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1. Reference genome of the Virginia rail, Rallus limicola.
J Hered
2023 Jun 22
Hall LA, Wang IJ, Escalona M
2. Reference genome of the long-jawed orb-weaver, Tetragnatha versicolor (Araneae: Tetragnathidae).
J Hered
2023 Jun 22
Adams SA, Graham NR, Holmquist AJ
3. Reference genome for the American rubyspot damselfly, Hetaerina americana.
J Hered
2023 Jun 22
Grether GF, Beninde J, Beraut E
4. Where to draw the line? Expanding the delineation of conservation units to highly mobile taxa.
J Hered
2023 Jun 22
Turbek SP, Funk WC, Ruegg KC.
5. Genetic rescue remains underused for aiding recovery of federally listed vertebrates in the United States.
J Hered
2023 Jun 22
Fitzpatrick SW, Mittan-Moreau C, Miller M
6. Reference genome of an iconic lizard in western North America, Blainville's horned lizard Phrynosoma blainvillii.
J Hered
2023 Jun 22
Richmond JQ, McGuire JA, Escalona M
7. Gene expression reveals immune response strategies of naïve Hawaiian honeycreepers experimentally infected with introduced avian malaria.
J Hered
2023 Jun 22
Paxton KL, Cassin-Sackett L, Atkinson CT
8. A high-quality reference genome of the kelp surfperch, Brachyistius frenatus (Embiotocidae), a wide-ranging Eastern Pacific reef fish with no pelagic larval stage.
J Hered
2023 Jun 22
Toy JA, Bernardi G.
9. Heat challenge elicits stronger physiological and gene expression responses than starvation in symbiotic Oculina arbuscula.
J Hered
2023 Jun 22
Rivera HE, Tramonte CA, Samaroo J
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