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1. Estimating Global Biodiversity: the Role of Cryptic Insect Species.
Syst Biol
2022 Oct 27
Li X, Wiens JJ.
2. A Phylogenomic Backbone for Gastropod Molluscs.
Syst Biol
2022 Oct 12
Uribe JE, González VL, Irisarri I
3. A Genomic Perspective on the Evolutionary Diversification of Turtles.
Syst Biol
2022 Oct 12
Gable SM, Byars MI, Literman R
4. An Efficient Coalescent Epoch Model for Bayesian Phylogenetic Inference.
Syst Biol
2022 Oct 12
Bouckaert RR.
5. Comparing Partitioned Models to Mixture Models: Do Information Criteria Apply?
Syst Biol
2022 Oct 12
Crotty SM, Holland BR.
6. Protracted Speciation under the State-Dependent Speciation and Extinction Approach.
Syst Biol
2022 Oct 12
Hua X, Herdha T, Burden CJ.
7. Divergent Processes Drive Parallel Evolution in Marine and Freshwater Fishes.
Syst Biol
2022 Oct 12
Friedman ST, Collyer ML, Price SA
8. A Linear Time Solution to the Labeled Robinson-Foulds Distance Problem.
Syst Biol
2022 Oct 12
Briand S, Dessimoz C, El-Mabrouk N
9. Analyzing Phylogenetic Trees with a Tree Lattice Coordinate System and a Graph Polynomial.
Syst Biol
2022 Oct 12
Liu P, Biller P, Gould M
10. Bayesian Analyses of Comparative Data with the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Model: Potential Pitfalls.
Syst Biol
2022 Oct 12
Cornuault J.
11. The Occurrence Birth-Death Process for Combined-Evidence Analysis in Macroevolution and Epidemiology.
Syst Biol
2022 Oct 12
Andréoletti J, Zwaans A, Warnock RCM
12. Stabilized Morphological Evolution of Spiders Despite Mosaic Changes in Foraging Ecology.
Syst Biol
2022 Oct 12
Wolff JO, Wierucka K, Paterno GB
13. Species Tree Estimation and the Impact of Gene Loss Following Whole-Genome Duplication.
Syst Biol
2022 Oct 12
Xiong H, Wang D, Shao C
14. Macroevolutionary Analyses Provide New Evidence of Phasmid Wings Evolution as a Reversible Process.
Syst Biol
2022 Oct 12
Forni G, Martelossi J, Valero P
15. Assessing Bayesian Phylogenetic Information Content of Morphological Data Using Knowledge From Anatomy Ontologies.
Syst Biol
2022 Oct 12
Porto DS, Dahdul WM, Lapp H
16. Towards Large-Scale Integrative Taxonomy (LIT): Resolving the Data Conundrum for Dark Taxa.
Syst Biol
2022 Oct 12
Hartop E, Srivathsan A, Ronquist F
17. Fast Likelihood Calculations for Automatic Identification of Macroevolutionary Rate Heterogeneity in Continuous and Discrete Traits.
Syst Biol
2022 Oct 12
Grundler MC, Rabosky DL, Zapata F.
18. Phylogenomics of Scorpions Reveal Contemporaneous Diversification of Scorpion Mammalian Predators and Mammal-Active Sodium Channel Toxins.
Syst Biol
2022 Oct 12
Santibáñez-López CE, Aharon S, Ballesteros JA
19. Wallacean and Melanesian Islands Promote Higher Rates of Diversification within the Global Passerine Radiation Corvides.
Syst Biol
2022 Oct 12
McCullough JM, Oliveros CH, Benz BW
20. Combining Species Delimitation, Species Trees, and Tests for Gene Flow Clarifies Complex Speciation in Scrub-Jays.
Syst Biol
2022 Oct 12
DeRaad DA, McCormack JE, Chen N
21. Detecting and Removing Sample Contamination in Phylogenomic Data: An Example and its Implications for Cicadidae Phylogeny (Insecta: Hemiptera).
Syst Biol
2022 Oct 12
Owen CL, Marshall DC, Wade EJ
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