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2021 Jan (15)
1. Evaluating the Impact of Anatomical Partitioning on Summary Topologies Obtained with Bayesian Phylogenetic Analyses of Morphological Data.
Syst Biol
2022 Dec 6
Casali DM, Freitas FV, Perini FA.
2. Linking ecological specialization to its macroevolutionary consequences: An example with passerine nest type.
Syst Biol
2022 Dec 29
Zenil-Ferguson R, McEntee JP, Burleigh JG
3. Performance of AIC and BIC in Selecting Partition Models and Mixture Models.
Syst Biol
2022 Dec 28
Liu Q, Charleston MA, Richards SA
4. Model Selection Performance in Phylogenetic Comparative Methods Under Multivariate Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Models of Trait Evolution.
Syst Biol
2022 Dec 28
Bartoszek K, Gonzalez JF, Mitov V
5. Phylogenomics Reveals that Mitochondrial Capture and Nuclear Introgression Characterizes Skua Species Proposed to be of Hybrid Origin.
Syst Biol
2022 Dec 22
Mikkelsen EK, Weir JT.
6. Phylogenomics of the Ancient and Species-Depauperate Gars Tracks 150 Million Years of Continental Fragmentation in the Northern Hemisphere.
Syst Biol
2022 Dec 20
Brownstein CD, Yang L, Friedman M
7. Power of Bayesian and heuristic tests to detect cross-species introgression with reference to gene flow in the Tamias quadrivittatus group of North American chipmunks.
Syst Biol
2022 Dec 12
Ji J, Jackson DJ, Leaché AD
8. The phylogenetic limits to diversity-dependent diversification.
Syst Biol
2022 Dec 1
Etienne RS, Haegeman B, Dugo-Cota Á
9. Both diet and sociality affect primate brain-size evolution.
Syst Biol
2022 Dec 1
Grabowski M, Kopperud BT, Tsuboi M
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