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1. Phylogenomic Insights into the Origin of Primary Plastids.
Syst Biol
2021 Dec 16
Irisarri I, Strassert JFH, Burki F.
2. Novel Integrative Modeling of Molecules and Morphology across Evolutionary Timescales.
Syst Biol
2021 Dec 16
Ogilvie HA, Mendes FK, Vaughan TG
3. Unifying Phylogenetic Birth-Death Models in Epidemiology and Macroevolution.
Syst Biol
2021 Dec 16
MacPherson A, Louca S, McLaughlin A
4. Color Polymorphism is a Driver of Diversification in the Lizard Family Lacertidae.
Syst Biol
2021 Dec 16
Brock KM, McTavish EJ, Edwards DL.
5. Are Skyline Plot-Based Demographic Estimates Overly Dependent on Smoothing Prior Assumptions?
Syst Biol
2021 Dec 16
Parag KV, Pybus OG, Wu CH.
6. Accelerated Diversification Explains the Exceptional Species Richness of Tropical Characoid Fishes.
Syst Biol
2021 Dec 16
Melo BF, Sidlauskas BL, Near TJ
7. Phylogenomic Species Delimitation Dramatically Reduces Species Diversity in an Antarctic Adaptive Radiation.
Syst Biol
2021 Dec 16
Parker E, Dornburg A, Struthers CD
8. Novel Tests of the Key Innovation Hypothesis: Adhesive Toepads in Arboreal Lizards.
Syst Biol
2021 Dec 16
Miller AH, Stroud JT.
9. Ecological Opportunity from Innovation, not Islands, Drove the Anole Lizard Adaptive Radiation.
Syst Biol
2021 Dec 16
Burress ED, Muñoz MM.
10. Empirical and Methodological Challenges to the Model-Based Inference of Diversification Rates in Extinct Clades.
Syst Biol
2021 Dec 16
Černý D, Madzia D, Slater GJ.
11. Fossil-Informed Models Reveal a Boreotropical Origin and Divergent Evolutionary Trajectories in the Walnut Family (Juglandaceae).
Syst Biol
2021 Dec 16
Zhang Q, Ree RH, Salamin N
12. Analysis of Paralogs in Target Enrichment Data Pinpoints Multiple Ancient Polyploidy Events in Alchemilla s.l. (Rosaceae).
Syst Biol
2021 Dec 16
Morales-Briones DF, Gehrke B, Huang CH
13. Phylogenomic Analysis Reveals Dispersal-Driven Speciation and Divergence with Gene Flow in Lesser Sunda Flying Lizards (Genus Draco).
Syst Biol
2021 Dec 16
Reilly SB, Stubbs AL, Arida E
14. Phylogenomic Analysis of Concatenated Ultraconserved Elements Reveals the Recent Evolutionary Radiation of the Fairy Wrasses (Teleostei: Labridae: Cirrhilabrus).
Syst Biol
2021 Dec 16
Tea YK, Xu X, DiBattista JD
15. Delayed Adaptive Radiation among New Zealand Stream Fishes: Joint Estimation of Divergence Time and Trait Evolution in a Newly Delineated Island Species Flock.
Syst Biol
2021 Dec 16
Thacker CE, Shelley JJ, McCraney WT
16. Gene Flow Increases Phylogenetic Structure and Inflates Cryptic Species Estimations: A Case Study on Widespread Philippine Puddle Frogs (Occidozyga laevis).
Syst Biol
2021 Dec 16
Chan KO, Hutter CR, Wood PL
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