期刊文献 > Math Biosci期刊 选择月份
2023 Sep (2)
2023 Aug (1)
2023 Feb (1)
2023 Jan (2)
20 2 (32)
1. Inflammation propagation modeled as a reaction-diffusion wave.
Math Biosci
2023 Sep 9
El Hajj W, El Khatib N, Volpert V.
2. On the treatment of melanoma: A mathematical model of oncolytic virotherapy.
Math Biosci
2023 Sep 3
Ramaj T, Zou X.
3. A new lipid-structured model to investigate the opposing effects of LDL and HDL on atherosclerotic plaque macrophages.
Math Biosci
2023 Jan 28
Chambers KL, Myerscough MR, Byrne HM.
4. Metabolic blood flow regulation in a hybrid model of the human retinal microcirculation.
Math Biosci
2023 Jan 23
Albright A, Fry BC, Verticchio A
5. A mathematical model of protein subunits COVID-19 vaccines.
Math Biosci
2023 Feb 9
Gholami S, Korosec CS, Farhang-Sardroodi S
6. A two-galectin network establishes mesenchymal condensation phenotype in limb development.
Math Biosci
2023 Aug 4
Glimm T, Kaźmierczak B, Newman SA
7. Coupling dynamics of 2D Notch-Delta signalling.
Math Biosci
20 2 3
Berkemeier F, Page KM.
8. The lost art of mathematical modelling.
Math Biosci
20 2 3
Gyllingberg L, Birhane A, Sumpter DJT.
9. A multi-scale simulation of retinal physiology.
Math Biosci
20 2 3
Abuelnasr B, Stinchcombe AR.
10. The reinfection threshold, revisited.
Math Biosci
20 2 3
Magpantay FMG, Mao J, Ren S
11. Challenges in cybersecurity: Lessons from biological defense systems.
Math Biosci
20 2 3
Schrom E, Kinzig A, Forrest S
12. Demand-induced regime shift in fishery: A mathematical perspective.
Math Biosci
20 2 3
Bairagi N, Bhattacharya S, Sarkar B.
13. Applying a multi-strain dengue model to epidemics data.
Math Biosci
20 2 3
de Araújo RGS, Jorge DCP, Dorn RC
14. Rate-limiting recovery processes in neurotransmission under sustained stimulation.
Math Biosci
20 2 3
Ernst A, Unger N, Schütte C
15. Reduced model for female endocrine dynamics: Validation and functional variations.
Math Biosci
20 2 3
Graham EJ, Elhadad N, Albers D.
16. Mobility and the spatial spread of sars-cov-2 in Belgium.
Math Biosci
20 2 3
Rollier M, Miranda GHB, Vergeynst J
17. Stationary status of discrete and continuous age-structured population models.
Math Biosci
20 2 3
Srinivasa Rao ASR, Carey JR.
18. Critical assessment of the impact of vaccine-type and immunity on the burden of COVID-19.
Math Biosci
20 2 3
Taboe HB, Asare-Baah M, Iboi EA
19. Global dynamics of a compartmental model to assess the effect of transmission from deceased.
Math Biosci
20 2 3
Barua S, Dénes A.
20. Topological data analysis of antibody dynamics of severe and non-severe patients with COVID-19.
Math Biosci
20 2 3
Blanco-Rodríguez R, Ordoñez-Jiménez F, Almocera AES
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