 Aug 7
López-Martínez AM, Schönenberger J, von Balthazar M
8. Identifying Climatic Drivers of Hybridization with a New Ancestral Niche Reconstruction Method.
Syst Biol
2023 Aug 7
Folk RA, Gaynor ML, Engle-Wrye NJ
9. Rtapas: An R Package to Assess Cophylogenetic Signal between Two Evolutionary Histories.
Syst Biol
2023 Aug 7
Llaberia-Robledillo M, Lucas-Lledó JI, Pérez-Escobar OA
10. Impacts of Taxon-Sampling Schemes on Bayesian Tip Dating Under the Fossilized Birth-Death Process.
Syst Biol
2023 Aug 7
Luo A, Zhang C, Zhou QS
11. Hybridization and Transgressive Evolution Generate Diversity in an Adaptive Radiation of Anolis Lizards.
Syst Biol
2023 Aug 7
Wogan GOU, Yuan ML, Mahler DL
12. A Cautionary Note on "A Cautionary Note on the Use of Ornstein Uhlenbeck Models in Macroevolutionary Studies".
Syst Biol
2023 Aug 7
Grabowski M, Pienaar J, Voje KL
13. Complex Patterns of Diversification in the Gray Zone of Speciation: Model-Based Approaches Applied to Patagonian Liolaemid Lizards (Squamata: Liolaemus kingii clade).
Syst Biol
2023 Aug 7
Sánchez KI, Diaz Huesa EG, Breitman MF
14. Consilience Across Multiple, Independent Genomic Data Sets Reveals Species in a Complex with Limited Phenotypic Variation.
Syst Biol
2023 Aug 7
Wootton LM, Forest F, Verboom GA.
15. Mitochondrial Genome Evolution in Annelida-A Systematic Study on Conservative and Variable Gene Orders and the Factors Influencing its Evolution.
Syst Biol
2023 Aug 7
Struck TH, Golombek A, Hoesel C
16. Species Delimitation, Phylogenomics, and Biogeography of Sulawesi Flying Lizards: A Diversification History Complicated by Ancient Hybridization, Cryptic Species, and Arrested Speciation.
Syst Biol
2023 Aug 7
Mcguire JA, Huang X, Reilly SB
17. Speciation-by-Extinction.
Syst Biol
2023 Aug 5
Seeholzer GF, Brumfield RT.
18. Skyline fossilized birth-death model is robust to violations of sampling assumptions in total-evidence dating.
Syst Biol
2023 Aug 22
Zhang C, Ronquist F, Stadler T.
19. The Cauchy Process on Phylogenies: a Tractable Model for Pulsed Evolution.
Syst Biol
2023 Aug 21
Bastide P, Didier G.
20. How important is budding speciation for comparative studies?
Syst Biol
2023 Aug 16
Caetano DS, Quental TB.
21. Multiple Routes to Color Convergence in a Radiation of Neotropical Poison Frogs.
Syst Biol
2023 Aug 10
Twomey E, Melo-Sampaio P, Schulte LM
22. Burma Terrane Amber Fauna Shows Connections to Gondwana and Transported Gondwanan Lineages to the Northern Hemisphere (Araneae: Palpimanoidea).
Syst Biol
2023 Aug 1
Wood HM, Wunderlich J.
23. Populating a Continent: Phylogenomics Reveal the Timing of Australian Frog Diversification.
Syst Biol
2023 Aug 1
Brennan IG, Lemmon AR, Lemmon EM
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